Other > Suggestions

Why to waste someny work someny peaple?

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For what waste this many summer achievements how already to transform it

transfer the np game to wp
wp is advertising such shits often in order into it to play and people are conned a traffic on the server is becoming
most probably kind of this way to advertise fonline 2238 it quite a lot new it would appear and will be enough around a few it would stay a bit so that this game revives
I don't know what principles of accepting into the protectorate on wp are I suspect around some reverence of profits from micro payments but what there to do micropayments and this way nobody normal will be smsów to send at least....

kind of this way too smsa it was possible to get Adwenced Power Armor

Such a last example of the game advertised on wp in the phase of the baby's sleeping bag and with the plenty bugs little play (because without basic mechanisms) with the hastily done micro system of the payment from which still nobody will use: P
really compared with it fonline 2238 it is an example of the stability and plauyabilty

oryginal text

Po co marnować tylu letni dorobek jak już to przekształcić

przenieście grę np na wp
wp reklamuje nieraz takie gówna żeby w to zagrać i ludzie się nabierają robi się ruch na serwerze
pewnie jakby tak rozreklamować fonline 2238 to sporo nowych by się pojawiło i wystarczy ze kilku by zostało to trochę by ożyła ta gra
nie wiem jakie są zasady przyjęcia w protektorat na wp podejrzewam ze jakąś cześć zysków z mikro płatności ale co tam zrobić mikropłatności i tak nikt normalny nie będzie smsów wysyłać chociaż ....

jakby tak za smsa można było dostać Adwenced Power Armor

Taki ostatni przykład gry reklamowanej na wp w fazie beta i z mnóstwem bugów mało grywalnej (bo bez podstawowych mechanizmów) z naprędce zrobionym systemem mikro płatności z których i tak nikt nie skorzysta :P
naprawdę w porównaniu z tym fonline to przykład stabilności i grykrywalność

Google Translator failed you I`ll try to translate into slighly less broken english.

In short MySzK is suggesting to transform the game under wings of some kind of sponsor in order to save years of hard work. He wants 2238 to act like this one - http://violetfall.pl/site/, he also suggested that the sponsor will get their money back from players thanks to the paid content(like buying APA for money.)

xsarq thenx for short translation

Based off of what xsarq said, I think that would violate copyright, if you pay to get any type of in-game content.

A Traitor:

--- Quote from: Dishonest Abe on June 09, 2013, 09:03:34 pm ---Based off of what xsarq said, I think that would violate copyright, if you pay to get any type of in-game content.

--- End quote ---
Not as s non-profit. Of course, you'd have to get rid of excess revenue at the end of the year, but that's simple enough; Cut a check to another non-profit.


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