hello ever1 in new in forum and i see this discusion i have small idea

first of all if there will be need 100 caps to get out from hospital camp i will quit this game im normal player not pvpr... many times people trolled me in ncr just for fun and i need to shoveling shit all the time they kill me ? and this option with murdering people and geting caps... if this will happens i will pk everone i see and i will be rich in short time easy way to make caps from players and i will be hated be all server = zero social game just kill everone like in fps games
i have idea with your TC games... most in rpg games there is something like "item level" and player cant go into battleground if he dont have enough item level... so for example TC starts and there is show timer ect so in this time players who dont have any gear cant go into town or have low item level like "Leather Jacket , Leather Armor or Robe ect ect" becouse this gear is really easy to get and will not solve the problem
so for example lets say to get into TC-town you need to get 100 item level points
lets do a small list of item levels
Robe - 0 IL
Leather Jacket - 25 IL
Combat Leather Jacket - 75 IL
Leather Armor - 25 IL
Leather Armor Helmet -10 IL
Leather Armor Mark II - 75 IL
Combat Armor - 100 IL
Minigun - 100 IL
Flamer - 75 IL
10mm Pistol - 50 IL
9mm Mauser - 50 IL
ect ect ect all armors and weapons
so when city is under atack all players who wanna enter will see this map first only with view

and then he will see something like this

and what are conditions to join the TC

if he dont have enough item level game will simple answer him "you cannot enter to city becouse you dont have enoguh item level"
also same if there is going grup with party for example 1 guy will have 100 IL and 5 others bluesuits thinks he can smuggle them into town so game will answer them "you cant enter to city becouse one or more of your companions dont have enough item leavel to enter the town"
also it can be look funny you need to have 4 leather jackets to join TC but at least YOU NEED TO HAVE THEM so fraction who atack will have some even shity profits from you

better this than punish all players on server with 100 caps paying

also someone can say "im new why i cant enter to city i wanna do quest why the city is blocked omg im angry" ect ect
TC is for short time like 15 mins you can survive this 15 min not entering to city becouse of atack
also there will be persons who will join tc and fast throw gear on ground and other friendly person can collect them and run away so they items will be save and bluesuit invasion still will be... but throwing and collect items needs "time" and also eats AP so atacking or defending fraction need fast shot down this persons... so they will have them items

so dear pvpers will be need little skill to play then just camp in one place and waiting for enemy to come

well if this is not about tc fights then sorry for post

i hope you enjoy my idea

i just think it is best of solution to solve problems like you have

and sorry for my bad english it is not my native language