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Author Topic: Distress call is almost purely abuse tool  (Read 29816 times)


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Re: Distress call is almost purely abuse tool
« Reply #135 on: January 12, 2013, 11:01:00 pm »

But isn't that just a part of the solution?

This jibberis about scaling is pure nonsense, nonetheless there are quite effective ways abusing the existing system wich also involes distress sending to ones own alts.
That is clearly exploiting, no need to argue.

One reason its done is either its faster oder more comfortable than using other ways.
again: exploit and worth punishing players, if the 'legal' way would work. I'd happily stand infront of a rockformation every 20 minutes again. I personally actually enjoy crafting. Ye i said it.
But the reason for 'golden duck farming' is the missing of crafting mechanics.

I cant craft the big boomboom guns. I cant craft the combat drugs.
I have no longer a reason to craft bodyarmors. and if i trade for -lets say drugs, i have to run an absurd circle of npc merchants because trading is broken aswell.

And now comes a developer having the goddam nerve posting something about the nub-ingame chat jesesfuckingchrist.

Devs, for the sake of mother mary change the way your team works.
Why is it even possible to give such important tasks of basic game mechanics NOT to the people who are actually coding atm?
 I didn't mention Guardians just because they represent no real force in my opinion.


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Re: Distress call is almost purely abuse tool
« Reply #136 on: January 12, 2013, 11:15:22 pm »

This jibberis about scaling is pure nonsense, nonetheless there are quite effective ways abusing the existing system wich also involes distress sending to ones own alts.
That is clearly exploiting, no need to argue.


One reason its done is either its faster oder more comfortable than using other ways.
again: exploit and worth punishing players, if the 'legal' way would work. I'd happily stand infront of a rockformation every 20 minutes again. I personally actually enjoy crafting. Ye i said it.
At least, you could craft anything back then.

I cant craft the big boomboom guns. I cant craft the combat drugs.
I have no longer a reason to craft bodyarmors. and if i trade for -lets say drugs, i have to run an absurd circle of npc merchants because trading is broken aswell.
There was a reason for economics balance, but not broken merchants. This needs fixing.

And now comes a developer having the goddam nerve posting something about the nub-ingame chat jesesfuckingchrist.
This was most unfitting timing in your case and yes i think it's still a retarded idea to delete distress call or nerf anything facing unsolved problems. It's like breaking someone a leg and throw a heavy stone on his back to carry.
It leaves a very wrong impression.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2013, 11:23:54 pm by Alvarez »
Re: Distress call is almost purely abuse tool
« Reply #137 on: January 12, 2013, 11:44:41 pm »

This jibberis about scaling is pure nonsense, nonetheless there are quite effective ways abusing the existing system wich also involes distress sending to ones own alts.

That's not abusing distressing it's dual logging. Also topic has nothing to do with crafting we already know that's incomplete.
"I am condemned without end." -Crovax
Re: Distress call is almost purely abuse tool
« Reply #138 on: January 12, 2013, 11:56:52 pm »

For one instance, i'd like to see the objective reasons why the devs wanted to abolish it in first place - so we can dissect the problem and invent solutions for parts of it instead of throwing reprovals around.

As for farming, i could suggest that the human NPC loot the radio and turns it off/the bomb destroys the radio.

I think it fairly obvious what the issue is, making encounters way to fucking easy to get shit in, yes other exploits also have the same problem, but to me it is very obvious it is exploited, if it wasn't an exploit why isn't everyone just following a taxi alt to the area and letting it find the encounter, that's right because the encounter might actually be difficult to win.

The fact of the matter is I have seen maybe 3 suggestions in this 10 page shitfest of pure player whining so maybe when the community gets it together, realizes that this was posted to get views/suggestions from the community (views, not a 50 word rant on why devs are terrible/it's a bad idea with no explanation/omg it's not distress fault it's dual log fault) instead of snuck into a ninja update developers might talk with the community more about altering the games mechanics before introducing something that may be a bad idea from the majority of the community.  When the rest (98.5463%) of this community grow up, maybe FOnline could become a better game.


