Other > Suggestions

Why to waste someny work someny peaple?

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A Traitor has right
If you cnow how it can be walk a round
or in case of sue process probably ben in cantry wher is server ...... we invite to Poland = meny years of cort work guaranteed and verdict punishment some % from profits
its bether then nathing

Mike Crosser:

--- Quote from: MySzk on June 11, 2013, 11:09:12 pm ---A Traitor has right
If you cnow how it can be walk a round
or in case of sue process probably ben in cantry wher is server ...... we invite to Poland = meny years of cort work guaranteed and verdict punishment some % from profits
its bether then nathing

--- End quote ---
It's still illegal.

A Traitor:

--- Quote from: Mike Crosser on June 11, 2013, 11:53:03 pm ---It's still illegal.
--- End quote ---
Not as a non-/not-for-profit enterprise. Also, if there it is privet-user only, it is inherently exempt… For example, if you loaded FO/FO2/FO:T into YOUR computer, then let YOUR friends use YOUR computer, you’re beyond legal.

Regardless of being free or not, technically Bethesda as the copyright owner can come and shutdown even non-profit free projects. But most companies don't do that, if you don't give the reason to do so... So the point of not providing any payed services is just to not piss them off.

A Traitor:

--- Quote from: Mayck on June 12, 2013, 11:08:39 am ---Regardless of being free or not, technically Bethesda as the copyright owner can come and shutdown even non-profit free projects. But most companies don't do that, if you don't give the reason to do so... So the point of not providing any payed services is just to not piss them off.
--- End quote ---
Those considerations do make it… EASIER… To ignore…


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