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Author Topic: New thoughts on BPs taken from TLA  (Read 5450 times)


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Re: New thoughts on BPs taken from TLA
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2013, 11:25:11 am »

Plasma nades, Frag nades, MFC, SEC, Combat armors and metal armors MKII(aswell), Improved flamers... Even drugs are craftable today.

Still most of these are farmable too, but most of them with lesser efficiency than Mass Crafting(except CA)


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Re: New thoughts on BPs taken from TLA
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2013, 11:28:52 am »

Plasma nades, Frag nades, MFC, SEC, Combat armors and metal armors MKII(aswell), Improved flamers... Even drugs are craftable today.

Still most of these are farmable too, but most of them with lesser efficiency than Mass Crafting(except CA)
Drugs --- shops.
SEC --- press gang/mercenaries
Frag nades also
So I count as craftables Plasma nades and MFC, but those are mega easily to craft.
MAmk2? You can use CAmk2, way easier to kill NCR Army than collect mats for it and craft 10 of them.
Improved flamers - Imho they should be available to make w/o blueprint, because it's stupid to get blueprint for that (I have it though).

Just to make things clear
3-4 hours of farming 48~~ sets of CAmk2(all 60% - 80% det)

« Last Edit: May 09, 2013, 12:11:09 pm by Tomowolf »


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Re: New thoughts on BPs taken from TLA
« Reply #17 on: May 09, 2013, 07:19:52 pm »

If it was up to me, Id totally move whole BP concept that is on TLAmk2 here. I think its much or less flawless
For those who dont know how it works on TLAmk2, Id like to elaborate. There are 3 tiers of blueprints:
Low tier bps have no level requirement, are pretty common and come with unlimited batches.
Medium tier bps have level requirement, are somewhat uncommon and come with limited batches, around 2-5.
High tier bps obviously have max lvl requirement, are rare/very rare and come always in 1 batch.

Sources of BPs are various - traders, pve locations, pve/pvp locations...
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Re: New thoughts on BPs taken from TLA
« Reply #18 on: May 09, 2013, 07:34:44 pm »

You need a BP to craft stuff like 10mm pistol?


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Re: New thoughts on BPs taken from TLA
« Reply #19 on: May 09, 2013, 07:41:52 pm »

For very basic items, you dont need. Like I said, low tier bps are common and easy to get.
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Re: New thoughts on BPs taken from TLA
« Reply #20 on: May 09, 2013, 07:44:44 pm »

Are high tier items used in PvP? How hard/time consuming is it to make top tier weapon?
Re: New thoughts on BPs taken from TLA
« Reply #21 on: May 09, 2013, 08:04:28 pm »

My only thought about BPs was to remove them. BPs only mean more grinding.
I'm thinking of making a crafter character to create high tier stuff, but to to this I have to create a lockpicking character to obtain BPs
but who cares
« Last Edit: May 09, 2013, 08:07:02 pm by Floodnik »
Re: New thoughts on BPs taken from TLA
« Reply #22 on: May 09, 2013, 08:37:24 pm »

Are high tier items used in PvP? How hard/time consuming is it to make top tier weapon?

well i think its very time consuming , and i think that top tier weapons are used in PvP , just depend on how much your faction have of it , but its sure an advantage ...

also at global farming locations u get better loot but thats the thing its PvP and its not easy , so u cant do it alone or with a small group , u need some good team and adv. gear for it , no doubt , so i think its very well balanced .

its like how an mmorpg should be like , u can do shit on your own but u get much more out of it when u are not alone ...
Re: New thoughts on BPs taken from TLA
« Reply #23 on: May 09, 2013, 09:01:21 pm »

My ideas about blueprints and crafting:
  • add blueprint stock market
  • you can only obtain blueprint using lockpick skill (except 3 – 5 blueprints available via quests).  Add new ways of obtaining blueprints (blueprints in caves, blueprints special encounters, blueprints protected by boss npcs, blueprints in encounter graves – shovel required, blueprints printed by encounter computers – science skill required, etc…)
  • buff slightly crafted items. Crafted items should have random modifiers (+2/3 extra damage, +1 % extra crit chance, etc…)



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Re: New thoughts on BPs taken from TLA
« Reply #24 on: May 09, 2013, 09:22:20 pm »

Are high tier items used in PvP? How hard/time consuming is it to make top tier weapon?
Frankly, we dont have much PvP experience, maybe SoT would give you more accurate answer. Were PvPing in mid-tier weapons, the most powerful gangs use high-tier (but cant tell how many of them they have). Powered armors Ive seen using only once, by the most powerful faction there.

The reason - high-tier is time and mats consuming and even though you can acquire some via trading or questing, crafted weapons can have bonus stats like min/max dmg. Its not that you require lots of mats (in fact you do, but most of them are rather easy to get) but high-tier require special rare mats that are very hard to get. Every high-tier item has a value and if the item has  good stats, its priceless.
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[19:41:06] <@JovankaB> einstein said we dont need name colorizing
Re: New thoughts on BPs taken from TLA
« Reply #25 on: May 09, 2013, 09:33:04 pm »

well ive seen alot of PvP videos on youtube and there they used most time high tier weapons like bombard and shit , not everytime best armor but there were also videos where alot of guys with PAs and Adv. PAs standing there ...

yeah like i said its very time consuming , mats not easy to get or to craft for high tier stuff , plus the crafting machines for better shit are in unguarded areas ...


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Re: New thoughts on BPs taken from TLA
« Reply #26 on: May 10, 2013, 03:12:59 pm »

Are high tier items used in PvP? How hard/time consuming is it to make top tier weapon?
Depends, you only need to craft Superstims and maybe drugs and ammo, rest is farmable (avengers, gatlings, sniper/laser/plasma rifles, zookas, lsw, m60).
One person can do this alone by using sandboxie taxi + fighter in TB, mostly you lose nothing, sometimes some ss and ammo (on NCR army you practically lose nothing if you use m60 and looted ammo/guns).
For a player that know's how to get stuff, crafting is HARDER than farming, because it's more time consuming and you've got bigger chance to meet other players that just want to take your new shiny things.
Items in fonline, especially crafted aren't efficient, because you can die easily by encounter/bug/connection drop/bluesuit/anything, and you'll lose it, and after lost of farmed item you won;t cry so much.

Crafting also is boring and needs alts, even harder to lvl up than fighter ones (to enter sierra you need sniper and to craft you need crafter, if you want to make hybrid, then you need other ccrafter alts for other professions, instead I prefer going to NCR army/unity which is more fun and you learn some tactics etc, by crafting you learn nothing but patience).

If you talk about TLAmk2 I can answer too, my friends from SQ play there, they got one chracter for crafting everything, walking around etc. and their fighter alts use looted weapons but crafted armors for PVP.
Stuff is way easier to get there even than on 2238.

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Re: New thoughts on BPs taken from TLA
« Reply #27 on: May 10, 2013, 09:31:34 pm »

Hear me out before you say no......

There are several items that can't be crafted 'right now.' Make THOSE items the deteriorating bps, at a reasonable rate, then leave everything else alone. Dont change the ratio of 'standard' bps in footlockers, don't deteriorate them, none of that.
As to those 'standard' bps, sllow say every day or so a random merchant to have a random bp...... then everyone (but me) would be clamoring for the merchsnts trying to find who has what today......
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