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Author Topic: New quest to propel player interaction  (Read 2090 times)


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New quest to propel player interaction
« on: April 13, 2013, 03:41:47 pm »

One thing that a morpg should do is incentivize player interaction

So some repeteable quest (once every 24), with some enemy doable only in real time (to avoid multilog)
the quest should give some less time consuming ways to get ammo or stuff , a alternative to repetitive farming raiders or unity patrols...

some ideas
I) for a group of 3
In Vc a patrol have returned with bad news, they spotted sign of a more aggressive gang of raiders.
Is asked to investigate and if possible remove the threat.

map 1 : a trader was killed by the raiders, a ruined cart and few corpses laying around without proper burial, some desert stalkers ( 4 - 6) come attracted by the corpses, there is a trail (object that start dialog) to gang's hideout but you need outdoor skill of 100 to follow it - go to map 2
map 2 : a abandoned gas station (reuse the gas station base map) is now the raiders hideout, 2 with fal , 2 with shotgun, 3 women with greese gun, one tough guy with lsw, one tough girl with 223 pistol (or 14 mm)
treasures : ammo lockers (need lockpick) with 300 7.62 , 100 ammo for sniper rifle, one locker of casual stuff as a encounter , this and the loot from the raiders killed

vc reward 200 reputation point and 200 caps

II) Near Junktown , the junktown scouts have spotted a camp in the mountains, they believe that highwaymen use it. The sheriff ask the pc to investigate it.

map 1 the camp (reuse trapper camp) 4 women with spears, 4 guy with knife, 3 women with 10 mm pistol, 3 men with hunting rifle
treasure : one locker of casual stuff as a encounter (lockpick needed), 3 jet in a bookshelf, and the loot from the highwaymen (stimpack and jet)

junktown reward 100 rep with junktown and 100 caps

III) Near Boneyard , the regulators report mutant activity in the area , they ask to pc to help.

map 1 mutie ambush (reuse map of follower of apocalypse ambush in a man job) one with rocket launcher 2 with lazor ,  hand to hand , 1 minigun, 1 flamer
map 2 the mutie outpost (reuse scrap head base) 6 mutie (rl, lazor, minigun)
treasure : one locker with 10 rocket ap, one with 50 mfc one with casual stuff as a encounter (all the locker need lockpick) and obviously the loot of the muties (so other mfc )
Boneyard reward 100 rep with regulator and 500 caps
« Last Edit: April 13, 2013, 04:25:19 pm by Kanly »
Re: New quest to propel player interaction
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2013, 04:51:47 am »

some more ideas, for non combat chars, which are in desperate need of means to xp:

1.Small Crafter quest:

The NCR Army is in steady need of Combat Armors (since there's a lot of bad people killing their soldiers for them ;) )
Rondo in the workshop in Rangers base can always use some helping hands. He asks you to craft him 10 sets of CA and provides the materials. (Of course you cant just grab and run away, that makes him angry. One of the workbenches there is modified so it can be used instead of adv. WB, but only when doing the quest) After you assembled the armors and gave them to Rondo he pays you with either one set of these freshly made CA or 1000 caps. You need to have CA BP + profession to be able to do the quest. Repeatable.

(There could be all sorts of crafting quests like this, from low to high tier, with and without BP requirements, ammo, weps, armor...drugs  :)... good xp for crafters+some fresh stuffs obtained)

2. Heists:

A shady person in the Hub's Oldtown has a proposal for you. He knows of some valuable items stored in the safe of a very rich man living in the heights. He got all his crew together for a heist, except for a person who is skilled at opening locked safes. This is where you come in, if you have lockpick 150 or more. At night you sneak into the heights with shady and his goons and after they have cleared the path by distracting the guards you have 1 minute to crack that baby. Its contents vary each time and so does your share when everything went successful. 1000 – 5000 caps +1000 xp. Repeatable.

3. Sick Bay Duty:

The ongoing battles with the remnants of the master's army takes a huge toll on the brotherhoods numbers, after talking about that to one of the brotherhood outpost guards you casually mention that you are a doctor and willing to help. The guard points you to lost hills to report in the local sick bay. When you arrive you can hear the screams of the injured from the other side of the floor already. 10-15 cases of injured soldiers await your skillful intervention already (FAing and DOCing as well). When done the brotherhood will gratefully reward you with 1000 caps. Repeatable.

