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Author Topic: Fonline vision of mine  (Read 6178 times)


  • King of the wasteland
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Fonline vision of mine
« on: April 06, 2013, 06:45:23 pm »

well, when developers develope the game they should have some kinda vision, some kinda working system, which they try to create step by step. So i think fonline 2238 devs could share their own vision, since at least i am really interested how they imagine the game after lets say one year, or after beta stage. Maybe some players could just stop waisting their time then, or maybe others could be more patient and do not leave to another fallout server yet. Also then players would really see where the game is going, if as said before, we get update, which create working game system, or is it a random development.

In the same time I would like to share my own vision of fonline, how i would like to see the game done, how i would feel myself to enjoy playing most. Since i played fonline from start of obt3 and i never tried any other fallout server, neither i would like to so:


I will state now, and i will repeat many times more, that the game should be as close to orginal as possible, with tweaks that are a must to make the game successful mmorpg. And if we would read the game 2238 as a somewhere before f2 events start, and f1 happened as it did, but i think that people playing fonline would want the nostalgia they experienced in f1 and f2 games, at least i want, so some non canonical stuff could be made. And for that i want cathedral near boneyard, boneyard as single town, also i would be happier to see mariposa military base working and inhabited by mutants like in f1 rather than destroyed and empty like it is now. Same with vault15, even if game is before events of f2, i would like to see v15 as a prospering place after successful deal with nc rather than random toilet in the desert.

NPC factions and quests
In here i should say that quests should be fuckin canonical, same as factions. in f2 raiders are sponsored by ncr to attack vault city caravans, so that hey could take over the town. in here if you join raiders, ncr hates you, while you are just employer of fuckin them. Here you have a quest from mr westin in ncr to deliver holodisk to vc traitor thomas moore, while lynette in f2 say that roger westin is the only honest man in ncr and he wouldnt fuckin work with some vc traitor. So i feel myself as idiot doing idiotic quest, when something not logical like that has to be done. same with some encounters, in f2, unity patrol encounter near broken hills was a united patrol of humans, ghouls and mutants, which had nothing to do with masters army, unity faction or any other shit. So if it would be up to me, i would restore all canonical factions of f2 (including active hubologists for example) with an adition of masters army, which should be in working mariposa and normal boneyard cathedral.

player factions and town control, npc factions
Well creating player faction is ok in fonline 2238, so i would not require any changes in here, but i think player factions are ment to do town control, so i would make it more simple in here: if a player faction doesnt start town control timer once in one month, their faction base with all stuff in there gets deleted. People should make tents for their own alts, not factions, simple reason and another reason is that this feature would somewhat require few weaker groups that can win nothing more than random encounter fight into some more powerful force. Also i would like to see timed tc windos, like it was before, because they require constant fight, no pussy town takeovers on night, also it encourages to stand till last blood and successfuly take town even if you would die after, rather than run away if you see you will lose. Also rewards for taking towns should be really great, and encouragiing. For example if 10 people gang would have a town for 24 hours, they should obtain more value from town locker than 10 people group who would encounter farm for 24 hours or craft for same time.

NPC factions can be joined by players, and in my opinion npc factions should be separated from player factions, and one player could belong to both npc faction and player faction. Belonging to npc faction would strongly improve PVE, because in PVE you would get real good bonuses for PVP. And for that it should be made, that players couldnt leave npc faction once joined.

Vault city faction members - which are high in vc ranks, should be able to buy permenant combat armor implants like in f2.
Brotherhood of steel members - which are high in BH ranks, should get ability to access one of those: brotherhood armor or pulse rifle or implants of strength, perception, charisma, intelligence like in f2 .
Enclave faction members depending on rank should get access to one of: vindicator minigun/apa/apa mk2/power armor/hardned power armor. All power armors could be gained in certain time period, for example every once a week, and they should be unlootable after death.
Raiders faction - should have some good way in caps making, since robbing people is what they do.
Unity faction - should get the ability, to get floaters/centaurs as companions. Or make some trades for mutant skin and like +150hp/some resistance and inability to run as a tradeoff.

