Then you haven't met enough 2238 trolls.
But troll is someone who exactly doesn't carry any loot or carries something non-loot worthy and tries to benefit from geared players' presence. If someone carries something that's worth looting, he isn't a troll.
If everyone always "carried" 100 caps, nobody could be called a troll. People could come in as bluesuits as much as they pleased - if they still would.
Well seriously I said before I don't believe this will work out. Only new players will get the bad effect from it.
Actually new players die much more in encounters and random accidents with game mechanics they don't know about, like vault city door, stealing, glow radiation, going too close to BoS.
I can guarantee that the suggestion WILL work towards its goal which is to discourage irrational bluesuit activities. Nobody would spam himself as bluesuit in dangerous location anymore unless there was some bug that overflows the wasteland with caps.
And as before said making victim pay to his murderer for getting killed encourage to shoot all which discourage other activities player trades, role play, idling, having some causal fun with some random player.
It wouldn't discourage player trade because the benefit of the trade is higher than 100 caps.
What comes to roleplay, idling and "casual fun" - none of these are actual designed features. They are just byproducts without measurement. You can't measure fun or roleplay.
What's more: if you want to idle or roleplay, you still have to have gear to protect yourself and claim the right for your presence. It's known fact that apes appear where ever there are people in unsafe zones, had they gear or not. That's why we have so little roleplay in unsafe areas. And guess what? It's the trolls who most likely would break these role play situations with their retarded suicidal behavior. If you kill a geared guy, he most likely won't come back, or only comes back few times. A troll can come back dozens of times.
I used to participate in a certain role play project in last session and I can tell that one bad problem were the people who kept coming back without gear, or only with shit gear and using suicide tactics. Today such project would be completely out of question due to the effectiveness of trollbuilds. Especially cheap sneakers. So if you want to support roleplay, first thing to do is to get rid of trolls.