Author Topic: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!  (Read 228051 times)

Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #375 on: April 13, 2013, 01:37:52 pm »
what is goin on? server down?

Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #376 on: April 13, 2013, 03:17:35 pm »
Thanks a lot Sarakin u made my life easier.

Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #377 on: April 13, 2013, 04:32:41 pm »
TLA mk2 player statistics will now be displayed in English. You might need to press Ctrl+F5 to get rid of cached Russian images.

Thanks to Cpt.Rookie for changing the display language (and he fixed the display of statistics for current year, too - earlier you couldn't see the stats for the last two months).
« Last Edit: April 13, 2013, 11:31:21 pm by Dagnir »

Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #378 on: April 14, 2013, 01:59:10 am »
So since I'm new here this will probably be retarded sounding, but i'll try anyway:

I've been really excited to play TLA, and since downloading the mod I find it frustrating so I have some questions.

1. At what level can you get the perk Combat Running?

2. Is it really supposed to be this hard to level? I complete some of the quests I get, but some are just to hard to understand what I'm supposed to be doing.
-What's the best way to level?

3. Are there any english speaking factions out there? :P

Thanks guys, I'm sure I'll have more questions, but other than this, great game!

Offline BenKain

  • Independent Developer
Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #379 on: April 14, 2013, 02:21:07 am »
I have a faction going of The Last Light Members, know as 'The Industrial Consortium'

Combat Running at 16 or 20, I am not entirely sure

And there doesn't seem to me, to be a "quick level" method, it is more like a standard mmo, exp is important, but guarding caravans are one good way, and 6k xp for delivery quests in vault city.

Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #380 on: April 14, 2013, 03:50:15 am »
I have a faction going of The Last Light Members, know as 'The Industrial Consortium'

Combat Running at 16 or 20, I am not entirely sure

And there doesn't seem to me, to be a "quick level" method, it is more like a standard mmo, exp is important, but guarding caravans are one good way, and 6k xp for delivery quests in vault city.

Where does one generally find "guard the caravan" quests?

Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #381 on: April 14, 2013, 03:52:26 am »
Combat Running at 16 or 20, I am not entirely sure
30 or 33 and require 9 agility.
Download english version of char planner.

Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #382 on: April 14, 2013, 03:56:21 am »
Where does one generally find "guard the caravan" quests?
Come in Arroyo buddy,that s the caravan core.
Indeed, perhaps one day we shall meet
Out in the country, or maybe on the street
Until that day here shall I wait
For death or for life, whichever my fate

Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #383 on: April 14, 2013, 09:43:44 am »
One more question on something I don't understand,

I've watched a lot of videos on youtube and often I see someone with stats like;


How do you achieve stats like that unless the user has Weapon Handling (+3 ST) but even then there's an extra point un-accounted for (I've tried replicating the build in Char Builder)

(Drugs are not used)

Offline Glumer

  • The Evil Butchers
Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #384 on: April 14, 2013, 11:06:41 am »
some english speak gangs are there, for example us

Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #385 on: April 14, 2013, 11:23:53 am »
I have a problem with Leanna's quest (bring 5 red codoms from Kitty). Unfortunately I died in the wasteland and I lost everything. What should I do now? Where can I buy new one? I add that before I made this quest few times and now I can't complete it.

Offline Alvarez

  • Forget the past, go outside and have a blast
Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #386 on: April 14, 2013, 11:37:41 am »
How do you achieve stats like that unless the user has Weapon Handling (+3 ST) but even then there's an extra point un-accounted for (I've tried replicating the build in Char Builder)

(Drugs are not used)


Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #387 on: April 14, 2013, 12:08:48 pm »
I am searching for english speaking team, farming together, do quests , and gather for faction

Offline Mrockatansky

  • -Guardian-
Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #388 on: April 14, 2013, 12:19:57 pm »
I resisted longtime, but now after playing a bit, i must admit its good fun and strangly feels more falloutish regardless the changes that have been made.
 I didn't mention Guardians just because they represent no real force in my opinion.

Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #389 on: April 14, 2013, 01:41:18 pm »
ANy idea where i can find mirelurks?