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Would You like to have One Alt features in game?

Yes, it is good idea.
No, i dont want any changes.
Im shit shoveler

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Author Topic: One Alt Crusade  (Read 33545 times)

Re: One Alt Crusade
« Reply #45 on: January 16, 2013, 11:17:35 pm »

We are already universal because of alts.

Read with understanding next time.
Re: One Alt Crusade
« Reply #46 on: January 17, 2013, 05:17:58 am »

We are already universal because of alts.

I'd argue that alting is caused more by nerfing / making some build requirements too strict. Allowing hybridization and relaxing the "harshness" goes hand in hand with alt reduction--you can't have one without the other.

I suggest a three alt max, because what will happen with a limit of one is that players will only use the fun versatile builds and the uberspecialists will go extinct. People will use PvE farming, barter, and basic crafting. They'll drop out entirely from blueprint hunting, thieving, and sneak.

A good 50% of the game would shut down right there, and there's only three solutions to choose from:

1. Alts
2. Give characters more levels and therefore more skill points
3. Keep the current level limit but make the skills of lockpick, steal, and sneak require less points to be effective.

If the latter two options aren't desired, then the only solution is to maintain the alting system--albeit at a reduced level.


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Re: One Alt Crusade
« Reply #47 on: January 17, 2013, 06:01:43 pm »

How would you make the 3,4...n alt restriction?

This topic is about gameplay changes and Your ideas wont change anything.
FOnline: Reloaded - Post apocalyptic mmorpg
Re: One Alt Crusade
« Reply #48 on: January 19, 2013, 03:28:33 am »

Well.. server down once more, so why not contribute to this discussion now..

I've been thinking about the army-of-alts issue very often, i for once hate alting. At current state of the games structure it IS a nessecity for single player or any player that just wants to have all benefits from the different aspects of the game.

Maybe there's another way to approach this.

How about a revised merc/companion system?
In FO1+2 there were all kinds of different companions, some who could fight well, others who had other helpful skills (e.g. Lenny who FA'd when your FA was lower than his, Vic who repaired..).
So what if there were different built  mercs than only the fighters available?
It could be something like this:

1. Mercenary class Contractors, they can't respawn like mercs and have more or less average skills for low/medium tier actions/crafts. They cost money and need regular payment for loyalty or else they leave on their own. They level a bit over time but not to comparable greatness of companion class.
Some examples:

Field Medic
-hireable from any doc in towns
-FA at 150
-DOC at 100
-heals you and your fighters in battle

-hireable on "marketplaces"
-high carry weight
-can be used like slaves at mine,
-can be ordered to collect junk from random map for player
-can be ordered to chop wood
-can be ordered to deliver what is in his inventory to a location of players choice (town/tent/base).

-hireable at high-tech places like vault city
-crafts drugs on demand if ingredients are put in his inventory

-hireable at workshops
-different professions (SG/BG/EW/Armor)
-craft weapons and ammo on demand if parts are put in their inventory

-hireable at "underground" places like thieves guild in hub
-Lockpick at about 150
-Traps the same
-pick containers and disarm traps (who would have thought THAT..)

2. Companions that are more hybrid-ish. Or Companions that even can't fight at all but have functions like contractors above, only better skill/more craftable stuff. Able to respawn at designated point on death or player death.

3. In addition to hireable "takeaway"-contractors there could be more shops that provide same services locally. (well, maybe not lockpicking,traps..) This would be of use for players with no CH/PP. Therefore the npc disposition should be changed from "under 3 CH almost no one talks to you" to "well ok you got CH 1, npc still talks to you but is really hard on you". A CH 1 player is not able to take any followers, so he must rely on local services for higher prices, which then could be improved by barter skill. Meaning one could play a hardcore loner-asshole char but still get all services at skills he doesn't have himself.

If you like to play a doctor, then you hire some mercs that keep you safe.
If you play a thief, then maybe a laborer is in order to carry all that stolen stuff away to safety since u got not so much carry weight.
If you're out for pvp - let the smithys take care of supplying you with top condition gear.
and so on..

This wouldn't totally prevent alting of course, but could be an encouraging aspect in the game to stick to your char and still get everything else you need somehow. In combination with beforementioned suggestions like relog timer, higher lvl cap, adjusted skill requirements this could be a nice experience.

Now this looks kind of my "christmas list" for fonline and I sadly have absolutely no idea how all this could be realized but maybe devs take it into consideration for a big feature expansion for next wipe :D
Actually this is the tip of the iceberg of my wishes for this beautiful game... Can't put all that here..

Well, and now for your devastating criticism of these thoughts...
-Oh and if something like this was suggested before, please don't flame me for not finding it in a years old forum full of tons of data :P



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Re: One Alt Crusade
« Reply #49 on: January 19, 2013, 03:49:10 am »

Sheesh, you put a lot of thought into that. I like the ideas though.


