Other > Suggestions

Remove gatling from enclave

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--- Quote from: T-888 on March 25, 2013, 02:21:53 am ---
Everyone shouldn't be able to do everything, get everything by themselves, that's why we have an alt problem and players crave for some One Alt Crusade where their skills would actually come into to play and the character they would make, make a difference, but currently everyone can make alts for every single purpose and do it in their own way. See how good that turns out? The game truly is a wasteland, deserted and player interaction is secondary, there's zero necessity to interact for most of the part, everything can be done by alts.
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The real problem is that there aren't paths for different RPG classes to become strong in their own ways. There could be equipment kits that would be sniper, medic, and thief specific; gear that would allow other build types to have a chance instead of just being asphalt for the Big Gunner steamroller.

You could also turn it into a collectors item like it used to be  ;D
Remember ? 10-40 damage, good times ! And buff every other weapon then avenger while you're at it. Might make this mess more enjoyable.

But its funny that avv is suddenly against gatling lasers, I guess he became bored with his sneaker. Mb he switched to an avenger sneaker and realised that it's bad compared to his colleges anti-sneakers ;(


--- Quote ---Your whole thought process is wrong at the very core, players should be able to get the best and good equipment only if they work together and those who play alone will not have access to certain content the game provides, playing together is a better reward. It is like a universal principle which has been working very fine in a lot of popular games for a lot years and still persists in those who are coming out and will come.
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I simply disagree. If only strongest get best gear, they remain strong and weak remain weak. Working as a team is always powerful because you simply have your buddies watching your back and you can share roles and whatever. It doesn't need any additional benefits.
It's okay that teamwork helps you to get gear faster, but if it's the only way to get so some sort of übergear that lolzpwns everything it's very bad. You got your excellent team, what do you need unique stuff for?

--- Quote ---it's such a good concept when there is a resource struggle for something, anything and in this case it's weaponry, it is what drives players
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I used to think like this but realized it's nonsense. Only thing that drives players is hope and chance to succeed. If there were mats that everyone wanted in some location but it was turbofarmed by faction that let nobody in, players would simply stop caring or enter it only when this faction wasn't there.

When hq minerals were released, they were very wanted stuff. But players who didn't have the means to defeat the pks camping the mine simply came in with bluesuit and primitive tool and during night time.

Dont know which abuse you using but we getting them by regular fight.

Cyber Jesus:
Its balanced, if you're getting killed by them then its about time you stop raging and switch to using ma mkII.


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