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Changelog 31/12/12
--- Quote from: T-888 on December 09, 2012, 06:42:46 pm ---Those big change-logs doesn't help in that regard, developers literally would have more control of what they do, development would be more constant instead of trying to present us a new game each time, judging of how much they try to squeeze in Wipe, it's unnecessary.
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I will just leave this here.
--- Quote from: JovankaB on January 07, 2013, 10:05:12 pm ---You can have a massive changelog if we don't make any update for a year.
Instead of impressing people I think it's better to improve the game regularly in smaller steps.
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Now this is rational thought, logic behind the walls of the human mind ... on this forum! At last, they finally figured it out!!!
And it is all your fault of course.
You really are doing that thing with the cat smilies now? Oh lawdy
Well if that "random stuff spawning in random containers" thing is finally implemented, I will never need another update again.
The follower commands are confusing now
--- Quote from: Mayck on December 31, 2012, 12:16:22 am ---- "Attack everyone" follower modes disabled. Followers have 3 combat modes: 1) protect owner (and other followers of the owner) 2) protect owner and attack intruders in base/tent 3) flee.
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Sorry for maybe unessecary bumb.
What about guards in faction bases? I cant leave mercs or slaves as guards in bases because they attack
-people with no faction that are INVITED
-people with no faction that were marked as FRIENDS
-people who are in another faction already and given status INVITED or FRIEND.
The Bases are set to be visible for both invited and friends.
Tested it with several alt's merc troops in different bases. The attacking mercs/slaves are set on
2) protect owner and attack intruders in base/tent
It makes for great traps (friend someone, he sees base and goes there and gets massacred by swarm of mercs ;D)
Can this be changed somehow, or am i doing something wrong?
Thx for answers
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