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Re: One Alt Crusade
« Reply #50 on: January 19, 2013, 04:54:43 am »

So what if there were different built  mercs than only the fighters available?
It could be something like this:

1. Mercenary class Contractors, they can't respawn like mercs and have more or less average skills for low/medium tier actions/crafts. They cost money and need regular payment for loyalty or else they leave on their own. They level a bit over time but not to comparable greatness of companion class.
Some examples:

You sir are a brilliant man.


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Re: One Alt Crusade
« Reply #51 on: January 19, 2013, 05:04:22 am »

Yeah, he really has good thought there, doesn't he? I think also hire-able Robots  ;D
Re: One Alt Crusade
« Reply #52 on: January 19, 2013, 05:10:55 am »

And I am thinking about hireable-GM
Re: One Alt Crusade
« Reply #53 on: January 19, 2013, 05:36:17 am »

And I am thinking about hireable-GM

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


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Re: One Alt Crusade
« Reply #54 on: January 19, 2013, 06:34:27 am »

And I am thinking about hireable-GM
Again with your trolling... on second thought, these GM's now could use a break... heheh..


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Re: One Alt Crusade
« Reply #55 on: January 19, 2013, 11:12:04 am »

Well.. server down once more, so why not contribute to this discussion now..

It wont change anything, You still will be forced to create alts to own the mercs.
Why? Because most of alts have 1CH and 11 Party points. Even if you have 3CH You wont be able to hire all of them.
Your idea will bring just another type of alt.

Playing on 1 alt from start of this session (with my suggestion implemented) would give You the chance to develop each none combat skill to the state from Your suggestion or even more - and this is what we should do.

Who would make the relog to lockpicker/crafter/etc if he would be able to make all this task on his main alt?

« Last Edit: January 19, 2013, 11:13:51 am by DocAN. »
FOnline: Reloaded - Post apocalyptic mmorpg
Re: One Alt Crusade
« Reply #56 on: January 19, 2013, 11:38:06 am »

much text

From Fonline:2238 to pokemon land.

No thanks.
Re: One Alt Crusade
« Reply #57 on: January 19, 2013, 11:51:25 am »

It wont change anything, You still will be forced to create alts to own the mercs.
Why? Because most of alts have 1CH and 11 Party points. Even if you have 3CH You wont be able to hire all of them.
Your idea will bring just another type of alt.

Playing on 1 alt from start of this session (with my suggestion implemented) would give You the chance to develop each none combat skill to the state from Your suggestion or even more - and this is what we should do.

Who would make the relog to lockpicker/crafter/etc if he would be able to make all this task on his main alt?

Hmm i find the idea of every player having almost the same power-hybrid-build at the end kind of boring - And that is what you technically suggest. If  everyone can do everything, what is there left of the "rp" in mmorpg? (ok at current state, delete the first "m" :'(  )With the feature i described, there would still be distinctions between HUMAN players, and an individual challenge for each player to find a solution to his personal needs in game.
The one thing about Fallout that i liked and like most is that it is not casual. If I wanted one single char that can do everything in the end i could play games like GTA or so.. (Not saying GTA is bad)

About the argument that most players choose an "alt" with low CH - Please read point number three of my suggestion again. I thought of that, tell me if anything with that couldn't work, I know it's not perfectly thought through. PP could be adjusted so u can already take one or two "cheap" mercs at CH2. AT CH 1 you'll get minimal service in towns like getting weapons built and heals but no followers, instead u put your points in the non social skills like a combat or thief skill. Higher Level Cap should help solve that problem but it shouldn't get so high as if 10 skill have been tagged.

Maybe the problem is the gamer who just needs to have it all and that kind of player will always alt, unless alting gets rendered useless. I was hoping my suggestion is a step toward that - without making the game a casual "mediocre shooter" like s.o. on this forum said, cant remember who right now.

Re: One Alt Crusade
« Reply #58 on: January 19, 2013, 12:07:39 pm »

From Fonline:2238 to pokemon land.

No thanks.

Well, if one plays a complete non combat char, yes it kind of gets a bit "pokemon" sending your mercs to the front, but you wouldn't have to play a non combat char if u like the laggy not really good RT pvp so much. Then u make your powerbuild as usual and have the contractors doing all those nasty jobs, that are so boring for a  fighter instead of logging to several alts doing them yourself. It could actually help save valuable time, of which this game atm steals MUCH. Sometimes this game feels like work to me, grind, grind grind and the a little fun...

Or wait, I have an even better idea. Lets scrap crafting, healing, thieving, barter, speech and all those unessecary stupid roleplayer-derp skills and just leave SG, BG, EW, Traps and Sneak. Great Game!


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Re: One Alt Crusade
« Reply #59 on: January 19, 2013, 01:11:57 pm »

Firs of all use edit and quote option.

2nd - it was disccused many times that alts are bad, and this topis is about the changes of it.

3rd - if you want some pokemons, make own suggestion about it because this thing You have wrote above are little off topic here.
FOnline: Reloaded - Post apocalyptic mmorpg
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