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Author Topic: assasin or assasination party  (Read 1384 times)

assasin or assasination party
« on: December 08, 2012, 03:55:51 am »

I've got this idea to make pve a little bit more interactive, if you have become vilfied with a certain group, like unity, brotherhood of steel, or enclave for example, you could be intercepted while travelling the wastes, by an assasin from the group. I envision a random encounter somewhere in the world map, where a bounty hunter or assasin member of whichever group you are vilfied with, walks up to you,  says something like "finally I have found you (name)" or "its time to die" or whatever, and then proceeds to attempt to kill you. As your rep gets worse and worse with a particular group these assasination attempts could become harder and harder, with stronger opponents, until you get ambushed by a full fledged hunting party.

Speaking of assasinations, it would be cool for player versus player, if you could track somebody in the wastes. Say for a certain price you pay a master hunter in some town to track down a certain player, and You gain vision of this player on the world map while they are travelling the wastes for a certain amount of time. This would be pretty fun for hunting annoying pkers and trolls.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2012, 04:02:33 am by Cart »


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Re: assasin or assasination party
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2012, 04:19:01 am »

I've got this idea to make pve a little bit more interactive, if you have become vilfied with a certain group, like unity, brotherhood of steel, or enclave for example, you could be intercepted while travelling the wastes, by an assasin from the group. I envision a random encounter somewhere in the world map, where a bounty hunter or assasin member of whichever group you are vilfied with, walks up to you,  says something like "finally I have found you (name)" or "its time to die" or whatever, and then proceeds to attempt to kill you. As your rep gets worse and worse with a particular group these assasination attempts could become harder and harder, with stronger opponents, until you get ambushed by a full fledged hunting party.

Speaking of assasinations, it would be cool for player versus player, if you could track somebody in the wastes. Say for a certain price you pay a master hunter in some town to track down a certain player, and You gain vision of this player on the world map while they are travelling the wastes for a certain amount of time. This would be pretty fun for hunting annoying pkers and trolls.
Or for the annoying pk's and trolls to kill you even more. But I agree with the karma assassins, they did it in Fallout 1/2 where if you had -Karma good guy mercs would try to murder you, if you had +Karma then bad guy mercs would once again try to kill you.
As for the player assassins... maybe for a large sum of cash you could hire a team of bounty hunters to intercept someone when they log on? Since a player intercepting another player could be troublesome with the outdated engine and the issue of whether they are in world map or not.
Maybe like go to a merc officer. Then you could hire different groups to hunt someone, like a cheap team of leather jacket guys at the least and a elite team of combat armor wearing badasses at the highest.
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Re: assasin or assasination party
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2012, 06:15:37 am »

Tracking players in the wasteland would be funny, mostly done with an outdoorsman character and guessing what square they are on. In one of the russian servers they had a radar feature where you would see all the encounters on a certian radius and players would fight eachother to take control of this station for pk or anti-pk reasons.

As for npcs coming after you having negative reputation its sounds fun but would also be really irritating sometimes you just want to travel your PvP character to a town. If you this character a to farm such groups, getting a forced encounter with a super hard group of bounty hunters in real time would be another piss me off feature, and it just promotes players to use a dual log taxi to avoid such encounters.

I like the idea but at same time I don't. For PvE challenge and if these parties had good loot to be used in PvP would be fun, but if its just a group with maousers and hunting rifles that come around to annoy you while you travel from location to another it would just create rage.
Re: assasin or assasination party
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2012, 07:10:14 am »

yeah it would have to be assasins with good loot, and also, we could make it so such encounters dont happen so often as to become annoying. Im thinking something like that feature in The Elder Scrolls Morrowind and Skyrim where you randomly meet assasins at different times based on your reputation with certain factions. Not something that happens so much as to hinder gameplay, but just kind of a cool added feature


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Re: assasin or assasination party
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2012, 11:07:40 am »

I've got this idea to make pve a little bit more interactive, if you have become vilfied with a certain group, like unity, brotherhood of steel, or enclave for example, you could be intercepted while travelling the wastes, by an assasin from the group. I envision a random encounter somewhere in the world map, where a bounty hunter or assasin member of whichever group you are vilfied with, walks up to you,  says something like "finally I have found you (name)" or "its time to die" or whatever, and then proceeds to attempt to kill you. As your rep gets worse and worse with a particular group these assasination attempts could become harder and harder, with stronger opponents, until you get ambushed by a full fledged hunting party.

Won't work in fonline. Reputation isn't player's reputation inside the faction but one of his alts. It's not unheard of that single player has vilified and popular alts in same faction. For example one char kills hub patrol and another one sells the goods in hub.

Speaking of assasinations, it would be cool for player versus player, if you could track somebody in the wastes. Say for a certain price you pay a master hunter in some town to track down a certain player, and You gain vision of this player on the world map while they are travelling the wastes for a certain amount of time. This would be pretty fun for hunting annoying pkers and trolls.

Chances are that this player is offline with this specific alt or as bluesuit. Then you paid caps to kill a bluesuit, not worth it.

Fonline isn't single-char based enough for these suggestions.
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