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Author Topic: Changelog 28/03/2010  (Read 11947 times)

Re: Changelog 28/03/2010
« Reply #30 on: March 29, 2010, 12:33:15 am »

Heh, different prices and using a different timeout script, should be a pickle to unravel ... great  :(

I feel as though the minimum CD is 5min, I am getting the same 5min CD for Primitive Tool, Lesser Healing Powder and Brass Knuckles. According to your calculations the Brass Knuckles should have a 0.8min CD.


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Re: Changelog 28/03/2010
« Reply #31 on: March 29, 2010, 12:35:38 am »

My question is that: Is the 2x slower deterioration rate going to come back, or did you decide to get rid of it purposely?

It's not coming back, because it never went away. A "/2" in the code is still there.
Re: Changelog 28/03/2010
« Reply #32 on: March 29, 2010, 12:36:14 am »

Heh, different prices and using a different timeout script, should be a pickle to unravel ... great  :(

It's definitely five minutes, but I haven't gotten around to checking the other drug cooldowns. However, the cooldowns for other things are working just fine from what my gang says. (They are however complaining about now only making 1 rocket at a time, for the same material. :P)

Edit: Is there any way you could at least put the price back up on healing powders until you get the timeouts fixed? :/ They were my only source of income.


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Re: Changelog 28/03/2010
« Reply #33 on: March 29, 2010, 01:39:35 am »

"* Prices of drugs and meds fixed."

Dear devs, i would like to say that new economy is awsome! Jet for 100 caps! Buffout for 300! psycho for 700! Yeeeeeeee!

Kick doctor profesion more!

Re: Changelog 28/03/2010
« Reply #34 on: March 29, 2010, 01:50:03 am »

Yay another doctor is here complaining with me.

Yes, doctor is getting the shit end of the stick. I think even with the lowered exp for every other class, doctor was still having the hardest time, because they can't combat as well as a weapon crafter, or even an armor crafter.


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Re: Changelog 28/03/2010
« Reply #35 on: March 29, 2010, 02:00:56 am »

I feel as though the minimum CD is 5min, I am getting the same 5min CD for Primitive Tool, Lesser Healing Powder and Brass Knuckles. According to your calculations the Brass Knuckles should have a 0.8min CD.

Yes, this seems to be it, should be fixed soon enough.

Drugs are cheap enough to be used frequently, you'll still be able to craft the same amount of $/hour and you should have an increased customer base, whilst also being able to use some of your stuff without bankrupting yourself.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Changelog 28/03/2010
« Reply #36 on: March 29, 2010, 02:05:56 am »

Solar, with the decreased cost everybody will just buy them straight from NPC's, and you sell them for less after all the hard work of making them.

Anyways, have bio goops and empty hypo prices been lowered even? I didn't manage to get any before being PK'ed in New Reno so I wasn't able to check.


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Re: Changelog 28/03/2010
« Reply #37 on: March 29, 2010, 02:09:03 am »

Bio med has gone to $25, hypos were always $10 werent they?

If you sell your drugs to NPC doctors you should be making money at the same rate as every other profession doing the same. Not quite sure how that screws doctors over :/
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Changelog 28/03/2010
« Reply #38 on: March 29, 2010, 02:13:26 am »

Hypos were apparently 40 caps a pop according to the wiki. Which seemed way too high. I never bought them because of that, just used the occasional one or two I found in caves.


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Re: Changelog 28/03/2010
« Reply #39 on: March 29, 2010, 02:25:22 am »

Bio med has gone to $25, hypos were always $10 werent they?

If you sell your drugs to NPC doctors you should be making money at the same rate as every other profession doing the same. Not quite sure how that screws doctors over :/

Crafting always was a hard job, and now [if reciptes are the same as they were] drug crafting isn't cost-effective. Now, as a Doctor i dont have anything worthy for sell [imo].

Cost get lower by 290 caps on each psycho, profit gone down by 1900 caps. So where is the business?
Re: Changelog 28/03/2010
« Reply #40 on: March 29, 2010, 02:33:20 am »

Yeah, I'm a bit pissed about it too. The only item a doctor can craft unless you spread your skills out thin, at doctor[1] is healing powder. Before, 160 caps, now 80 with the same cooldown, half the profit. Then, buffout was a great thing to sell, at 600 caps for 2 fruit 5 jerky. Now it's 10 jerky and chems that I have no idea where you get them, at 275 caps? At least mentats are 400... But I don't know what the new requirements are.

So yes, doctor is very bad for making caps now. Tier 3 crafts selling for less than 9mm ball ammo. Goddamn.


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Re: Changelog 28/03/2010
« Reply #41 on: March 29, 2010, 02:38:37 am »

Yeah, I'm a bit pissed about it too. The only item a doctor can craft unless you spread your skills out thin, at doctor[1] is healing powder. Before, 160 caps, now 80 with the same cooldown, half the profit. Then, buffout was a great thing to sell, at 600 caps for 2 fruit 5 jerky. Now it's 10 jerky and chems that I have no idea where you get them, at 275 caps? At least mentats are 400... But I don't know what the new requirements are.

So yes, doctor is very bad for making caps now. Tier 3 crafts selling for less than 9mm ball ammo. Goddamn.

It will not be long when FO land will meet with new kind of war, but i guess someone isnt afraid of those pvp build full of drugs power. Mayby this is how this period [era?] will look? We will wait and we will see... I just dont like new doc style.
Re: Changelog 28/03/2010
« Reply #42 on: March 29, 2010, 02:40:54 am »

Melee builds pumped full of psycho and jet. Imagine it. 60% DR before armor, 18 AP, 3AP per attack, 225 HP each.

There will be an army of them.
Re: Changelog 28/03/2010
« Reply #43 on: March 29, 2010, 02:44:43 am »

And what about stims? With changing FA skill I think there would be rush for those. What do you need to make stimpack?
Re: Changelog 28/03/2010
« Reply #44 on: March 29, 2010, 02:50:13 am »

Xander root, broc flower, empty hypo, medical gel.

Hypos are rare, gel is purchase only. According to the updated prices, it costs 35 caps just to make one hypo. You're better off just finding them on raiders anyways.
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