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Author Topic: Make this and wipe this dying server... please !  (Read 10663 times)


  • The Amboy Dukes
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Make this and wipe this dying server... please !
« on: April 08, 2013, 10:48:40 am »

Hello dev !

I assume this is a big post to read but do it !

Lastest updates have been pretty cool, alt things no so bad finaly, tent/base system is rly cool, TC not so bad (trying other things failed for now so...). So thx for this work ! Now fonline looks globaly playable !

But there is a problem, low, extremely low lake of player and activity. Even with 80 players (so it's already low ammount) we don't found anyone anywhere ! I know it from hours spend in Den/reno/mariposa/glow.......

Reason : TLA is fucking 2238 deep in the ass with this last update + more than one year session... seriously !

There is extremely low ammount of player and never found any of them, dunno maybe some party i am not invited or gang bang fiesta at hinckley. U can sometimes see some TC, but only "strong" team still playing, extremely "rare" newcomers getting pwned (i assume, and believe in PK).

Some quick ideas to save 2238 :

- Noob crying and finaly ragequit => I tryed TLA and i like it, separate world for noob, simple/stupid quests/support perks/trader and even some way to have fun pking other guys.

- Town empty => More quests ! Stupid point to point delivery/killing number of a kind of npc/craft such things for/chope wood...

- Fuck this lvl cap ! Ok, we wants predator builds, increase to lvl 24 was good but a little shy, let's try 36, take risk it's a beta, less alt if the fights are longer, dying with one burst... ok... but... Also pvp will be able to take craft skills, so no more powercrafter alts builds ^^

- Add, please in the name of rat god, more good stuff, wtf u even nerfed BA !!!! Blueprint the CAmkII/avenger/gatling/BA, special encounter bozard/vindicator/turbo plasma/pulse rifle even maybe APA and BA !? All those weapon will add new gameplay for some class (and put a little more of this encounter/bp in order player don't hide this in base only for fapping).

- Small Tc system to take control of small location (low gear and low number to start timer in tobaco farm/waterworks/golgotha/ghost farm/gecko & klamath mine....) give some shitty rewards (controling waterworks allow your team to collect 2x faster for 15min then NPC attack, you fight to farm more or leave...). In those idea you are not forced to start timer to farm/craft but controling the zone gives bonus and pvp ^^

- Same thing for mariposa/V15... but harder allowing to craft thos BP i spoke before and get HQ materials from locker ^^ (-50% craft countown)

- Same thing for TC (+50% xp/caps rewards quests of town + 50% trader prices)

- Fucking ubber hard quest, put a quest glow full of muties with those fucking top BP/stuff, if u fail u need to wait 15 days irl to retry.

- Unerf a little laser/and nerf trolls build is lvl cap increase !

- More encounter on WM, more probability to found players, and more dangerous encounter where dangerous NPC, something like you start fight with broken leg/arm, your car as broken (with no lvl caps leader will have a little repair ^^), one of your passager get ejected of vehicule and start encounter 30hex from car ! Player can put car trap on encounter to get more probability to stop a car, drop flare to detect sneak, smoke to create public encounter/reduce tohit, motion sensor to detect player encounter on wm.

Do this, wipe server, and i think we will see players again for sure !

Keep going dev, but TLA wins with the last update !

Most of the suggestions are not so harsh to do and try to use thing that already exist !
« Last Edit: April 08, 2013, 11:25:44 am by dskpnk »


  • The Amboy Dukes
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Re: Make this and wipe this dying shit !
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2013, 10:55:54 am »

So now i need players support not thouthands of others suggestions or troll  debate !

« Last Edit: April 08, 2013, 11:22:08 am by dskpnk »


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Re: Make this and wipe this dying server... please !
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2013, 11:22:41 am »

Nie biegaj za stadem.


  • The Amboy Dukes
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Re: Make this and wipe this dying server... please !
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2013, 11:27:54 am »

Just a suggestion, Amboy moved on TLA like everybody does so...

And first time in 4 years we think TLA is better than 2238... or at least not an empty mmo..
« Last Edit: April 08, 2013, 11:29:32 am by dskpnk »


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Re: Make this and wipe this dying server... please !
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2013, 12:14:58 pm »

- Fucking ubber hard quest, put a quest glow full of muties with those fucking top BP/stuff, if u fail u need to wait 15 days irl to retry.

Ares. And people abuse the shit out of it with abused gear.
Besides, how would this waiting work? Just restart the quest with alts. But I agree we need pve quests for pve people.

The small scale tc might be a good idea. Problem with tc is that there are so many angles that scouts are needed everywhere to avoid being hit from unexpected direction. Small teams can't afford even one scout so they just resort to building camping which is just boring. But even in this small scale tc small team could be swarmed by big team.

Supermegahyper weapons don't make the game more interesting. We can play with hunting rifles, smgs and leather jackets just fine, just my opinion. It all revolves how this stuff is obtained. You can snipe with AR the same way you do with gauss rifle. An smg can perform onehex the same way as vindicator. Honestly the game is best when people are equal in terms of power obtained from characters and items.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


  • The Amboy Dukes
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Re: Make this and wipe this dying server... please !
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2013, 12:42:09 pm »

Ares. And people abuse the shit out of it with abused gear.
Besides, how would this waiting work? Just restart the quest with alts. But I agree we need pve quests for pve people.

No abuse make the quest available at hight lvland non repeatable.

The small scale tc might be a good idea. Problem with tc is that there are so many angles that scouts are needed everywhere to avoid being hit from unexpected direction. Small teams can't afford even one scout so they just resort to building camping which is just boring. But even in this small scale tc small team could be swarmed by big team.

