Probably mini guns, and rockets. ( mostly mini gun cuz I dont want to friendly fire or kill myself)
I prefer ratata with a little bit of survivability but id rather kill quicker.
Fine, than im a drug build, pretty lame not to be one right?
since curious fonliner decided to have "ratata build" also drugged one, he should use potential of 14 AP used with maximum efficiency(M60,BROF,Crit, more crit,spray and pray,better crit)
if somebody told you 5LK is too high that he was probably joking, becouse luck is never high enough. You have to choose priority, i believe for your build its like this:
1.Max AP (10AG-1buffout+1nuka)
2.Max HP (10EN since you cant get high bonuses from perks which are used for AP purposes)
3.7ST (6+1psycho+2buffout-2jet)= no malus for BG ,influencing your chance to hit
4.5PE influencing your range of sight(35 same as range of M60)
5.3IN is choosed becouse its lowest value which allows you to imrpove BG skill(210%) high enough to have maxed chance to hit in your max range (35hexes~94%ChanceToHit)*
6.LK(basicaly all remaining special points = 5)you should also use small frame since you can carry 2 weapons with enough ammo for 1 hour fight with only 52-60 carry weight
@cyberjesus: flaws (or why i think your build might be still improved)
1.too high CW -> small frame have 6 hexes larger range of sight than range of any "burst BG"
so yeah you are efficient with RL too, but you cant build flawless burster then.
3.6ST!!! you are missing 1ST to obtain lowest value for all BGs ( its like you got only 182% BG skill) -> add 1 Special Point from small frame trait to ST
4. you are not using maximum bonus from drugs (buffout, nuka), if you would you could have at least LK3(LK is important if you are being crithit, if you got LK1 gauss sniper might bypass your armor for over 40% -> practicaly 1 shot would be over 140dmg and probably KO)
and maybe most important thing is that this is not "ratata" build but "tanky" one, what is opposite of what curious fonliner wished
@roach:what drugs are you using?
what weapon are you using?
is it PVP alt?
why you got 55SP unused on you build?

guys if you are sharing you build please give us some description too, like drugs, weapons or other gear...