Other > Closed suggestions
Plasma torch
Yeah HH is only good against 1 target at a time, anyone halfway serious about pvp travels in groups. You don't have time to knock down a guy 15 times when people are shooting at you and even with mega powerfist you're looking at like 40 damage a punch. That's roughly 10 seconds to kill 1 player when most bursters can kill you in 3. On top of this crits are heavily diminished despite HH pretty much requiring fast shot to be effective. I don't see why there is so much resistance to variety of combat styles, it's like you guys want to be bored.
BTW avv, low pe chars aren't pvp chars, if anything they'd be hth so sneak isn't really an issue. Even if a sneak killed one guy he'd get killed right after and even if so, sneak chars shouldn't be able to kill? Sneak builds are the most demanding builds and they don't perform like they should. Sneak hth isn't even a thing in this game, no one has this build because the weapons suck.
--- Quote from: avv on November 18, 2012, 07:10:36 pm ---So you just click on opponent and if you get close, he dies. Doesn't sound particularly fun for anyone because of course the opponent will start running away. Then you chase him forever or let go, just like how heavy handed works. This is the problem all hth fights have.
Only way to get something done would be to lurk in corners but then your whole gameplay narrows down to corners, which basically makes the build quite limited. Balanced weapons are always useful.
If the weapon is so strong it can just kill things it gets close to, it would be overpowered when combined with sneak because low PE chars couldn't see it coming.
If the weapon was incredibly rare, then it would be all the same if it was added or not because situations to use it would be extremely rare and few would dare to risk it.
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Yes, lurking around corners. What did you expect? Playing hth characters as snipers?
--- Quote from: davrot on November 18, 2012, 07:15:34 pm ---Yes, lurking around corners. What did you expect? Playing hth characters as snipers?
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Then the gameplay is very limited indeed. In many situations you couldn't do anything at all because the target is too far away or knows where you are. In a team such build would be pointless because it couldn't move along with the rest of his guys and add to the effort like ranged builds do.
For example heavy handed with mega powerfist is still good enough if it just gets close. But haven't seen any characters lurking in corners with it recently. To make a character fun and balanced, it needs to be able to operate everywhere.
--- Quote from: avv on November 18, 2012, 07:10:36 pm ---So you just click on opponent and if you get close, he dies.
--- End quote ---
sorta like BG 1-hexing?
You use sneak to get close, no build can survive running to the enemy even with max defense and hp. It's stupid to have an mmo that demands team combat when it has barely any players. If you think HH powerfist is good you must have had a lot of friends backing you up or you've never made the build.
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