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Author Topic: The End  (Read 163772 times)

Re: The End
« Reply #510 on: June 22, 2013, 05:49:51 pm »

The counter is just a counter... It doesn't reflect time zones...


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Re: The End
« Reply #511 on: June 22, 2013, 06:02:05 pm »

Alright then, so according to this site

I could get on around 1pm EST and it will be 7pm CEST, and 6pm my time would be midnight in Warsaw. I just really want to make sure I don't miss all the final goodbyes and whatnot.

You can assume the last hours of server will be from 18:00 CEST to ??:?? CEST (undefined hour, but not longer than until midnight CEST)
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 06:04:52 pm by JovankaB »


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Re: The End
« Reply #512 on: June 22, 2013, 06:08:51 pm »

Hello everyone!! or should i say goodbye=( Its Uhura by the way. I haven't been on for quite a while but when i heard about "the end" i had to come say a final farewell to everyone who made my fonline experience one to remember ! each individual knows the special adventures we shared and the memories we made. I want to thank a few of them =) Thank you Nic Irons, for being my first friend on fonline (besides ofc, my brother Gimper ;) and im sorry that i never sent you my files so you could stop being blind lol *wink wink*. to Kitty, for being my sister and friend. To Janet, for being an amazing sis and friend and for trusting me with secret alts xD For Mr. Oddjob, waltzing into NCR and sweeping me off my feet one day with this convo:
Oddjob: "Uhura hun, how are you doing today?"
Me: "uhmm, fine, but do i know you?"
Oddjob: " you do now;)"
lol thanks Tarzan, for the memories<3
and to Fear , for the one ":)" i finally got from him and was actually able to screenshot. thanks to Cari, for trusting me with a secret and becoming more than just more "pixels on a screen" :p it was fun while it lasted. To Gr1m for introducing me to Parov Stelar ;) To Grizzan for becoming my buddy and me becoming "his girl" for one day in ncr before i left lol. Thanks to "Aigis" for that short period being my "girl friend" lol and to Steve for making some pretty long lasting memories. Oh and i must thank Whore-igan for all his insults that somehow actually made us friends lol. a big thanks to Doc Abortion, for all that lovely rape and those insults that made me wanna choke you lol, love you Doc. thanks to Dope and friends for always giving me a reason to insult them....even though i secretly thought they were funny.../e is ashamed, oh and thanks ahead of time for all the trollish comments this is going to get from you...and to my "bebe deathclaw" and all my "doggehs" lol
now on a more serious note, Lost Soul, you dirty dog you. Im glad that after all my hard work of trying to be nice to you to show you that i wasnt like Gimper, you finally decided to be friends, even outside the game lol. 
Now the most special thanks to Nomad and his brothers=) you guys became more like a family to me, and im so glad for the friendship that came out of it. Pitcher, thanks for all of those bursts in NCR because you didnt like mine and steves roleplay xD thanks for the sneaker build that i never got to use =( Voron, thanks for sooooooo many laughs and /e spanks from certain captains. "Lt. Uhura! bring me my coffee!" lol love you and im sorry we never hunted </3. and now Nomad, where do i start. Do i start at Scotty? or do i start at your chivalrous act of killing my brother he insulted me and you didnt know who he was (lol)? or do i start at all of our amazing adventures and talks that brought us closer ? i dont know where to begin so i wont try. I'll just say thanks for your trust and loyalty and most of all a friendship that wont go away just because a game does. love you ^^

Dick McGee

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Re: The End
« Reply #513 on: June 22, 2013, 07:15:02 pm »

You can assume the last hours of server will be from 18:00 CEST to ??:?? CEST (undefined hour, but not longer than until midnight CEST)
Alright, thanks.
Re: The End
« Reply #514 on: June 22, 2013, 10:39:46 pm »

I was meant to never return to this game anyway (its because every MMO RPG is dangerous, lol, i always play too much and study too little), but i had great time here when i was playing this game, thanks to you Devs. :) thank you. i feel that nothing lasts forever, always feeling like i can go back everytime i want, and now i wont be able (even though i didnt planned to go back as i wrote) and its weird feeling. Overall, it was first game from long long time (since i was kid and playing Diablo II with my cheeks red, haha :D) that burned that gamer flame in me for few months (i remember how much free time i had and about 70% of it i used to play this game, often two decimal numbers hours of playing :D). thanks to you i felt like a kid again, it was amaizing.

