Other > Suggestions

Necropolis - TC for lower gangs.

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This town would serve as a TC for the lower gangs, meaning no stronger gangs of the numbers like 10-X and best gear which would ruin the whole point.

To keep it at strong-faction-free, any member part of the gangs that had owned a northern town before will not be able to start TC there, and won't be able to enter during Necro timer, also being kicked to the World Map if the timer is started. (If you have anything better, please suggest, I couldn't really think of an idea on how to keep the stronger factions out.)

The map most suitable for TC in my opinion would be Watershed, and Elmer would be the "mayor" to start the timer. You would have 3 people armed with any armor above 25% and any weapon above 25% to start the timer.

The TC zone:

The chest reward per half an hour would be:

750-1250 caps
100 shotgun shells
50 5mm AP
50 5mm JHP
200 10mm JHP
100 10mm AP
50 Micro Fusion Cells
200 Small Energy Cells
Support by the 2 ghouls guarding the mayor's room

The chest would be placed in Elmer's room.

If you have something to say to improve this suggestion, please do so.

Shitty chest reward. The rest of the suggestion is fine for me, I support.


--- Quote from: McLooter on February 27, 2013, 01:24:14 am ---To keep it at strong-faction-free, any member part of the gangs that had owned a northern town before will not be able to start TC there, and won't be able to enter during Necro timer, also being kicked to the World Map if the timer is started.

--- End quote ---
I don't like these restrictions, sorry  :-\

Idea of Necropolis PvP is nice though, look at Reno you don't need TC to bring people to some place. People are just used to fighting there and that's it. If you introduce some interesting content for players, newbies and PKs and PKs killing those PKs etc. will show up. If you really don't want stronger gangs to come there, make it uninteresting for them so only noobs and small group of players will come there.

Quick (maybe stupid) idea: newbies love caps, so maybe there could be some random place which would spawn 1000 caps 4 times a day (randomly ofc). That way people would come to check if there are some caps and it would bring "life" to the town, that's the idea behind it.

Reno has many traders and it's unguarded + it's a northern town. Necropolis has a nice trader but it is guarded, therefore, to bring some life (or pain and agony?) to this dead town, I suggested this. I think it is better a strong-faction-free place because most of the smaller/newbie factions live in the south and this would kind of serve as a tutorial-location for gangs willing to get into PvP. New gangs trying to reno usually get shot down everytime, then disband and not given a chance. 

What if some pro pvp players create new faction/characters just to dominate there ?


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