But that would be only bonuses in PVE part, there should also be npc fctions pvp part. While raiders are enemies with vault city and enclave-bos-mutants are like enemies between each other there should be some regular npc factions pvp every some time. for example, lets say every thursday 18:00 some repeatable event should happen, for example: where raiders would attack vc caravans, and every vc citizen could go to some exact place in world map to join their city and defend the caravan against raiders, while players belonging to raiders faction would join same exact place to help raiders successfuly rob vc caravans. Same should happen between enclave - bos, bos - unity, unity - enclave, and the taking part in such events would increase your rank in npc faction much more than doing stupid quests. Number of people who can take part in such events should be limited, for the events to be balanced.

Also the other republic would be new reno families, and i think all players could belong to a family, while the reward from that would be somewhat similar to f2, a discount in reno arms/renessco or some shit like that.
items in game
i find it really fuckin weird in this place. Fonline has many disabled weapons from fallout 1 and fallout 2 and some weapons are modified to dumb levels.
For example: Laser pistol is 10-22 dmg in f2 35 range. And IN Fonline it is 20-35 dmg with  35 range (magneto laser pistol is 25-40 dmg). Plasma pistol is 15-35 damage in f2 and in fonline its 30-45 dmg. While for example we have a disabled weapon pulse pistol which in fonline has 32-46 damage with 15 range. So what the fuck guys, why you disabled a weapon which was "too good" and in same time improved some lame ass weapons to that same too good level. Just fuckin make it like in orginal fallouts, and make pulse pistol obtainable.
Same with small guns, you nerf range of pancor jackhammer dramatically and then you need to improve some shitty weapons like assault rifle. Also where is fn fal with 20 rounds burst? i fuckin want it from f2, and it would be a good small gun burster balance against bg players.
Also other items like crowbars etc. should be obtainable in game, they arent fuckin op, to be disabled :(

gathering crafting
well crafting and gathering is and should be boring activity in my opinion, but i liked it more, when people gathered stuff in towns, like junk, flint, wood. I liked that because it attracted pvp players to towns, and we should not only try to make southern noobs visit north time to time, but northern pros come and visit south also.
Also if it would be up to me, i would delete all safe mines and delete hq materials, leaving only the non hq in unsafe mines. Also if mine is unsafe, it means pker can come in there, and kill him. This is unsafe mine, so i think no more fire geckos or whatever are needed in it, since it would be now double and safe. Furthermore after you gather some stuff in unsafe mine, you need to visit some place like mariposa to turn your stuff in hq stuff, which makes it tripple unsafe and in my opinion it makes it fuckin retarded in same place. So some action is unsafe it should be unsafe only one time. Also i think crafting should be more powerful, but with cooldowns, like it was before, because back then you could mine a decent amount of materials and then go do something else, what lowered the needed time for grinding.


i think all npcs should by all stuff, if a trader has some items in his list as his strategic items, so these baught items should remain, all other items should be turned into caps after some time which could be traded again. Also all traders should sell stuff for much higher prices than standard price, for example if you would have 300 barter, you could buy item for 110% max, and if you would have like 100% barter only,then you would buy items for like 220% of their base price. Same with selling, if you have 300% barter you can sell stuff for 90% of items prices, and if you have like 100% barter, you can sell them for 50% real coast only. This would be harsh a little maybe, but it would strongly encourage trading in between players and this is the thing we should try to encourage.

just return fuckin drugs like they were in fallout 2, allow drug builds like they were before, they were great part of game once, and now they are very very little difference now. and they coast fuckin shit you know!

