This is a price guide for what other players will pay you for items. I'm going to start a little bit here, using the info GreenThumb generously gave me.
Assuming all of the following Weapons and Armor are brand new 100/100.
Ammunition (Per Round)
5mm JHP - 1 cap
5mm AP - 2 caps
7.62mm - 4 caps
Micro Fusion Cell - 5 caps
2mm EC - 150 caps
Flamethrower Fuel MK-II - 3 caps
.223 FMJ - 4 caps
Armor + Helmet
Leather Armor MK-II - 500+150 caps
Metal Armor MK-II - 900+200 caps
Tesla Armor - 900+300 caps
Combat Armor - 1500+300 caps
Combat Armor MK-II - 2000+500 caps
Metal Armor - 500+100 caps
Big Guns
Rocket Launcher - 700 caps
M60 - 700 caps
Minigun - 700 caps
Avenger Minigun - 3000 caps
Beer - buy it from a bar
Buffout - 200 caps
Cigarettes - 25 caps
Jet - 200 caps
Psycho - 700 caps
Mentats - 150 caps
Nuka-Cola - 25 caps
Super Stimpak - 160 caps
Energy Weapons
Laser Rifle - 900 caps
Plasma Rifle - 1000 caps
Gatling Laser - 6000 caps
Solar Scorcher - 35000 caps
Small Guns
Assault Rifles - 800 caps
Pancar Jackhammer - 1200 caps
P90c - 2200 caps
Gauss Pistol - 15000 caps
Caws - 1100
Assault Rifle exp. Cap - 1000 caps
Sniper Rifle - 900 caps
Metal Part - 20 caps
Gun Powder- 10 caps
Electronic Part - 20 caps
Alloys - 45
Fiber - 10
Junk - 30
Chemical Component - 35
Gecko Pelt - 20 caps
Golden Gecko pelts - 55 caps
Brahmin Hides - 90 caps
High Quality Gunpowder - 80 caps
High Quality Metal Parts - 80 caps
High Quality Alloy - 100 caps
High Quality Fiber - 500 caps
Detonator Part - 600 caps
Advanced Lock-picks - 500 caps
Dynamite - 1200 caps
Plastic Explosives - 1500 caps
Stealthboy - 3000 caps
Motion Sensor - 5000 caps
Shiv - 4000 caps
Supersledge - 500 caps
Mega Powerfist - 1100 caps
Slave prices constantly fluctuate, but are always expensive.
Normal/Tribal female - 450 caps
Normal/Tribal/ holy male - 500 caps
Combat Slave male or female - 800 caps
Special Vehicles
Fire truck - 80,000 caps
Diesel Truck - 120,000 caps
I have traded a few different containers to other players, here were my results,
Chest - 300 caps
Footlocker - 450 caps
Locker - 600 caps
Floor Safe - 1200 caps
Feel free to edit and/or update this list as needed because prices are constantly fluctuating. Thanks!