The ability to change your character name:
Go to an authority (sherrifs, nayors, etc) and select the "I want to change my name." option.
They will reply,, "wHat do you want to change it to?" (use say button).
You click on "Say." and type in your 'new' name.
If that character name is open, they will reply, "Ok, you have to wait until it's been psoted in the news, that should take 24 hourts, and then we'll see."
In 24 hours, your new name will be official.
If that char name ISN'T open, they will reply "I'm sorry, but there was an objection and we can't allow the change. Would you like to try somethign else?" (use "Say). You can repeat the process as many times as needed to get the char name you actually do want or to get an accaptable alternaitive.
This fairly closely mimicks real-world name changes, I should knwo becasue I had mine changed a few years ago.