Other > Suggestions
Necropolis - TC for lower gangs.
Rage master:
Hahahaha good one!!! And maby if u were in 1 town during tc add 2h idler timer for another tc and give tc chest to ncr noobs? ;) another good pro noobs sugestions :) but i dont like necropolis. I would prefer junk town :) jt with another 3rd Enter zone is the best place for pvp. Large area, plenty of buildings.
Forget it, there's no Ghosthack.
My more serious two cents on this topic:
Don't be one-track minded. TC rather depopolates an area than bringing life to it.
How about nicely-rewarded (we don't have that yet) repeatable Quest in V12 that needs a group of Combatchars?
Edit: in my opinion all questrewards -exept maybe that one Gunrunner-mutantcave- thingie are an insult to the player investing time.
--- Quote from: Mrockatansky on February 27, 2013, 10:09:29 am ---Don't be one-track minded. TC rather depopolates an area than bringing life to it.
--- End quote ---
Town Control has nothing to do whether towns are populated or not. Look, the game has an extremely low player base and the only reason to be inside the city is to be hostile, they are empty even in days when not a single timer is made.
Delusional one sided thought you have there.
Mike Crosser:
--- Quote from: Rage master on February 27, 2013, 07:56:36 am ---I would prefer junk town :) jt with another 3rd Enter zone is the best place for pvp. Large area, plenty of buildings.
--- End quote ---
Junktown in particular has many useful quests and abilities to obtain professions.
Making it a PvP zone will just mean everyone camping trader/quest givers/prof. trainers/spear buyers.
Think of it as Eldrige in New Reno.
JT is (imo) the second most useful town for new players (first being hub).
While it would be fun to PvP in seeing how the many randomly placed buildings would provide good cover for snipers while tanks duke it out in the open.
So while it's a decent idea Jacky,it shouldn't be implemented.
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