Since I was never part of any of the factions, I never did TC tho. My PvP abilities were rather weak and concentrated on shooting random players that were looking for trouble or some of the latest events. Oh, and some hinkley sessions to get into it.
Still I am familiar with TC, being one of those assholes that sneaked in there to grab some loot from time to time

I can't know all about it, but still I dare make a suggestion concerning how TC could work.
This suggestion adresses the broadly discussed issue of the "idler"-feature against fast relogs in TC and also might offer an interesting alternative to how battles develop:Tactical Town Control-Each town hasn't that one area in which ground must be held, when seizing the town – instead there are several spots which need to be captured. Each of these spots has some simple object, maybe a flagpole or similar, which needs to be activated to turn the spot over to one faction. There are 3-5 such spots in a town, I'd suggest.
-These spots also partially are
respawn points at the same time, in which the fighting players directly respawn instead of the regular outbound locations, while the battle is ongoing.
-Additionally there is a defense base, which has a sealed off room that contains the rewards container as well as another respawn point. This base is located a good distance away from the other spots in the battlefield.
The purposes of these instances will be explained, so bare with me.
The attacking party, lets call them Attackers

, will have to prepare an attempt to gain control over the town in the following ways:
1. Determine which Characters will take part in the attack. Once the Attackers have started the battle,
no more characters belonging to that faction, as well as any third party players, can enter the town!2. Position at the spots that must be captured
3. Look for suitable way to place and distribute backup gear.
Then the Attackers initiate the TC and have a short time limit to capture the majority of the spots by activating the flagpoles or whatever object fits in the scenery.
As soon as the initial capturing is done the normal TC timer is switched on and the message of the Attackers attempt will be prompted globally as usual.
At that point the currently town controlling faction, let's call them Defenders

, will have to react by sending in their troops and reclaim the held spots.
Since they don't have any info on the enemies numbers, they also have to choose carefully who they send in, because they will only be allowed to send in as much players as the Attackers have.
Any further character will be denied entry as soon as Defenders numbers are equal! At that point the town map then has reached a status that is similar to closed off event maps.
Here is where the defense base described above comes in. Only Defenders have access to the respawn room with the reward chest in it.
If the Defenders are well-prepared, they have filled that safe storage with their own backup-gear before the attack.Fighting over the spots:
Attackers must activate spots and then hold that specific area.
At least one soldier must be near or else they turn over to Defenders after short timer running out automatically! Defenders must gain control over the spots to diminish respawning possibilities of Attackers.
Attackers soldiers respawn at the nearest open respawn spot that is held by Attackers at time of death.
Defenders have the comfort to respawn in defense base for the complete duration of the battle.
Instead of outfitters, there is the previously stored backup gear to re-equip, Attackers also could bring in a sneaker with high CW to keep backup gear.. In general the attackers will have to think of a good tactic to re-equip themselves on respawn, since they have no safe place to store it.
It is also allowed for Attackers to leave the map to get gear from a nearby base but that might take valuable time in which respawn spots can be lost.. Defenders however cannot leave the battlefield during battle, they only have what is in defense base and what they brought when entering!Regaining health after death:
Since this is no event, both factions will have to bring in chars with medic skills to patch up fallen soldiers!
Winning the battle:
Condition for win is to hold the majority of all open spots when the timer runs out.
Defenders can win the battle prior to timer running out by recapturing
all respawn spots so the Attackers have no more ability to respawn.
If Attackers win, the defense base gets accessible for them and closed for Defenders immediately and they can grab all the stuff from Defenders and reward chest or just keep it in there for when they will get attacked next time.
I guess the item capacity of the safe room somehow must be limited or else it will be overloaded with gear making the defending party more or less invincible to new attacks! Maybe its possible to disable item droppin on the ground in that room, so backup gear can only be put in some containers.
Remaining soldiers will most likely fiercely battle on, so respawning rules are set to winners respawn in defense base, losers get kicked to normal outbound respawn.
Any member from loser faction as well as third party characters cannot enter the town for a certain amount of time after the battle.And that' it!
Instead of sending in waves of alts we now have a fun and fast frag-fest, similar to events. The Limiting to characters on the map is 1. completely preventing fast relogs in TC and 2. gives smaller factions with players that don't have that much alts an actual chance to prevail once in a while too, since Attackers determine how many Defenders can participate.

What do you think? Could this work? Is it technically implementable (@devs)?
Opinions and constructive criticism welcome.