Other > Junktown

How to PK in NCR with no consequences [GUIDE]

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Cyber Jesus:
it can still be heavily abused because it will take devs 2 years to fix it

I bet you waited until there was 5 guys with under 80 hp...

but seriously slaves block guard ai line of sight? good to know.

Gentlemen, get your mercs, For tonight we dine in NCR.


--- Quote from: racoon on February 09, 2013, 04:38:37 pm ---so, you consider reporting a bug as something so awful that we cant trade anymore? or you're disappointed about fact that i killed some players? practical tests were necessary to test out my theory, and to see if it really works. i understand you never killed a player, what a disappointment dude ;)

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well i have problem, cuz u re Grizzan. I didnt know that >:( I dont have many enemies in fonline (from my side at least), but u i count as one of them)


--- Quote from: Zaakon on February 09, 2013, 06:19:54 pm ---well i have problem, cuz u re Grizzan. I didnt know that >:( I dont have many enemies in fonline (from my side at least), but u i count as one of them)

--- End quote ---

yeah of course i am grizzan. i am dual logging in game all the time. on irc too. also on forum! even better! on facebook i made 2 accounts one for each other. and... i am going to 2 schools at same time :)

he's my brother. so hard to understand?


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