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Author Topic: Few small gun buffs  (Read 2085 times)


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Few small gun buffs
« on: April 26, 2013, 07:19:39 am »

The difference between small guns and big guns is HUUUGE as we all know. I think we should try to find a way to (almost) even the odds. Of course big guns are going to do more damage, that's why they are BIG. But still, small guns are all but useless for anything except farming farming, and that's pretty bad as well. I have a few buff suggestions here.

1. P90c extended clip - Doubles magazine
to craft: p90 + extended mag
2. Assault rifle ballistics CPU - instead of 4/12 bullets having possibility to hit at range, give 8/12 bullets possibility to hit.
To craft CPU: 4 electric parts, 2 HQ alloys, 4 good metal parts.
3. FAL extended rifled barrel - Adds 6 range and does +3 dmg per bullet

Just some ideas, but the small gun buffs in general, is a must.

Also, i know this has been suggested before, so ill bump it, HINKLY DRUGS!!!11oneone
« Last Edit: April 26, 2013, 07:22:04 am by Gimper »

the underground

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Re: Few small gun buffs
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2013, 07:08:10 pm »

Since there's a thread on guns.........
Add a silencer: "A device attached to reduce the amount of noise from firing a gun."
Only works on pistols, smgs, and rifles other than shotguns (not big guns or heavy weaps), reduces their report to that of a bb gun, crafted from X Metal parts (irl you can make them from the equivelent of a half-dozen junk, but that's not appropriate to the game) +Professions Small Guns 1. When you disasemble the weap, first it breaks down into the weap itseld (even if an expanded mag weap) "and" the silencer, then you can break down the weap as a seperate unit.

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Cyber Jesus

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Re: Few small gun buffs
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2013, 07:49:45 pm »

Since there's a thread on guns.........
Add a silencer: "A device attached to reduce the amount of noise from firing a gun."
Only works on pistols, smgs, and rifles other than shotguns (not big guns or heavy weaps), reduces their report to that of a bb gun, crafted from X Metal parts (irl you can make them from the equivelent of a half-dozen junk, but that's not appropriate to the game) +Professions Small Guns 1. When you disasemble the weap, first it breaks down into the weap itseld (even if an expanded mag weap) "and" the silencer, then you can break down the weap as a seperate unit.

And why would we need silencers? This isnt an fps game...


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Re: Few small gun buffs
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2013, 07:49:57 pm »

Since there's a thread on guns.........
Add a silencer: "A device attached to reduce the amount of noise from firing a gun."
Only works on pistols, smgs, and rifles other than shotguns (not big guns or heavy weaps), reduces their report to that of a bb gun, crafted from X Metal parts (irl you can make them from the equivelent of a half-dozen junk, but that's not appropriate to the game) +Professions Small Guns 1. When you disasemble the weap, first it breaks down into the weap itseld (even if an expanded mag weap) "and" the silencer, then you can break down the weap as a seperate unit.

*snorting laugh*
Re: Few small gun buffs
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2013, 07:54:59 pm »

Ha you are thinking that?

I kill for 2 days ago, a guy in commercial row. 287hp +gatling laser 2 shoot camk2

I have spawn with my pancor char, 2 burst, without drugs, 246hp and have kill him.

I don't think that SG need a buff, players must just take more time to create her build.

With my Sneak Grease gun 2 shoot critic i have kill a lot of times guy who was wearing avenger and CA.

the underground

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Re: Few small gun buffs
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2013, 01:26:17 am »

Don't use it if you don't like it......
An isn't there some BETTER use of your time bashing on something you don't like? Like, I dunno, "maybe" suggesting something esle USEFUL?
Just sayin.
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planning the vengeance that he will soon unfurl

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Mike Crosser

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Re: Few small gun buffs
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2013, 12:12:03 pm »

Why does it look like a blaster from Star Wars?


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Re: Few small gun buffs
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2013, 02:30:52 pm »

Why does it look like a blaster from Star Wars?

Another direction ask you must, Mike.
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