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Author Topic: Add human predators  (Read 2786 times)


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Add human predators
« on: February 21, 2013, 11:40:33 pm »

I like this new concept of beasts roaming the Wastes for prey.
But there are also raiders, mercs, slavers and such scum wandering around, as well. Why not to make the Wasteland a more dangerous place by making them encounter you?

There is nothing against a bit of paranoia while scavenging, no? Gives you that thrill. :)


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Re: Add human predators
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2013, 12:07:08 am »

+1 Great system with awesome implementation, that seems to scale well to your party size. I'd defiantly like to see a rave party "accidentally" stumble on your footlocker. :P


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Re: Add human predators
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2013, 02:24:07 am »

You'd need a character with a build that is strong enough to defeat a few highwaymen or robbers while collecting resources, that sounds good.
Re: Add human predators
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2013, 04:59:01 am »

The problem with this is that predators weren't meant to be fun, they are simply proxy-fool systems to prevent people from leaving alts at world map before TC.

Since all predators are meant to be overpowered for that exact reason, it wouldn't take long for human NPCs to be taking over 50 damage from you while using 10mm pistols or hunting rifles.

There is a reason predators at the beginning are always rats or ants who are capable to kill players but not as effectively as the predators that show up after 10~20 minutes, to make sure players who are legitimately hunting/scavenging have a chance to run away from them while idler proxies will either die after a few minutes or be forced to constantly auto-manage several windows at once (if he doesn't get banned that is).


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Re: Add human predators
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2013, 07:44:16 am »

You'd need a character with a build that is strong enough to defeat a few highwaymen or robbers while collecting resources, that sounds good.

There should be ways to deal with them, they could be spotted on obscene taunts they might shout, they can be lured on a minefield by using LightStep perk or one can run away from them.


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Re: Add human predators
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2013, 08:59:48 am »

The problem with this is that predators weren't meant to be fun, they are simply proxy-fool systems to prevent people from leaving alts at world map before TC.

Since all predators are meant to be overpowered for that exact reason, it wouldn't take long for human NPCs to be taking over 50 damage from you while using 10mm pistols or hunting rifles.

There is a reason predators at the beginning are always rats or ants who are capable to kill players but not as effectively as the predators that show up after 10~20 minutes, to make sure players who are legitimately hunting/scavenging have a chance to run away from them while idler proxies will either die after a few minutes or be forced to constantly auto-manage several windows at once (if he doesn't get banned that is).

That was original intent (except not from WM but from some encounter far away) but I would
like to add additional prizes and challenges if you stay alive long enough, because I see some
potential for fun in this feature.

I was thinking about mobs carrying high tier melee/unarmed weapons, there is no way
to get them now contrary to most other stuff (except for crafting if you happen to have BP).

Also I was thinking about some "lone predator hunter" challenge - something like enter desert
encounter alone and survive 10 waves to get one time bonus to outdoorsman and special
karma. Or maybe would give bonus against predators, so you would be more effective
to get those HtH weapons from armed predators once you complete the challenge.

Not saying it would be added, it's just my random ideas.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2013, 09:16:36 am by JovankaB »


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Re: Add human predators
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2013, 09:24:07 am »

Not saying it would be added, it's just my random ideas.

I'd like to see some things like that though. I think you unintentionally created the next best Gears of War Horde Mode!
Re: Add human predators
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2013, 09:46:00 am »

There is nothing against a bit of paranoia while scavenging, no? Gives you that thrill. :)

Are you serious? You have thrill from bots when you gather junk?

Teh best suggestion ever, more suicide npc's that go kamikaze on your ass while you do utterly useless things as wait for them to come. Fun, fun, fun!!

I was thinking about mobs carrying high tier melee/unarmed weapons

and then get weapons that are utterly useless! More ways to get stuff, just the thing we need.

Add 10 more like these features, maybe it will be the magic number when we will finally have something to do.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2013, 09:49:34 am by T-888 »


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Re: Add human predators
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2013, 10:02:18 am »

I will have thrill when I will see your idling proxies getting killed by ants with Living Anatomy.
The other parts of the feature clearly wouldn't be made for a typical TC PvP ape, so I'm not
sure why do you comment with so much rage. You aren't the only one playing this game.

Mike Crosser

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Re: Add human predators
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2013, 06:37:47 pm »

Dude,this isn't meant for exploitation.
No one in their right mind is going to fight rats and deathclaws so he could get some cheap gear.
This is just for fun,not everything is in PvP.

Seeing how you have 0 interest in this,why do you even care then?
You have something against predator campers?Some people actually have fun doing this (see "dayumn nature you scary!"),just like you do making crit bursts and sucking on super stimpaks like they are candy.


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Re: Add human predators
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2013, 06:55:43 pm »

...while you do utterly useless things as wait for them to come...

I place (sadly very expensive) explosive traps, mercs, evaluate predator spawn points, restock weapons and heal my companions. Something like this event without burster assholios. There is a ocassional player, too sorry that mercs shoot everything that moves. And the scavenging is just 30 seconds.

This is also fun to play with teammates, one knocks them out with bazooka, the second and third snipe their prone bodies, while the fourth brings in the supplies and fifth heals. The city maps are especially interesting, as their provide bottlenecks for traps, as the mobs blindly storms the shortest route - so highly agile lure players can aggro them into desired direction.

Too bad the tripwire grenades or mines can't be installed on spot...

and then get weapons that are utterly useless! More ways to get stuff, just the thing we need.

Do you expect them wear leather jackets and mausers? Seriously? I like Jovanka's suggestions about random/unique weapons, (perhaps not just melee) and maybe reasonable amounts of caps.

Also I was thinking about some "lone predator hunter" challenge - something like enter desert
encounter alone and survive 10 waves to get one time bonus to outdoorsman and special
karma. Or maybe would give bonus against predators, so you would be more effective
to get those HtH weapons from armed predators once you complete the challenge.

For this i would give applause emoticon if we had one.
Love the challenge option, maybe we should have more of that. Perhaps unique combat boosting perk of your choice, as well?

Some people actually have fun doing this (see "dayumn nature you scary!")

This. Thank you for insightful comment, Mike.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2013, 06:58:34 pm by Alvarez »
Re: Add human predators
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2013, 08:28:18 pm »

Definitely the best improvement in pve i have seen in years.Also your*random ideas*,dear Jovanka,totally rocks.I never had that much fun like lately,with a tank build with 3 ch that can deal some damages with bg and ew,fight a player If needed while being socially skilled.How about a 1% bonus outdoor with each repelled wave?...Think about it.Everyone will grind in the wasteland..?MoRe encounter for travelling players.More skill points to distribute in other skills,so less alting.Outdoor isn t an abuse skill,If an ape got 300 out,i really doubt that would spoil the game.Opinion?
Indeed, perhaps one day we shall meet
Out in the country, or maybe on the street
Until that day here shall I wait
For death or for life, whichever my fate


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Re: Add human predators
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2013, 08:32:33 pm »

Vote the feature...
FOnline: Reloaded - Post apocalyptic mmorpg
Re: Add human predators
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2013, 08:37:49 pm »

Vote the feature...
. I m really close to one alt totally self sufficiency plus decent fighting skill goal.With this,i would reach that objective.And i hope many would try the same.
Indeed, perhaps one day we shall meet
Out in the country, or maybe on the street
Until that day here shall I wait
For death or for life, whichever my fate
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