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Author Topic: Suggestions to reduce the number of alts in-game.  (Read 2674 times)

Re: Suggestions to reduce the number of alts in-game.
« Reply #15 on: February 13, 2013, 10:18:16 am »

1 - Hireable NPCs to do certain jobs for the player

Objective: Reduce the necessity of alts that are only meant for tiny tasks, such as repair, science or lockpicking.

Description: These NPCs are hired as specialists, their base price is usually 2000-10000 caps each, they cost 50 PP each to the employer as well.

Basically if you need something lockpicked, for example, you can simply hire a lockpicker NPC to do it for you, when you press "2" and then click on a car/locker, the NPC would atempt to pick the lock instead of you, just like it happens in Fallout 2 with NPCs like Vic or Lenny.

Certain NPCs would require tools in case the ones in their inventories broke, for example, a lockpicker wouldn't work without a lockpicking kit, or a repair NPC wouldn't be able to repair anything without tools, so the necessity of keeping a healthy supply of tools for general tasks would remain a necessity.

And before any of you roleplayers get butthurt over being replaced by an NPC, I am quite sure that a legit player with a good build would do better in places like Ares or the tanker, so you wouldn't be completely useless, plus I imagine a weakling lockpicker NPC to be quite vulnerable while looking for chests in random encounters... If the traps don't get him first.

Adding such NPCs would remove the need of various single-task alts, replacing them with a mere char with high charisma and PP.

Theres a another thread going on about the too much alting topic.,27391.45.html
I suggested hireable npcs there, it was misplaced, and burned by some as "pokemon land", but its still a good suggestion imo.

Yeah combat encounters aren't meant to be won dude, I mean enclave would have a finite amount of hp if they were. Don't you know you aren't actually playing fonline properly unless you are in a state of constant failure?

Good one :)
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