Other > Suggestions

Remove gatling from enclave

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But triple888  atm the game encourages good teamwork extremely much already so it's not in bad state when it comes to that. Besides, players who prefer to work in team will do it no matter how much individual person can do alone.

--- Quote ---I mean those players who you never see in the game and if such direction like avv's is taken the game will always be literally a deserted wasteland, because players will not have reason why to interact.
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But that's not even true. Players won't go anywhere if they don't have what it takes to defend themselves. I go to places alone just fine because I have the stuff. If I didn't have then for sure I wouldn't show my face. Players interact when they got stuff.
Just think what it would be like if you had to do pvp to get superstims. Superstims are needed in pvp and now you'd need to have them before you go get them. When you start, you don't have ANY. How are you going to get superstims if you first need to defeat other players who already have superstims? Only effective and fast way I can think of is sneaking in when those guys aren't there.

--- Quote ---If there were mats for players to have equal chance to compete for, there is always chance to succeed and if nobody challenges or isn't capable to challenge the faction your talking about, then that's purely the players fault not game design.
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You seem to think that random individual players can just stick together and start working in organized way. Keep mind they might be members of individual groups who hate each other, they might talk different languages or just want to keep to themselves. Many players don't even want to use offgame programs such as teamspeak, let alone speak english fluently even though they write it well.

--- Quote ---"oh no they have a little bit better weapon and they organized we won't fight them", then how the fuck and why the fuck should the game baby sit these players, they don't want to compete and they won't compete unless decide otherwise and game features don't dictate whether they can or not if those feats are simply somewhat balanced, it's up to the player mainly.
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I happen to know how these things escalate. The side that has more troops in its pool just gathers more and more people if they get informed there are free targets somewhere. For example my alliance would definitely camp some location all day straight if non-stop fights were promised there and we can gather like 20 people.
This kind of fighting over resources works only if teams who enter are equal in size, but they aren't and there's nothing to limit it.

--- Quote ---Gatling is not so almighty powerful, if it will get dominated by certain group of players, then that's nothing you won't be able to handle by wearing metal armor, even better take advantage of the situation and wear Tesla on psycho tanks (shat, some BBS has done that more than once in Reno, hurts a lot).
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I don't think it's very good balance that your entire character can be countered by switching an armor.


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