Other > Closed suggestions

Plasma torch

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Mike Crosser:

--- Quote from: avv on November 18, 2012, 07:50:35 pm ---you could kill every lone build with low PE

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Sort of like a sniper?

max hp pvp tank builds.... oh what fun.
Strategy?  Rock em sock em robots with egregious use of SS...
I hope this isn't too technical for ya ;)

Any other builds viable, nope....
Very creative, thanks for all the variety of icecream, vanilla, or vanilla...
Actually you can blame the PvP community for this one, they whined till it was this way.


--- Quote from: Roachor on November 18, 2012, 07:38:07 pm --- ::) Great so the only weapon that could make hth viable is "lolz cheat weapon". I wish one of the devs would actually come up with new weapon stats instead of modifying f2s crappy system.

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--- Quote from: davrot on November 18, 2012, 07:50:55 pm ---Yes, how dare they suggest making hth actually viable.

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My point was, that the plasma torch is a lol-weapon and won't be available in the game. Nothing else.

Cyber Jesus:

--- Quote from: Lexx on November 18, 2012, 09:36:48 pm ---My point was, that the plasma torch is a lol-weapon and won't be available in the game. Nothing else.

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And why not nerf it and then implement it? Whats wrong with having a little variety?

Hmm... Restoration Project mod had lightsaber...

Not saying it's not ridiculous or completely unreal, but I remember it was a very nice end-game melee weapon.

I wouldn't mind if either super sledge was buffed to that point or they added the lightsaber in-game, though i remember some animations were pretty bad for bald/long hair guys.


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