  • -Guardian-
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Re: Distress call is almost purely abuse tool
« Reply #139 on: January 13, 2013, 12:07:32 am »

Yes mate. This is what i said. Dual alting is the abuse. Distress is just a minor exploit in the process.

Craftable items, no need to be so naughty at all.

>this 10 page shitfest of pure player whining

>When the rest (98.5463%) of this community grow up, maybe FOnline could become a better game.

thats calling teh kettle black.

suggestion from the 98.5463%: don't touch it.
 I didn't mention Guardians just because they represent no real force in my opinion.
Re: Distress call is almost purely abuse tool
« Reply #140 on: January 13, 2013, 04:17:54 am »

Bring back the 10 min log timer (which was actually only 3) then the distress is over and boom fixed. 

Calling the distress call feature an abuse tool is almost like calling venders in any town an abuse tool why? *People use those venders to wait for others so they can pick pocket, troll them, burst them and otherwise abuse the feature*  The punishment of the good because the bad decide to use something in a noobish manner is not the way things should be fixed.  Anything in this game that can be broken or abused no matter what it is, WILL be broken and abused, especially with any remaining players growing more and more bored. 

It honestly scares me how much people focus on features that weren't, or aren't an issue while there are still many many things in game that are really broken and need attention.  To see a Dev scope lock on something so insignificant at the expense of real issues is staggering.
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Re: Distress call is almost purely abuse tool
« Reply #141 on: January 13, 2013, 06:38:17 am »

So the idea is deleting radio distress because it's a way to get gear too easily, harms TB PvP, etc. However, it has been said that:

-TB PvPers insist in that distressing is a useful tool and that "abusing" it is because of Fast Relog and not because of distressing itself. Delete distress and it would get harder for players who *don't* spend 2/3 of their playing time levelling alts.

-It doesn't offer the easiest way to get loot because there are other ways to do so: stealing and using dynamite. So deleting distress wouldn't stop players who get a lot of gear easily: it will just suck for new players with low level characters who want to be able to kill some NPCs with their friends. And it will be harder to get gear just for those less experienced players, because pr0s will still know how to handle thieves characters and explosives.

-Players do not really need to distress and call for friends to bypass scaling, because anyone can farm on their own with a good EW fastshooter or BG tank. Once again, delete distress and who will get harmed the most? the players who play the game the way it's "supposed" to be played, with hybrid Mad Max Wannabe builds. The guys with the super builds will have no problem getting loot.

I am still waiting Jovanka to answer each and every argument against deleting distress but she just keeps posting "yes TB needs more love, but distress should be scrapped" without explaining why.
Re: Distress call is almost purely abuse tool
« Reply #142 on: January 13, 2013, 08:08:40 am »

So the idea is deleting radio distress because it's a way to get gear too easily, harms TB PvP, etc. However, it has been said that:

-TB PvPers insist in that distressing is a useful tool and that "abusing" it is because of Fast Relog and not because of distressing itself. Delete distress and it would get harder for players who *don't* spend 2/3 of their playing time levelling alts.

-It doesn't offer the easiest way to get loot because there are other ways to do so: stealing and using dynamite. So deleting distress wouldn't stop players who get a lot of gear easily: it will just suck for new players with low level characters who want to be able to kill some NPCs with their friends. And it will be harder to get gear just for those less experienced players, because pr0s will still know how to handle thieves characters and explosives.

-Players do not really need to distress and call for friends to bypass scaling, because anyone can farm on their own with a good EW fastshooter or BG tank. Once again, delete distress and who will get harmed the most? the players who play the game the way it's "supposed" to be played, with hybrid Mad Max Wannabe builds. The guys with the super builds will have no problem getting loot.

