Other > Closed suggestions

Plasma torch

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The plasma torch is just a lolzy cheat weapon and not meaned for public use. It will never be available.



--- Quote from: Lexx on November 18, 2012, 07:33:58 pm ---The plasma torch is just a lolzy cheat weapon and not meaned for public use. It will never be available.

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 ::) Great so the only weapon that could make hth viable is "lolz cheat weapon". I wish one of the devs would actually come up with new weapon stats instead of modifying f2s crappy system.


--- Quote from: Roachor on November 18, 2012, 07:32:28 pm ---You use sneak to get close, no build can survive running to the enemy even with max defense and hp. It's stupid to have an mmo that demands team combat when it has barely any players. If you think HH powerfist is good you must have had a lot of friends backing you up or you've never made the build.

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But like I said, if you only need to get close it'd be too powerful with sneak since you could kill every lone build with low PE. Sneak is balanced around the fact that sneaker can't kill easily those who can't see sneakers. That's why sd plasmagrenades were overpowered.   


--- Quote from: Lexx on November 18, 2012, 07:33:58 pm ---The plasma torch is just a lolzy cheat weapon and not meaned for public use. It will never be available.

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Yes, how dare they suggest making hth actually viable.


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