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Author Topic: Expanded NOOB GUIDE v1.2: Up to date playing guide for starters / new players  (Read 23429 times)

Version 1.2 (screenies/ updates may be added later)
First read carefully
The following is a expension of the above article

This was necessary as there is a increase of new guys with the same questions and the old guides are a bit dated.

here are the things that are missing from this beginners article:
here are the steps you must do (the explenation of some steps are below the steps)

1. A.first download the game (jovanka's preset game is best),22146.0.html
    B. Optional: Download alternate "evil interface" and put it in the data folder of your fonline2238 game ( it gives a better interface imo because you can see through the barter screen, so thieves have less chance of stealing from you)

2. DO not forget to turn turnbased on with config in your fononline folder (unless you want to die a lot in the beginning) Normally it's set for either realtime or both. NOTE: if you get into someone else encounter or in a town you still have to fight in realtime

3. make sure you have player names turned on so you can see player names ingame (this is standard set on in jovanka's preset dl game)

4. Now read the link above if you havent already

5. Create a new character (don't worry you can create as many as you want just don't log 2 alts at the same time)
 AND make it a trader character who can wield guns. (note you may also create a "explorer" as BenKain said in a reply to this post have a look at his reply first) Tag: small guns, barter and outdoorsman. dont take traits. set luck to 1, perception 6 and agility to 10 the other stats can be more flexibly done Charisma should be either 3 or higher
WRITE down your character name and password somewhere safe if you forget it's  unliky you'll ever see your character again

6 Write down on a reminder on a piece of paper: "If i exit the grid in town, i will check to the left bar under my name if i am followed (or i get killed and looted when i get to my tent"

7 fire up the game and go to the worldmap  and and check if you spawn near NCR if not (vault city for example) i strongly suggest to create another character

8 Loot the table (see picture below!) in the shed if its there where you spawned (hold on to that tool its worth a lot to a beginner EDIT:because you can make a workbench with it at your tent after you created a campfire, a campfire needs a few wood  ) NEXT: Travel to NCR and run from any encounter till you reach NCR.

9. Log out above NCR on worldmap and read up on NCR below!

10 log in after that and go visit buster in the tent next to the guns sign ask him for a job ( if he says go away freak or something like that your charisma is too low) complete the job and you should have your first leather jacket.

11. dont wear it yet and look around the entering point where you came if there are players. Try asking them questions and tell them that your new. (you have around 80 % chance this session you get basic free items/advice) Do not follow them on the exit grid yet unless you want to take a big chance. Ok now you can wear the jacket (saying your new in a leather jacket lowers the chance of getting stuff as you already have something)
Optional: shovel some shit till you level it's described i think in the link at the beginning of the post

12. hide any items you have in a good place when no one is around  and write down where you left it.  Expect it to be found in 2 hours on average

13 Get a tent ASAP:
 4 ways: Buy from player (80 to 100 caps each is common), ask from  player do the miniquest and get it your self 
Miniquest: When you reach level 2 (you could shovel shit in the cow pens in NCR USE SHOVEL! till you reach lev 2) if you go on the World map you’ll notice a small green circle with “unknown location” tag near NCR (not to be mistaken with the NCR mines) go there right away and get the quest from the woman inside the tent. Go to the Worldmap again and travel to the farm (another green circle) pick up the BB gun near the door and fight the rats kill them all and pick up anything you can find. UPDATE WORTHY OF NOTE: get the sledghammer you'll need it to mine here is a picture where it is lying somewhat hiddden:

 Go back to the tent and get your reward: a tent! Also pick up a rope and such items. Use the tent near NCR by going inside a encounter (click your green circle) and use the tent.  Remember to always check if you have followers when exiting NCR.
Get it yourself :
You’ll need 4 wood 1 fiber and 8 cow (brahim?) hides
Wood: (needs to be turned into 4x sharpend pole, POSSIBLE at a workbench, NCR has one in the center right inside the town)
Hides: Hunt for braminh encounters around NCR on the worldmap and try to trade for hides in NCR (some players may part with them if you have something to trade or they may give free)
1 fiber. (needs to be turned into rope, POSSIBLE at a workbench) You get those by going inside a encounter without enemies preferably and equip your knife and klick on the plant. Get yourself a knife (finish the quest in NCR with the female bartender to get one and some other things, resist the urge to spend the caps she gives you that you need to pay her debt for her)
Ask in forum which grid tiles around NCR have plants sometimes that give fibers ( I may edit this later with pictures of tiles that have plant fibers)
Once you have everything you can simply press F I think to  get the creation screen and create a folded tent item. Use the tent near NCR by going inside a encounter (click your green circle) and use the tent.  Remember to always check if you have followers when exiting NCR.