traits/builds/powerplaying and shit like that
Well guys, character build requires lot of skill, not less than playing itself, and if players are skilled to turn their characters in to a pvp monsters, or some other monsters like fine thieves, dynamite planters etc, its not their problems they are good, and they dont deserve nerfing for that. Do you devs remember how many good builds you ruined with stupid updates?
I remember frag grenades were cool once, when fast shot worked for them, and when they could coast only 2 ap, they were not overpowered, they were just good, people made throwers, normal battle throwers, now you nerfed it, and how many non sneak battle throwers we have now? fuckin total 0, thanks for this balance devs.
Same with heavy handed, it was not op, it was just good, now you nerfed it to shit, no one is playing heavyhanded anymore, is your goal to remove all builds that are good ? Variety of many good effective builds is nothing more than a success for a good roleplaying game, since it does have many various roles you can be equally successful.
What about critical bursters with silent death, why you nerfed them ? They were great feature and improvement to gameplay.
What about merc leaders, which needed special alts, had big coasts, required good tactical organising but were quite effective, why you removed them ?
Also another double is when you buuy mercs and you need to keep paying them after, that is bullshit.

Same i could tell about fast shot trait, people whined that it had no disadvantage, but it had no disadvantage only because people made such builds were only advantage can be shown. And i think its the purpose of traits, to make such traits which you would benefit only. So stop disabling and nerfing everything what people learn how to use well. And give us our fast shot old trait back.
and give is our bozar minigun, which was best weapon for many in fallout2, and now cant be used at all in game, and if even it is used in game, it is used as fuckin faggot sniper rifle, not a normal great weapon we all used to know.

last but not the least thing is shitshoveling, why the fuck devs wanted the lowest payed, lowest exping way to be made harder, while noobs have like 60/90 hp they can shovel like 10 brahmin shits, and then they do not have hitpoints, so you make newbies able to earn only 100 exp, where is your reasoning in this non sense? let the newbies shovel shit safe

now i pretty much stated how i would imagine my perfect fonline game, you could state your own model if you wish, and as i said before i would like to hear devs opinion, how they imagine their fonline?
« Last Edit: April 06, 2013, 09:55:30 pm by vedaras »


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Re: Fonline vision of mine
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2013, 06:46:22 pm »

get ready for the PvP forum war
Back In-Game :D


  • You Can't Kill What's Already Dead
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Re: Fonline vision of mine
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2013, 06:47:22 pm »

so much text, so little sense.
Scamers: Grimmi
Beware of trading with this person.


  • King of the wasteland
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Re: Fonline vision of mine
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2013, 06:49:02 pm »

according to time of comments and my topic creaton, you posted your comment about sense without even reading the text, so troll your own ass not my topic idiot :) and i still want to see some normal discussion, especially with game developers.


  • You Can't Kill What's Already Dead
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Re: Fonline vision of mine
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2013, 06:52:56 pm »


No seriously, you just want this game to proceed back like 2 or 3 years. This is not just Fallout mod anymore. Its diffrent game with difrent mechanics.
Scamers: Grimmi
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Re: Fonline vision of mine
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2013, 06:58:20 pm »

just read it maybe and comment then, maybe then i will have something to answer :) its not even close to what you state now.

Mike Crosser

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Re: Fonline vision of mine
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2013, 07:09:43 pm »

Read what I could.
Yeah it's ok,well some of it.
Re: Fonline vision of mine
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2013, 07:13:18 pm »

too long to read

TMA ModMic

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Re: Fonline vision of mine
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2013, 07:13:49 pm »


the underground

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Re: Fonline vision of mine
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2013, 08:09:09 pm »

looks like a ragequit thread, before char is even generated.
which is epic.
nobody wants him so he just stares at the world
planning the vengeance that he will soon unfurl

Kill A VC For Democracy!!!!


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Re: Fonline vision of mine
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2013, 08:09:40 pm »

You know, usually I wouldn't even bother posting, but I noticed some serious issues with what I read and I'll take the time to point out what I really don't like here, as well as offer my own opinions as to not seem unappreciative of your ideas. Bare with me, I'll probably be mean at some points but I'll just leave this little disclaimer here...

