Other > Suggestions

Necropolis - TC for lower gangs.

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I think what can easily help there is shorter timer, and visible only for people on south. No one will get there quick for slaughter not real pro pvp players. Players on south have some roleplays etc. they will guard it so shorter timer for tc dont give them problem.

I think it can help to players on south cause they really hard gathering caps, cigs, nuka ... Locker can spawn something not much but it will help.


--- Quote from: T-888 on February 27, 2013, 11:01:46 am ---

--- End quote ---

Ok, the Forumoverseer himself is involved. So -just for you- i will try to shape my point in other words.

What i meant was 'inhabitated by Players, conducting all sorts of activities'
With beeing 'one track minded' i tried to point out, that generating yet another place for killing each other might not grab the root of the problem.
What would take place if, asuming all the technical difficulties get solved somehow, some sort of lowbie PvP area is implemented?
I bet you yourself can come up with an Avengerburst of arguments and possible Flaws abusepossibilitys and things i cant even spell in engrish. That's why i didn't.

So: theres a PvP engagement going on in a particular area and all the bluesuits merely wander around with brocflowers in their hair, fraternising with the players in combatgear?
It's becoming more populated? From a casaulplayers perspective, mind you.
Are Slaver(alt)s selling their Slaves in Den during TC ?
TC has nothing to do with players dying?
There are no reasons whatsoever to relog to a town beside Peeweepeepixelmassacre? Maybe for you. But i have not given up on this game (yet).
And how would you know anything about what is going on in towns, if all you see is thru the crosshair of your gatling?

I was part of that low playerbase longtime before anbody has had teh pleasure of beeing confronted with your opinions.

And please don't judge my thoughts. I try hard to do the same to you.

Rage master:
so better dont go out behind ncr walls ;D

Sorry but, About what did you say - The game is about PVP, not endless farming shit to do it, then people should understand if they die in TC city, this is not pvp apes fault, but their fault that they choosed wrong game.

About TC in Necro- it should be same as other Northern cities, rad-x and rad aways rewards (for Glow goers it can be nicely).


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