T-888 So maby 2-3fr and u Have 10min cd.
Omg AhBob died while using his probably AC heavy handed/melee/whatever trollchar by some big gunner who relloged after got killed while on sneaker! It's such a tragedy since so much skill is needed to play like a melee or HtH, so lets make at least 5min. relog cooldown so ''naabfactions'' will not relog as fast as SOT does cause them noobs cannot into proxy as much as SOT for example (and some other factions which maybe got some proxies, but also got some black sheeps unable to proxy, so as a black sheep i say those FR aint that evil)Hey Jacky, don't you know that since ages its in use that 3rd party awaits you while looting yourselves and dead enemies?
Lol bob wasn't even playing fonline when ac was useful and he's pretty anti unarmed, pull more shit out of your ass please. hth =/= troll
The only people defending fast relog is from the team who abuses it the most to win.
To Gr1m, I'd rather say everyone uses it the same, the difference is in the way & effectivity than in amount of alts he has. You know what's worse? People who cry about it even when they got tones of them. Ah, and acting like you do not support it and do not use it, wont make you any cool or ''pr0''
Fr killed tc for smaller and weaker factions. In last sesion we had cs,rouges,vsb,tttla,c88,bhh,hawks,bbs... Now small factions wont be able to tc because even if they Have more people they are less skilled and they wont be able to fight against bbs,tnb waves. Fr doesnt support noobs...pvp apes allways had advantave over noobs but now it is insain. U Have to avoid fights near grids when u attack because enemy can just spawn wave after wave.