Please don't take a damn thing in this post personally.

Alrighty now that the pleasantries are out of the way, let's get down to it.

The Bad

At the very beginning you started out with a mission, a purpose, and I was really drawn in, thinking hey this might be good let's read on...

Until I came to this.

Quote from:  Join the development team now!
if a player faction doesnt start town control timer once in one month, their faction base with all stuff in there gets deleted. People should make tents for their own alts, not factions

Sounds like another "feature" to me! Why don't we just contradict ourselves and change up more stuff that's worked for a long time that nobody will want? Oh I'll just leave this here...

Quote from: Lmao Contradiction
So stop disabling and nerfing everything what people learn how to use well.

Simply, LOL. As a matter of fact, you deserve a cookie.

Quote from:  Lol I'm good at a video game so I'll call you bad names
I liked that because it attracted pvp players to towns, and we should not only try to make southern noobs visit north time to time, but northern pros come and visit south also.

I laughed SO damn hard when I read this because I can smell a sense of ego behind it. The only people who refer to anyone as a noob are those that explicitly place themselves above the rest. Humility, something you should learn this year. Dispense with the stupid bullshit and get on my level.

Okay so there's a bunch of hilariously childish and excessively obscene comments in this and I'll just put them all in one pile. A numbered one.

  • So what the fuck guys
  • Just fuckin make it like in orginal fallouts
  • i fuckin want it from f2
  • they arent fuckin op
  • it makes it fuckin retarded
  • just return fuckin drugs like they were in fallout 2
  • they coast fuckin shit you know!
  • fuckin total 0, thanks for this balance devs
  • now you nerfed it to shit
  • it is used as fuckin faggot sniper rifle

These are the ten best examples of why your posting prompted me to respond. So let's get started with this list.

1. That's a great question, same thing I was asking when I read this list. Is the profanity a sign of maturity or maybe you really want someone to read this? Well you got my attention, in the wrong way.
2. No YOU fuckin' make it that way, make your own damn server, SDK is available. Demanding like that is pompous and arrogant, and shows you won't put shit for effort into anything that you're a part of.
3. That sounds like the rantings of an eight year old kid at a Toys R Us who didn't get his precious pink power ranger action figure. Jesus christ.
4. I'll address the main part of this, where you were asking to add crowbars. My answer is open up a footlocker or two in random encounters.
5. The only thing retarded is the amount of curses that this list is laden with.
6. See number 2.
7. I have no idea what the hell you're on about and I'm getting the feeling I don't want to know.
8. See quote at the top of my post.
9. Opinionated and moronic...
10. The way you address these changes is so hilarious that it lends 0 credibility to anything you've said, and if you had any respect or credibility it dissolved in the face of this onslaught of idiocy.

Anyways the gripe train is done, I could go on but I'll sum it up. The attitude you posted with is nothing short of breathtakingly ignorant. I had high hopes at the start of this post but as it went on your abrasive manner dissolved any want I had of contributing to the discussion meaningfully. Now before you decide to snap back, consider this. I carefully just read everything you said, and what I posted on was how you wrote it. Food for thought.

The Good

Anyways I like the idea behind the faction PvP event, that would be really fun if implemented properly. Though I must say the map idea would probably require a new setting environment for the server and really wouldn't work too well for 2238. Consider time frames accordingly. We do need more rewarding quests as there's only a handful people will ever consider doing, I agree. I don't get your idea with the player factions bases at all. I think if people want to have a base they should be able to, I use mine as a hub for my characters and a safer, larger place for all my itanz. Anyways that's my spin on it, I don't see breaking it if it doesn't need fixing, maybe in your server, but I'd be righteously pissed if it was implemented in this.