Small will ever been swarm by big, no matter it's the way it works so.... we need new things to bring players back !
+while big team will TC big city (moar rewards) smaller can take small places

Supermegahyper weapons don't make the game more interesting. We can play with hunting rifles, smgs and leather jackets just fine, just my opinion. It all revolves how this stuff is obtained. You can snipe with AR the same way you do with gauss rifle. An smg can perform onehex the same way as vindicator. Honestly the game is best when people are equal in terms of power obtained from characters and items.

Agreed but as far as i remember you use a gatling sneak/CAmkII not a leather hunting rifle build !

O play 4 year with the ultimate hope to have a gauss.. wtf, experimennted players should be able to use badass stuff, and noob should have the right to dream about having a bozard !

The thing is not think about exploise or abuse, just provide new things, fast, before the server die totaly, and it's almost dead for now
« Last Edit: April 08, 2013, 12:51:07 pm by dskpnk »


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Re: Make this and wipe this dying server... please !
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2013, 02:18:56 pm »

Agreed but as far as i remember you use a gatling sneak/CAmkII not a leather hunting rifle build !

O play 4 year with the ultimate hope to have a gauss.. wtf, experimennted players should be able to use badass stuff, and noob should have the right to dream about having a bozard !

The thing is not think about exploise or abuse, just provide new things, fast, before the server die totaly, and it's almost dead for now

What I meant was, a hunting rifle works the same way as gauss rifle. Both are crit-based sniping weapons.
Players will use the best gear in pvp so it doesn't really matter what the best gear is. However adding more variety is always nice. Variety like lsw, m60 and rocket, those are all usable by same build but they are quite different in the way they work.
Adding more powerful weapons just reduces variety because it's always a good idea to use the most powerful tools available.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: Make this and wipe this dying server... please !
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2013, 09:11:40 pm »

- Town empty => More quests ! Stupid point to point delivery/killing number of a kind of npc/craft such things for/chope wood...
The towns are empty because there aren't enough players to even populate them. Aside from that, I don't really think quests would give "life" to towns because at the end of the day, the reward most likely is shit.
- Add, please in the name of rat god, more good stuff, wtf u even nerfed BA !!!! Blueprint the CAmkII/avenger/gatling/BA, special encounter bozard/vindicator/turbo plasma/pulse rifle even maybe APA and BA !? All those weapon will add new gameplay for some class (and put a little more of this encounter/bp in order player don't hide this in base only for fapping).
It won't add shit, because the gear is outright better. There is one thing that happens in every MMO is that people will just take what is better. There are pretty much no side grades. In my opinion the way that tesla armor (or whatever it was) gives you better protection against lasers and plasma is a bit of progress. We don't need more weapons or armors that are outright better or worse than others, variety is gained by having side grades. You can take combat armor to your battle and get destroyed by lasers or you can take tesla armor and get destroyed by bullet weapons. If you put these items as stuff that actually has value you give the players some risk management... True, most will just leave the stuff at their hideout unless they have 20 more of that.

- Fucking ubber hard quest, put a quest glow full of muties with those fucking top BP/stuff, if u fail u need to wait 15 days irl to retry.
Get an alternate character, oh look, there is no timer anymore. This won't fix shit.

- More encounter on WM, more probability to found players, and more dangerous encounter where dangerous NPC, something like you start fight with broken leg/arm, your car as broken (with no lvl caps leader will have a little repair ^^), one of your passager get ejected of vehicule and start encounter 30hex from car ! Player can put car trap on encounter to get more probability to stop a car, drop flare to detect sneak, smoke to create public encounter/reduce tohit, motion sensor to detect player encounter on wm.
You can't increase the chance to encounter players if there are no players. Not really sure how the more dangerous encounters would work.
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.
Re: Make this and wipe this dying server... please !
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2013, 09:20:16 pm »

but u can change how to obtain things , i fpeople always will use best gear then they must spent more time into game ... u cant even play TLAMKII and craft PA just from scratch u have to spent alot of money and time into it :D i think its well balanced there ...


  • The Amboy Dukes
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Re: Make this and wipe this dying server... please !
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2013, 06:03:55 pm »

Up cause we need changes !
Re: Make this and wipe this dying server... please !
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2013, 06:06:17 pm »

Up cause we need changes !

We got changes, it's called changing to tla.
Re: Make this and wipe this dying server... please !
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2013, 06:09:03 pm »

I dont understand why all people are crying

Remember, 1 year ago, server was always off, or we have so much lags

Now we have good TC system, nice craft and mining system.

We can farm armors and guns so easy.

The tent system is so nice.

Ok we dont have BA or nice guns, but the server is ok , wtf do you need more?

Mike Crosser

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Re: Make this and wipe this dying server... please !
« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2013, 07:28:37 pm »

I dont understand why all people are crying

Remember, 1 year ago, server was always off, or we have so much lags

Now we have good TC system, nice craft and mining system.

We can farm armors and guns so easy.

The tent system is so nice.

Ok we dont have BA or nice guns, but the server is ok , wtf do you need more?
About a year or 2 ago this was the ultimate goal to achieve.All those butthurt posts and threads about "Toilet Control" or "trollbacks" etc.


  • The Amboy Dukes
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Re: Make this and wipe this dying server... please !
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2013, 06:15:19 pm »

Up because i just see this :

Average players (for mounth) 37
Re: Make this and wipe this dying server... please !
« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2013, 06:22:28 pm »

Up? Why up?

Server is totally dead, 25 players at 14:00, 50 at 21:00, and devs do nothing, no update no wipe.

I think the players have cry enough, have explain here opinions enough, have do so much suggestions.

No reaction.

So just leave the server die, and when he is dead we can all go an another game  :)
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