I am still waiting Jovanka to answer each and every argument against deleting distress but she just keeps posting "yes TB needs more love, but distress should be scrapped" without explaining why.

I'm so happy I think I will cry, someone who actually gets it!  Sorry bout off topic. 

On topic yeah nuff said^^
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Re: Distress call is almost purely abuse tool
« Reply #143 on: January 13, 2013, 05:12:52 pm »

How do you expect players to fight enclave or bos fairly if they outnumber us, have grossly inflated stats, high tier armour we can't get and high damage weapons? If we just went tb with a group there will always be too many to kill, this isn't balance this is "wasteland must be harsh derp" logic. You make items hard to get, pvp is totally unbalanced, everything takes forever to do and no one wants to play. Even the hardcore group of players that keep this game alive are getting bored and moving on to better things, you keep making things harder to do you might as well shut down the servers now.
Re: Distress call is almost purely abuse tool
« Reply #144 on: January 13, 2013, 05:46:05 pm »

Devs why havent u impletended PAs now ?

I mean Radios are everywhere in the wasteland , its like they were wood or something or junk lol , but they are high teck . just make them not obtainable ...

end of story  :P
Re: Distress call is almost purely abuse tool
« Reply #145 on: January 14, 2013, 11:09:35 am »

I dont agree, distress is awesome tool and should not be nerfed, its very useful in farming/lvluping with friends, if someone gets outnumbered or some players enter his enchounter, its also very good tool for pvp especialy for turnbased combat
I really dont understand your reasons for hateing it so much


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Re: Distress call is almost purely abuse tool
« Reply #146 on: January 14, 2013, 11:25:04 am »

I think the mindset that people shouldn't be "farming loot" or "grinding encounters" in an MMORPG is ridiculous, especially when you don't have nearly enough PvE content to sustain the game this way.

The fact that you can use distress calling to bypass the bullshit scaling in random encounters is completely balanced because the bullshit scaling in encounters is far too extreme. Why are you trying to discourage PvE with friends by putting people against unwinnable odds.

It becomes retardedly difficult for a squad of every power build to match up against double the amount of Enclave, BoS or even the 75% chance to torso-crit Mercenaries with 10mm pistols, let alone a squad of PvE-playing friends without power builds.

Even with all this aside, it is still an extremely useful tool for getting players back together if they get seperated due to the fact that leaving encounters in TB as a group is broken, and should definitely not be removed even on the mindset that "grinding loot is bad!", because it's so useful in other areas of the game too.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2013, 11:27:46 am by Reconite »
Quote from: Zogra

ARWH. Scummers to the end.


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Re: Distress call is almost purely abuse tool
« Reply #147 on: January 15, 2013, 12:44:17 am »

Let us just ignore broken encounter steal (which shall something be done about in a future)...
What!?! How is this broken? It's just another way for people to get stuff.... next thing we know, "No more critical hits! No more 1-hexing! No more drugs!" You guys are ruining this game!


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Re: Distress call is almost purely abuse tool
« Reply #148 on: January 15, 2013, 01:39:39 am »

Let us just ignore broken encounter steal (which shall something be done about in a future)...

Well yeah, ignore encounter steal for a while and delete radio distress instead. It seems that doing that and watching the consequences would be the only way for you to understand that radio distress is not *the* tool to get gear, when you see the pr0s stealing and solo'ing encounters while the nubs can't go kill some Khan group together because they're too weak to defeat them.

It seems an actually good explanation of how scrapping radio distress would have a positive impact on the game can't be given.


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Re: Distress call is almost purely abuse tool
« Reply #149 on: January 15, 2013, 02:08:44 am »

removing distress apart of other actual problems would make PVE unplayable, if you wana rly remove distress you need adjust every single encounter, add another feature for broader gameplay, and maybe other "to do" things which would make game crappy in meantime.

Just dont forget that lesser changes are always better if you are stepping into unknown.
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