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Author Topic: Necropolis - TC for lower gangs.  (Read 4641 times)

Re: Necropolis - TC for lower gangs.
« Reply #30 on: February 27, 2013, 10:35:29 pm »

for insipration guys  ;)
I know TC zone is near spawn but ... solution is maybe add some fence between buildings, or put TC zone in the middle (church).
« Last Edit: February 27, 2013, 10:37:09 pm by LittleBoy »
Re: Necropolis - TC for lower gangs.
« Reply #31 on: February 27, 2013, 10:51:24 pm »

I have to say those are some pretty good lines.

Still, Ghosthack is the only one who touches town control and since he is not active for sure, can't hope for these changes.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2013, 10:52:58 pm by T-888 »
Re: Necropolis - TC for lower gangs.
« Reply #32 on: February 28, 2013, 12:11:16 pm »

Back to the idea of making the town control playable for newer players:

Instead of timer solutions or player number limit or banning factions that are pro

make TC only accessible to characters on LOW LEVELS.
TC in Necro only with chars between lvl 9-15 for example.
Also restrict what gear players that enter can wear, so no CAs, no gatlings, no BG..
This wouldn't prevent pro players from going in there but restrain their abilities at last so new players could have a chance.
Re: Necropolis - TC for lower gangs.
« Reply #33 on: February 28, 2013, 12:53:28 pm »

That would destroy the whole idea it is meant for, new or casual type of player doesn't automatically mean he has a low level character, the idea that he couldn't participate in less "pro" control once he reaches certain level is flawed due to the fact that level doesn't indicate the experience of the player.

Weapon restrictions is a pointless measure.

There is no "pro" or better gear, Combat armors, Gatling is equipment that is balanced more or less on the current system and removing them would serve no greater purpose other than cut down the small variety of gear players can use efficiently at all.

Not to mention such a system could be abused easily and won't work in practice, because there is no guarantee that experienced players wouldn't participated in that kind of town control with specific alts made for that.


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Re: Necropolis - TC for lower gangs.
« Reply #34 on: February 28, 2013, 04:05:01 pm »

Back to the idea of making the town control playable for newer players:

Instead of timer solutions or player number limit or banning factions that are pro

make TC only accessible to characters on LOW LEVELS.
TC in Necro only with chars between lvl 9-15 for example.
Also restrict what gear players that enter can wear, so no CAs, no gatlings, no BG..
This wouldn't prevent pro players from going in there but restrain their abilities at last so new players could have a chance.
Wait what? It wouldn't prevent them going in - they'll just pwn Mad Max Wannabes with their boomsticks.
Just make a regular TC area here, or just no timer set on global (just in location or 2 squares near, would show off).
Re: Necropolis - TC for lower gangs.
« Reply #35 on: February 28, 2013, 04:30:44 pm »

I agree with Tomowolf, it would be good if it was no timer Town Control, huge gangs mostly mobilize their forces when they see the timer. I would say it's worth trying (if any dev has such power to design a capture zone and spawn a chest with goodies).

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Re: Necropolis - TC for lower gangs.
« Reply #36 on: February 28, 2013, 08:24:21 pm »

Yes but u forget to tell that this should fit only to necro tc timer :)
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