ERMA FERKING GERRD, this looks absolutely amazing!!
I wasnt going to play this ridiculous game anymore ( fonline), but ermagerd you have swayed me.
I was checking in to see updates to 2238, and i managed to see someone say something about TLA in the thread, i googled fonline tla, and found this, i had NO IDEA this even existed, a a a d v e r t i i i s e maaaan, spam peoples emails ffs.
Please don't disappoint! I will try this tomorrow!
Any tips for first character? The mechanics seem vastly different than 2238, do i still need a crafting character, or can i make a big gunner who can craft his own weapons now?
or are other things viable? id rather be a small gunner if he is viable.
P.S. i was wondering why 2238 server was only 30 players XD its because they are all playing this!
Thank you, and good job.
DONT DISAPPOINT ME, i was thinking of starting up 2238 again until i saw this.
( no offense to 2238, you have made some major changes just in the past few months, and it looked good )
EDIT: Oh man, its going to take weeks to figure out these new mechanics, and quests etc T_T