14 after that simply gain experience, check traders for good items  and idle a bit in NCR (talking to other players and such) and do what you want (perhaps create a alt that is a good fighter? )

15. try to mine some stuff in the reasonably safe mines near NCR you will need a sledgehammer to mine ( search the forum for info on how to effectivly mine HQ ores (not there! try broken hills for HQ but research first on forum) and normal ores (Warning the stickyed mining guide is very very out dated but still a little bit usefull)
EDIT: For levelin i recommend molerats and mantis encounters as soon as you get your hands on a burst gun you can sometimes burst 2 or more at once saving ammo. Use the "fo:2238 encounter finder" (use google to find) to find the location for molerats near NCR

16 there is a lot you can do after that, find out and have fun

Always create a trader alt first! Because you need stuff the most at beginning
if not at least give your character a perception of 6 or you'll miss out on the best perk of the game in my opinion (DRUGS such as sigarettes do not help in this case)
The perk i am talking about is the Awareness perk it gives you info about your enemies health weapons and armor if you hover over them with the mouse. You can get it in NCR there is a bald guy in a bar which gives it for free (only with 6 perception or higher!).
charisma 3 : if lower some of the traders won’t talk to you (and the lower it is the fewer people can follow/ join  you while hunting )
luck 1: since you aren’t a sniper (yet) but a trader you don’t really need high luck. DO expect a “weapon destroyed” event more often due to misfire

About NCR: a quick info injection:
NCR is often busy with players. DO NOT WEAR A WEAPON INSIDE  the center of the city. As soon as you see blue suited cops after going through a gate? They will shoot you dead  5 seconds  or less from their first warning. Beware of thieves( 2 times the steal animation when they are next to you and your probably missing some things) and Bombers  (they have become uncommen most times people just burst you)
There are always thieves, so it pays to be paranoid. I recommend a different  SEE through interface, type in “evil interface” and go to the last page in the topic and select latest version and put the files in data of your fo:2238 game folder.  However your just as likely to get free armor and stuff as soon as you say your new!

So you read all this? Great, I have a shop in the forum which you might want to check out. (shameless self promotion :D )

Still reading? Awesome…
I may even have a Free starter kit ( tent, weapon, armor, ammo, hatchet,  sledgehammer, etc) available. However it may be already given away. If I don’t respond I recommend asking in forum or ingame for aid.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2013, 02:59:34 pm by MRtrader »


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Great job, sticked.


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Absolutely great Mr.Trader, really good guide.
I just have one issue, it is not such a good idea to make a trader first imo, because you need things to sell to make it useful, the explorer, sg character that Etern made is still probably the best character I have seen to get a good feel for the game and start getting some stuff to make your fortune, and even then traders aren't a great way to make money here, slaving beats it by leaps and bounds.

Edit:,28493.0.html This can be your crafter and give you some kills under your belt.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2013, 07:26:31 pm by BenKain »

Miniquest: After a hour or 2 (I think) if you go on the World map you’ll notice a small green circle with “unknown location” tag near NCR (not to be mistaken with the NCR mines) go there right away and get the quest from the woman inside the tent.

Actually you need to be lvl2 to see the location appearing near the town you just left.
It has to be Vault City, The Hub or NCR.

Actually you need to be lvl2 to see the location appearing near the town you just left.
It has to be Vault City, The Hub or NCR.
hey great i'l add this info to the guide.. Note that i said "i think it is after 2 hours". so yeah thanks. Added

Absolutely great Mr.Trader, really good guide.
I just have one issue, it is not such a good idea to make a trader first imo, because you need things to sell to make it useful, the explorer, sg character that Etern made is still probably the best character I have seen to get a good feel for the game and start getting some stuff to make your fortune, and even then traders aren't a great way to make money here, slaving beats it by leaps and bounds.

Edit:,28493.0.html This can be your crafter and give you some kills under your belt.

Ok i've made a note about it next to my recomondation for a trader build about this explorer build. Thanks for the input appreciated! :D

Well done Mrtrader.

I would like to add fews more suggestion if you don't mind.

First I wanted to talk about theses very usefull support perk you can get and that are worth the travel to get them such as :

Ranger : Talk to the lady named Tamira just in front of the building in Gordon's Gaz station near New reno to be able to build a safe house ( containing a workbench ) when you create a tent.

Requirement  : Outdoorsman : 100

While you are in NCR, absolutly not to forget to go to 'Dusty's cantina and get the  support perk 'awareness' from the man dressed as a trapper. (definetly a MUST HAVE !!!)

the only requirements are : 6 perception or 100% unarmed Or 100% MELEE WEAPON.

I also wanted to say about two quests very easy that you can make at the begininng of your adventure.