(Applicable to any sick bay and npc faction in the game)

EDIT: Whoops forgot it should be about player interaction :P srry
« Last Edit: April 27, 2013, 04:54:27 am by BLDYMSS »


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Re: New quest to propel player interaction
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2013, 10:49:40 am »

Like the doctor quest suggestion a lot. There is not much to do with healing NPC atm.

the underground

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Re: New quest to propel player interaction
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2013, 06:09:22 pm »

You need to have CA BP + profession to be able to do the quest. Repeatable.
Why? Why not allow you to just craft them while doing the quest? Put a time limit or something instead....

"All I Need Yoou To Do Is Talk To The Guard...."
An NPC has hired you to approach the guard at (XYZ). All you have to do is approach the gate, shout out "HELLO!?" and talk to the guard for a few minutes (almost ANY dialog ooption will do, but a few of them result in loops you can exploit). They will get in, do what they're gonna do, and get out. 100 caps and xp, repeatable but never in the same place (based on my exprience as a security gaurd).
nobody wants him so he just stares at the world
planning the vengeance that he will soon unfurl

Kill A VC For Democracy!!!!
Re: New quest to propel player interaction
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2013, 06:17:02 pm »

Why? Why not allow you to just craft them while doing the quest? Put a time limit or something instead....

And after the quest you somehow *forgot* how to craft CAs again?
What do you mean by putting a time limit? I don't get it..

Like I said below that quest idea, there could be all kinds of crafting quests like that, some easier ones with low tier stuff to craft and some more demanding ones (need for BP-knowledge) that get you better rewards.

"All I Need Yoou To Do Is Talk To The Guard...."
An NPC has hired you to approach the guard at (XYZ). All you have to do is approach the gate, shout out "HELLO!?" and talk to the guard for a few minutes (almost ANY dialog ooption will do, but a few of them result in loops you can exploit). They will get in, do what they're gonna do, and get out. 100 caps and xp, repeatable but never in the same place (based on my exprience as a security gaurd).
So basically distract the guard. Would fit cool in the heists quest i suggested:

Heists (expanded to a multi PC quest for 3 players, to get back at the topic of quests for player interaction):

A shady person in the Hub's Oldtown has a proposal for you. He knows of some valuable items stored in the safe of a very rich man living in the heights. He wants to assemble a team for a heist and needs
a lockpicker to crack that safe,
a traps expert to remove those nasty tripwires that rich man put in front of the safe room and
a smooth talker to distract a guard standing at a critical position.
Like in your suggestion, the talker has to keep the guard busy for as long as it takes the other team members to get the goods.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2013, 06:38:44 pm by BLDYMSS »

the underground

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Re: New quest to propel player interaction
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2013, 07:53:41 pm »

And after the quest you somehow *forgot* how to craft CAs again?
What do you mean by putting a time limit? I don't get it..
Well, YA. Its a special skill for the quest only.

Nice expansion on "One little thing" maybe tie which job you get to  your shills (ie, the talker has to have a high speech skill) and a gunner (in cade things go wrong, but then the quest isn't repeatable anymore).
nobody wants him so he just stares at the world
planning the vengeance that he will soon unfurl

Kill A VC For Democracy!!!!
Re: New quest to propel player interaction
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2013, 08:05:03 pm »

Well, YA. Its a special skill for the quest only.
Nice expansion on "One little thing" maybe tie which job you get to  your shills (ie, the talker has to have a high speech skill) and a gunner (in cade things go wrong, but then the quest isn't repeatable anymore).
Why so complicated?  The players will know what skills are needed from what "shady" told them about the plan. Of course the speaker will need a high speech, it will be mentioned but not be checked. When "shady" tells you about his plan he will ask you to gather the required team members and come back with them. The quest can be started when 2 other players are in party, no skill checks.
I like the idea, that the quest could have the twist of the players being caught red handed. Quest should stay repeatable anyway as long as they succeed in getting the safe's contents.
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