I do agree about the weapon changes but I don't know, I'm kind of used to them in this environment. If APA and Gauss weapons suddenly sprouted out of the ground I'd be very worried and probably just stop playing outright, as it would change radically the meta-game and really ruin the pace of things. Though I did enjoy the range on the Pancor Jackhammer back in the day and I CAN agree that I hate the change to the Bozar, I just hated the way you went about saying it, I felt like you're doing yourself a disservice acting out like that. [Surely you're intelligent enough to construct an argument that doesn't revolve around insults?]

Ditto with crafting and mining, I'm actually comfortable with the changes implemented to mining recently [to a degree] because it really makes things more intuitive and feature filled. A trading revamp, on the other hand, would probably be welcome, I wouldn't mind Barter having a more profound and tangible [as well as predictable] effect on the prices of things.

I have no preference on drugs, probably because I never have believed in using them because I wouldn't use them in real life, call me lame or self restricting but, I craft them, I sometimes use the lesser ones [rad-away naturally] but yeah, that's about it, huge storehouse of them, no use for them. So my argument here is a moot point, conceded.

No doubt that finding a good fitting build takes time and energy, and I sympathize with the constant changes that ruin builds all the time, I really don't like it either. But on the other hand constantly tossing insults at the Devs won't solve anything either. Respect is a two way street and all that pointless jazz no one ever cares to listen to.

Though you have a point with frag nades. Why the high AP cost in relation to plasma nades? Or maybe I'm just retarded but I swear Plasma is 4 AP and Frags are 5? Probably the all nighter I pulled the other night kicking in, feel free to slap me hard if I'm wrong.

Anyways in closing, I hope I didn't piss you off too bad but please lay off the profanity, you have some good ideas but they're really muddied up with all that fuck this and fuck that. Makes for an unpleasant read, you know?

Well anyways take care, PM me if you have any further concerns. Care bear out!
« Last Edit: April 06, 2013, 08:12:39 pm by Cari »
Re: Fonline vision of mine
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2013, 08:16:02 pm »

fascinating, but too short.

more verbal diarrhea please.


  • King of the wasteland
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Re: Fonline vision of mine
« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2013, 08:34:17 pm »

well from what you said about my language, swear words, insults and all, well take it as wasteland is harsh, wasteland forum also :D i am not going to talk like being in some church, cause i dont think it does change anything in the ideas or visions i suggest.

from what i can answer abour your post is:

1) well ok, the problem is not players hording the stuff in their bases, the problem is such factions who gather up people from server, but do nothing. I think most of server players should be involved in pvp and other server activities, and factions who just idle in ncr just lowers the percent, so the suggestion is to fight against that,so that all the players could be in active fighting gangs.

2) frag grenades coasted 4 ap before, but with fast shot and bonus rate of fire you could make them cost 2 ap only, what let you have a decent build as good in close range as minigunner (not better, just as good)

also in this position i shouldnt probably talk in the name of everybody, but i think everybody played fallout 1 and 2 when they were kids,  these games are best games ever or still amongst the top, people now really enjoy the opportunity to play their childhood game dream online, and i think everyone wants the best for the server, they donate (i donated myself 3 times i think), they play, they make suggestions how can game be better in their opinion, they spot bugs, they do everything because they want whats best for the server, not because they want to change servers, ragequite game or shit like that. Also i really admire the work devs put into this game, we really owe them. But as said before, we want whats best for fonline, and some things in my opinion are far from best that happened one time or another, so that should explain it more or less.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2013, 08:41:33 pm by vedaras »
Re: Fonline vision of mine
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2013, 08:40:46 pm »

These posts and discussions don't make sense. It's like you say that you have done something you don't want or like. If you paid them they will do something else.
Re: Fonline vision of mine
« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2013, 08:46:57 pm »

Game should be after the events of FO2, that way all the extra developments to the towns and the railways make sense. Write new content for the Enclave survivors and the BoS because they're going to have new objectives.

There should be some huge shit going down too with NCR going to war against VC, New Reno, and San Fran. Historically, trains have lead the expansion of civilizations into once 'barbarian' territories.
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