A band  in the wasteland : going in falcon maltese entering by south exit 'market' to the hub. Talk to the gyu in leather armor and regardless of your charisma; he will ask you to reunit few friends to make a band. he will then give you some money and ask you to convince them to come.he will then give you 200 caps. first guy is just outside of the snake pit in junktown and you will have to give him 100 caps for him to accept. (note : with 10 charisma, 10 int and more than 100 % speech he wont ask any money and you will keep everything for you.)
second one is in san francisco, quite a long way but the guy from falcon maltese will give you another 200 caps to convince the guy. you can save that money straight away as whatever the skill you have , the guy will just accept without taking a coin at all. (note : the man is in the tanker, the bar in the boat at san francisco)
for the third one; the falcon mastese guy will give 400 caps, but :

if you have 10 in strengh, he wont give you anything as he will notice you are very strong and will be able to convince the goul by kicking his ass without giving any money.
second possibility : you have one more time 10 charisma and int and maybe a bit of speech. I did it with 70 speech as well. In that case, you will convince him without money and will get another 400 caps for you. ah yeah, this guy is in gecko in the bar "harp"
Conslusion : when you are back you get at least 100 caps + 200 caps + 500 caps reward and 2000 xp

Or if you have 10 charisma and int, you will get 200 caps + 350 (by convincing him you did a great job) + 400 + 750 as reward, 2000 xp 3 stimpacks.

Another very important quest.
Go to boneyard library and talk to hammilton which is just on the left room when you enter the building. tell him that you see something is bothering him and he will ask you to kill one man.
take this quest just to unlock the location fo boneyard train station.
make sure you bought one dean's electronic book in the library of the hub (which cost 300 caps) and go to the boneyard train station. make sure you have 4 in charisma and talk to the man with the grey dress. ask him what he can do for you and accept the quest. then go to the door just behind him, talk to the man behind the desk with purple dress and give him the book.
He will reward you 800 caps and 250 xp.
very nice and easy quest to start.

That's it !

Mike Crosser

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Well done,well done indeed.

You were right for the awarness perk MrTrader.
I tried with a cigarette but didn't work.
So no cheat for support perk.
But what is interesting to say is that you don't necessary need 6 PE to get it.
Because 100 % in melee weapon or in unarmed will do as well

Advice to get a lot of money :

When you feel ready, try to fight against gang and yakuza around new reno's town. You could get wakisashi blade which with a 150 barter can be sold 1500 each to the lady in GUNS of the Hub.
If she doesnt have any money available; you can still trade for laser rifle that is worth 3000 caps to sell or trade in san francisco for example.
Also, gang will provide combat shotgun, grease gun and tons of ammo while mobster will refill your stock of tommy gun, hunting rifles and ammos.
Each yakuzas killed is 260 xp so quite interesting.

Of course this has to be done in turn based.

You were right for the awarness perk MrTrader.
I tried with a cigarette but didn't work.
So no cheat for support perk.
But what is interesting to say is that you don't necessary need 6 PE to get it.
Because 100 % in melee weapon or in unarmed will do as well

WOW intresting never knew that so for a hit to hit alt it would be a option


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I would say don't bother with shit shoveling its a waste of time and gives poor exp.

I'd also say don't bother with trader as first char as it is far easier to farm and steal for gear; did I say its far easier to farm & steal...

Better starting build is farmer PvE turn-based BG/EW hybrid using M60 + laser pistol/rifle. You will be able to farm khans, unity and NRC Army. Laser rifles/pistols are a bit hard to get for first char (if you can get one use it), otherwise its easy to level up using big flamer; its dead easy to craft. Level up on molerats first 3-4 levels then move on to mutated molerats. Once you hit level 9 move on to Centaurs vs Aliens vs Floaters until level 24.

Your next character should be a thief to steal gear from BOS and Enclave (I leveled up my thief by punching mutated molerats in eyes as this can kill them in one hit and they give nice exp- level 12 is all you need, that should get you to 210 steal skill (if made right); now you can steal from anything and everyone.

You will be mainly stealing from BOS and Enclave patrols encounters as they have some nice stuff in their inventories; ps. BOS carry super stimpacks which you will steal to support your farmer and future pvp builds. You will be able to steal nuka-cola from San Frisco Citizens (again used to support your farmer and future pvp builds).

Finally a slaver; for caps and jet, completes the 'holy trinity'.

With the the 'holy trinity' you can support yourself, and can start making PvP chars as well.

Finaly, perhaps the best advice for newbies is to join a gang. Game gets so much easier if in a gang.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2013, 03:25:59 pm by AdolphbinStalin »


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exclusive AdoplphbinStalin photo for 2238:

Stealing is nerfed.
Scamers: Grimmi
Beware of trading with this person.


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Indeed just confirmed with my thief- stealing has been nerfed; one can steal but nothing happens (corrected my previews post). That leaves farming and slaving for the time being.
UH-OH! I just remembered why I have been playing other games for past few weeks :P

Ciao  ;)
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