Other > Suggestions

Remove gatling from enclave

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--- Quote from: avv on March 25, 2013, 03:36:50 pm ---I simply disagree. If only strongest get best gear, they remain strong and weak remain weak. Working as a team is always powerful because you simply have your buddies watching your back and you can share roles and whatever. It doesn't need any additional benefits.
It's okay that teamwork helps you to get gear faster, but if it's the only way to get so some sort of übergear that lolzpwns everything it's very bad. You got your excellent team, what do you need unique stuff for?

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When all stuff can be obtained by one player, then I would say the difficulty bar is set very low.

Exactly, avv forgets the game has to challenge the player to some extent, there's no better way than team-work and the necessity to work together as that is purely interaction, when you make a game where everyone can be self sufficient and do everything by yourself, well you get a game like now, loch ness monster is out there and it is real, but nobody has ever seen it and by loch ness monster I mean those players who you never see in the game and if such direction like avv's is taken the game will always be literally a deserted wasteland, because players will not have reason why to interact.

--- Quote from: avv on March 25, 2013, 03:36:50 pm ---I used to think like this but realized it's nonsense. Only thing that drives players is hope and chance to succeed. If there were mats that everyone wanted in some location but it was turbofarmed by faction that let nobody in, players would simply stop caring or enter it only when this faction wasn't there.

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If there were mats for players to have equal chance to compete for, there is always chance to succeed and if nobody challenges or isn't capable to challenge the faction your talking about, then that's purely the players fault not game design.

--- Quote from: avv on March 25, 2013, 03:36:50 pm ---It's okay that teamwork helps you to get gear faster, but if it's the only way to get so some sort of übergear that lolzpwns everything it's very bad. You got your excellent team, what do you need unique stuff for?

I simply disagree. If only strongest get best gear, they remain strong and weak remain weak. Working as a team is always powerful because you simply have your buddies watching your back and you can share roles and whatever. It doesn't need any additional benefits.

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You don't get it? Player interaction is why team-work is needed for and benefits to encourage it.

Encouragement, the reason players in World of Warcraft gather 40 players to go to raids is the unique reward, because it requires team-work, player interaction and the whole process is fun. Same principle can applied to any dungeon in 2238, at least should be, sure those resources can be dominated, but that's only more motivation for someone to move in and take control of it back, to fight for it. If someone lays down hands and say, "oh no they have a little bit better weapon and they organized we won't fight them", then how the fuck and why the fuck should the game baby sit these players, they don't want to compete and they won't compete unless decide otherwise and game features don't dictate whether they can or not if those feats are simply somewhat balanced, it's up to the player mainly.

Gatling is not so almighty powerful, if it will get dominated by certain group of players, then that's nothing you won't be able to handle by wearing metal armor, even better take advantage of the situation and wear Tesla on psycho tanks (shat, some BBS has done that more than once in Reno, hurts a lot).

So your weakling concept of scrub players is complete bullshit.

--- Quote from: Giftless on March 25, 2013, 07:50:03 am ---The real problem is that there aren't paths for different RPG classes to become strong in their own ways.

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Very true, that means there is a lot to work for developers, but hey we know they have stopped balancing weaponry or armor, perks etc. etc.

Everything we talk about ends at this.

--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 06, 2013, 02:49:05 pm ---To what end? This game doesn't try to be a tactical shooter.

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The future of 2238.

Killer Rabbit:
Not if u know how. I like Gatling-Ma2/tesla and av/ca2 balance. I would say I miss new weapons

the underground:

--- Quote from: Cyber Jesus on March 27, 2013, 07:44:34 pm ---Its balanced, if you're getting killed by them then its about time you stop raging and switch to using ma mkII.

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even ca is hard pressed to protect against a minigun. But its too easy to abuse......

If enclave had 400 HP and not so many OP crit/res they would still remain a chalenge while being a possible challenge for M60/Gatling tanks.

A player who had Enclave/BoS NPC stats would never die in-game, even a player with NCR Army stats would have advantage.  ::)

--- Quote from: Surf on March 24, 2013, 02:00:54 pm ---Just removing a problematic weapon shouldn't be done, isn't there a more elegant option?

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Making Enclave a farmable option via legit farming methods, which won't happen anytime soon.


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