I was playing since august 2010-2011 (it was really so long ago?), with 22minutes cooldown crafting and stuff. bought outpost and made Crazy88, weak faction then, but then i stopped playing for a while, LeonTheNorse took leadership and made it a big machine. it was nice time of my life, even though it was totally nerdy time :D

You, Devs, are closing some moment in history of many of us, more or less important, but we made some kind of community. You're leaving this game since few months already and probably not much interested in long time what's going on here, but: good luck at your new projects, dreams and purposes. there'll always be whiners, but dogs will always bark, and let the caravan to go it way, always!:)) huge high-five for what you did here. piece of great work. :))

R.I.P. 2238! See the remnants of the 2238 Army on TLA maybe! ;)
« Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 12:00:41 am by Wiktor_pl »
Re: The End
« Reply #515 on: June 22, 2013, 10:58:08 pm »

If that's about transparent npc(s), that was abuse trick by one of GMs. From technical point of view, it was a normal blocker item, ....
I think he meant this, not an npc..?
A scary dust ghost spotted in the Hub! Ahhhhh!

I never wanted to tell but I can admit it now that the game ends anyway, I was Dawg, the dog that ran through ncr with his 7 dog pack  :). Had a lot of fun with that concept character.. sadly I deleted him with all the others when I left the last time..
 ahbogsaget turned me into a dog after I asked nicely, the only time I ever asked something from a GM. And then he spawned away from the Hub with me and left that foggy thing...
I was always wondering what it was...


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Re: The End
« Reply #516 on: June 23, 2013, 03:18:32 am »

The chance of this happening is very, very slim... but if anyone here ever has the chance to contribute to the development some commercial game, you should definitely have some sort of easter egg in it somewhere that says "RIP 2238" or something along those lines.  ;)
Error while opening cfg file: spawnnpc.cfg
Shit! Damn admins! Always ruining my fun! I guess I'll talk to them. WITH MY FISTS!!!! No seriously, I will write them a nice email or make a thread on the forums or something. Thanks!


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Re: The End
« Reply #517 on: June 23, 2013, 03:23:44 am »

Go to Hell, infidel
Re: The End
« Reply #518 on: June 23, 2013, 04:29:00 am »

The chance of this happening is very, very slim... but if anyone here ever has the chance to contribute to the development some commercial game, you should definitely have some sort of easter egg in it somewhere that says "RIP 2238" or something along those lines.  ;)
¿Where's the "RIP Interplay" easter egg? But we'll see...
Re: The End
« Reply #519 on: June 23, 2013, 09:02:44 am »



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Re: The End
« Reply #520 on: June 23, 2013, 09:04:31 am »

It's server restart not the end. Calm down.


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Re: The End
« Reply #521 on: June 23, 2013, 10:35:44 am »

Meh, said I never come here again... See already what did this game made me? Insane addict, even server goes down forever, I will keep trying to press login... This night will be my best day on my life. I can finally forget all bad things and everything that happened on these 3 years. This time it's goodbye, no matter if it goes down or devs do trollwipe. I will be free from chains.


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Re: The End
« Reply #522 on: June 23, 2013, 11:53:15 am »

Can a dev list the special things that can be randomly found on cave floors? Is it still possible to find the dead bluesuit with ~300 caps in it (I found this one in 2010, haven't found it since)?
My RAM is still blurry, bit I think this was among the first random spawn cave loot in the scripts. It was obviously changed soon after had been introduced, in one or another "adjustment" commit. It could have been - most probably - some time around 2010.


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Re: The End
« Reply #523 on: June 23, 2013, 01:37:31 pm »

eh i'll miss fonline with the cool skins and friends :(
« Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 01:39:20 pm by Alexandrite »

May God have mercy on my enemies, because I won't.


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Re: The End
« Reply #524 on: June 23, 2013, 02:05:37 pm »

It's server restart not the end. Calm down.

What you mean?
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