Author Topic: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!  (Read 227807 times)

Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #285 on: April 07, 2013, 11:03:42 pm »
On TLA money has different value. Earning 35k for one player is nothing.

yeah i was so shocked when i made 30k shortly after leaving the spawn camp, it's nice to see a fonline game where vendors actually function.

Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #286 on: April 08, 2013, 01:28:50 am »
Indeed, the trading system is very complex and refined, thus interesting and rewarding. You'll never see the same items on traders, they all have chance to spawn rare stuff depending on the trader, it's quite randomized, of course they have their usual items which are spawned in stages ... not sure if that's the right choice of words, but the idea is you can't time items on traders and know exactly when they will spawn something good.

There are certain rare items, like some parts to make power armors which can be spawned like anywhere in limited amounts with a CD to re-spawn them again on a different trader in the wasteland.

Trading system is hands down, fully complete I'd say, improvements can be made, but it is simply very good already.

By the way guys, for some easy cash, experience check out the "DJ" quests on radio channel 0 and also permanent character bonuses.

You'll be asked for to be bring an item/s to NPC in certain city (npc will have ! mark near him so easy to recognize), always random and by bringing it you get rewards, sometimes the DJ says that the "client" will offer something special and then you receive character bonuses. So, one guy from our faction gave 24 rocks to some NPC and got +2 permanent carry weight, I got like +2% permanent electrical resistance and 11k just for tesla armor. These quests occur each 20 minutes from their announcement, each time something different, character bonuses depends on item if something special field medic first aid kit will be FA of course, energy weapon will be bonus to energy skill etc. etc. On top of that experience, once got 3k experience for 2 sharpened spears and 1.5k money, 7k exp and some 5k money for laser rifle with extended clip etc. etc. so can be extremely beneficial if your at the right place and time.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2013, 01:42:27 am by T-888 »

Offline Sarakin

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Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #287 on: April 08, 2013, 04:59:38 pm »
Thats what I like on TLA most - the random element.
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Offline Reconite

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Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #288 on: April 08, 2013, 09:27:42 pm »
312 players online.

Nice to see such a healthy playerbase in a FOnline game again. :)
« Last Edit: April 08, 2013, 09:32:36 pm by Reconite »
Quote from: Zogra

ARWH. Scummers to the end.

Offline manero

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Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #289 on: April 08, 2013, 09:49:35 pm »
312 players online.

Nice to see such a healthy playerbase in a FOnline game again. :)

...against 75 players on 2238 in prime time lol ; d

Offline Reconite

  • I'm a Spore Plant, I swear to god
Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #290 on: April 08, 2013, 09:55:26 pm »
All of which are in NCR sitting around a table.
Quote from: Zogra

ARWH. Scummers to the end.

Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #291 on: April 09, 2013, 12:27:59 am »
Has anyone figured out what speech does? I want to make a slaver but the wiki is useless.

Offline Wichura

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Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #292 on: April 09, 2013, 12:41:45 am »
Spacious cave. 55k in Klamath, more in elsewhere.
1. containing much space, as a house, room, or vehicle; amply large.
2. occupying much space; vast.
3. of a great extent or area; broad; large; great: the spacious prairies.

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Offline xsarq

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Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #293 on: April 09, 2013, 01:05:27 am »
looks like someone got trolled hard :P
Scamers: Grimmi
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Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #294 on: April 09, 2013, 01:32:36 am »
does this base got some lockers for items? it the pain in my hideout made with transmitter, i wanna buy base but dont know which one

Offline xsarq

  • You Can't Kill What's Already Dead
Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #295 on: April 09, 2013, 01:40:20 am »
Is theres no option for crafting lockers? This server is SO behind the 2238 then.
Scamers: Grimmi
Beware of trading with this person.

Offline Wichura

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Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #296 on: April 09, 2013, 01:41:26 am »
My spacious cave has three containers - vase, pot and another pot. These are fortunately spacious enough, I've put over 100 kg of crap in each of them and there's still free space. 55k for ... wait for it ... 38 hexes + 1 exit grid. Yeah.

There's a basement with two containers, cheaper than spacious cave, but more expensive than shithole hovel. The cheapest bases are near Arroyo, ask Smiley in Klamath for that location (10k for hovel).
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Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #297 on: April 09, 2013, 02:00:52 am »
Spacious cave. 55k in Klamath, more in elsewhere.

Makes me wonder what houses in Russia look like.

Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #298 on: April 09, 2013, 03:29:17 am »
Is theres no option for crafting lockers? This server is SO behind the 2238 then.

Okay, go make lockers then, I hope you make enough of them so you have much to do in the game.

Has anyone figured out what speech does? I want to make a slaver but the wiki is useless.

Wise men say to me that 109 speech is magic number of a requirement for various good quest bonuses.

Few of them would be +1 action point, +5 healing rate, 1 perception and more, some of those quests are quite hard and there's the part which simply require help of friends, some take up quite a long time to complete.

I know that maximum slave count is 5, magnetic personality exists, so it might be the good old 9 charisma + mp, but that's a guess cuz I dunno.

Offline BenKain

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Re: FOnline TLA mk2 - now in English!
« Reply #299 on: April 09, 2013, 06:39:54 am »
Can someone confirm if the stat usefulness for OD Caps at 115% and Barter at 150%? Because it will let me take more :/