Other > Closed suggestions

Making dog companions more useful

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Good one.
Raise dog's outdoorsman and perception (cautious nature?) +1 (maybe not 120% to a 1lvl dog if they will be able to level up)
give a dog ability to level up +1
give a dog ability to stay with you after your 'death' +1 (even though it wouldn't be much of a use as whatever kills the PC will in most cases kill the dog too)
dog's resurrection -10 (ok, respawn is unavoidable in case of players, but making a barking christ would be going a little too far)

Oh, and one more thing - when this whole Scout profession will be finally done (when?), then scouts should be able to tame wild dogs, just as everyone else can tame brahmin. Yes, profession bonus only It is ridiculous that ALL the professions are based solely on crafting, never giving any additional skills or opportunities (like, 3lvl scout could be so good at training dogs that he would be able to sell them (order them to follow a new master)

Sorry for this scout off-topic, but I feel that there is so much opportunities that devs could implement to enrich this game with more goals and challenges...

To the matter of resurrecting dogs.

What if your dog had offspring and you could buy one of it's whelps if it dies (and only then)? Depending on how many lvls dogs would have, the 'new' one could start with your dogs lvl -1 or -2 or whatever. So you wouldn't loose its progress unless your dog dies 5 times in a row or sthing like that.

Oh, and also, could we have those please?  ;D

I like the lower picture...

However, idea of breeding dogs? Well I don't really like it, every gang would have one Super-Dog (lvl 21) they would borrow it and get Super-Cubs, which would effect in everybody possesing an equivalent of 120% outdoorsman, therefore making this skill useless.

No, that's why I said you could only buy it when you die. And you wouldn't really breed it. And it selling it could be forbidden, too (although raising dogs could be an interesting 'profession'.

Anyway, you would just HAVE the dog and when it dies, you and only you would have the possibility to buy another dog on a lower level, but not on the lowest. That way you wouldn't have to raise it from zero. The offspring and whelp thing was just a plausible excuse to do this. It's better than having your dog resurrected. As a penalty for losing your dog, the new one could cost more than the first one.

Guys you have 0 imagination  :o !

Even tho I would like having companion which would not suffer from perma-death its still possible to implement "ressurection" idea otherwise. You buy/tame a dog at X lvl. When you die, dog will find you. When dog dies you will remember its level and second time when you buy/tame dog, you will be able to get dog at greater lvl because during the time dog was with you and lvled up, you learned how to treat him => you know how to handle more dangerous dogs.

So in practice it would be something like this:
I hit lvl 12 and I have some spare cash so lets buy a dog. Dog is at lvl 3 when I buy him. I will lvl up with my new companion. I'm lvl 16 now, dog is lvl 9. Dog dies. I go to dog salesman that I want new dog. He offers me larger scale of dogs with various levels and price but non beyond 9th lvl. I buy one and I repeat circle.

This way there could be scouts with really dangerous companions. Buy there is a problem, companions die fast. I think there should be some kind of a survivability boost for dogs if they should be able to level up with player.


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