Other > Junktown

How to PK in NCR with no consequences [GUIDE]

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--- Quote from: Zaakon on February 09, 2013, 03:45:05 pm ---what a dissapointment i think we finish trades dude ;)

--- End quote ---

so, you consider reporting a bug as something so awful that we cant trade anymore? or you're disappointed about fact that i killed some players? practical tests were necessary to test out my theory, and to see if it really works. i understand you never killed a player, what a disappointment dude ;)

There is still people in ncr lol ?

lol, thats the only place where you can actually meet someone

Good job, instead of killing people, I would just troll them with nades, or throwing spears, or poles at them, and they'll try to kill you ,which will end in suicide.

Mike Crosser:
If this things gets popular I see only good things happening
1.It will make people leave NCR
2.It will give certain people something to do
3.It will make the Devs rush an update to patch it up

But yeah there might be a few people leaving now and then and that sucks.
So I'm not quite sure how I feel about this.


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