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Author Topic: A question to the devs about alts  (Read 18925 times)

Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #45 on: March 24, 2010, 08:09:08 pm »

Im glad to see Ive inspired some thoughts on an issue thats been around for quite some time but I still dont have any info from the ones this post was directed towards.If a dev could maybe give a few brief words for my curiosity I would greatly appreciate it.
Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #46 on: March 24, 2010, 09:33:27 pm »

no. Its game about roleplaying, and if i want to try myself as medic then as repairman then as someone other i create alts. It doesnt do any damage, it just makes this game more interesting to play. And as i said alts are not problem, fast relogging or dual logging with them is. And you are trying to fix "problem" which isnt problem at all.

No one is complaining about your way of "alting", I also try to make me a doctor etc. just to try it out. There is no problem with this.
The real problem is, when people create alts to support their main chars. But if you have read the thread you've already knew that.

As Surf Solar already said it's not about trying to play with diferent path and character but about using alts only as support for main character.

Detecting it by IP is impossible because most of people don't have unike public ip adress. Integreating one or two accounts with game client is not an option too because i can instal multiple clients and use them as i want. This is a very tough problem but maybe devs will shed some light when new changelog will apear.
Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #47 on: March 24, 2010, 10:09:36 pm »

As Surf Solar already said it's not about trying to play with diferent path and character but about using alts only as support for main character.

Detecting it by IP is impossible because most of people don't have unike public ip adress. Integreating one or two accounts with game client is not an option too because i can instal multiple clients and use them as i want. This is a very tough problem but maybe devs will shed some light when new changelog will apear.

Let FOnline to create (delete old, if it exist already, but previous check it [see below]) a coded file in any windows' folders when you're logging in! It'll have contain integer string (date) and letters string (character's name) when you've logged in (LogIn_Hours/Minutes and CharactersName).
Then, when you're logging off, this file will also add another date when you've logged off and character's name (LogOff_Hours/Minutes and CharactersName).

Let X be LogIn_Hours/Minutes;
Let Y be LogOff_Hours/Minutes;
Let Z be CharactersName.

Deffault Y = 0.

Then, if you're logging in:

Your character's name is Z=True - Delete this coded file, and create new. (I mean, log in, don't do anything abnormal);

Your character's name is Z=False - then do: If/Then/Else.
If: Y=0 (this means you are still ingame, because if logoff time is 0, you didn't logged off)
Then: Show message: "Hahaha! You're already have logged in character, damned dual logger, suck it!" (and prevent from logging in)
Else:  If/Then/Else.
_____If: HERE I'M BROKEN because people can change thier time in windows clocks... but if your server will have it's own time... and it'll send SERVER's date to this file then next is possible:

New variable:
Let S be Current_Hours/Minutes

_____If: Real(S-Y) >= 10 minutes
_____Then: It's ok, let him log in.
_____Else: Show message: "Wait Integer(S-Y) more minutes, till you can log in." And, of couse, don't let him log in.

So, you can't use dual logs, and fast relogs, but it's theoretically... and also I don't know is this even possible.

P.S. I don't know why do I need X variable... just forget it... ;p
Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #48 on: March 24, 2010, 11:16:10 pm »

you know its 2010 - i dont want to guess the numbers but alot of people have multiple machines that can run fallout 2 (stationary + laptop i bet a lot of people got this , not to mention old PCs that you didnt get rid off )

second thing is IP /internet - planty of people in LANs share IP , but on the other hand many have access to net via multiple sources resulting :
2 machines , 2 separate net sources (stationary + mobile) and you can roll your balls out and you cant catch such guy .... (you would need to track him in game for supporting one character with another - GL with that )

no .. i dont see any reason to consider alting cheating and punish players for having them when there would be a group of players able to have them ...

Aw, come on. What you want is jack of all trades characters. This is the only reason why you whine and complain all the time. What could encourage players to not use any alts? It's obvious: Jack of all trades characters. Because then you can do everything you need by yourself and play the game in singleplayer. No need to switch between many characters.

But it could be so simple... Just search a team in which every player has it's own role. Then you don't need any alts, because the players fullfill each other. And yes, I have done this already with other players and it is possible.

I dare to say with savage crafting cooldowns its not possbile for one player to support a team with ammo / drugs (armors / weapons - sure).
How to prevent anti alting w/o making jack of all trades chars ? allow respecs , focus on specials/ perks to determine what chars purpose (melee sniper big gunner etc) and let skill points be redistributed ....ofc there would be still a problem - weapon skill - one could just respec  for max weapon skill when going for fight and have low / none combat skills when geathering /crafting...
« Last Edit: March 24, 2010, 11:18:41 pm by Attero »


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Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #49 on: March 24, 2010, 11:21:02 pm »

Nice colors, RavenousRat.
Answers are Virtual PC, Virtual Box, VMware. I'm pretty sure that DEVs are capable of handling technical stuff of anti-alt system. Unfortunatelly there will be always methods how to avoid it.

Let's say that duallog or avoiding timeouts between logging different characters are cheating techniques.
But trying to have all characters separated from each other is _hardcore_ roleplaying. I have no doubt that there are players that will enjoy this way of game, but it definitelly won't work for the rest of population.

Tip for true hardcore roleplayers: have you ever tried to separate also all the knowledge of particular persons? Positions of cities, names of known PKs (different namecolorizing), efects of weapons on particular cretures, etc.?
« Last Edit: March 24, 2010, 11:34:38 pm by Cpt.Rookie »
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Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #50 on: March 25, 2010, 12:37:49 am »

Add "Tag!" perk back to the game. Alts will be gone.
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Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #51 on: March 25, 2010, 12:40:42 am »

As if it would be so easy.
Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #53 on: March 25, 2010, 06:28:51 pm »

Did anyone even see my take on it? (second post)

Anything else is doomed.
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Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #54 on: March 25, 2010, 06:32:06 pm »

Did anyone even see my take on it? (second post)

Anything else is doomed.


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Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #55 on: March 26, 2010, 12:11:16 am »


Will never happen. Bethesda would sue the asses of the devs off..
Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #56 on: March 26, 2010, 12:46:13 am »

There's a way to reduce the perceived need for alting dramatically.

First, make sure characters have decent ways to make caps (even solo and low level) regardless of how they're oriented (combat, crafting etc.)

Second, add in some sort of automated trading system.

This way, when people need something they can't make themselves, they can obtain it from the player market, rather than having an alt craft it.

I realize it's already theoretically possible to get stuff you need from other players, but these changes would turn that theoretical possibility into a viable alternative.


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Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #57 on: March 26, 2010, 10:22:56 am »

First, make sure characters have decent ways to make caps (even solo and low level) regardless of how they're oriented (combat, crafting etc.)

It's not possible to make a "easy way" for solo players and a "harder way" for group-players, as the group players would simply use the solo-way in a group.
Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #58 on: March 26, 2010, 04:32:18 pm »

Just wanted to point out that the new crafting system makes it impossible to play solo unless you made a crafter char as you can't get even the most basic weapons on your own. Buying them from vendors also requires you have cash, which you'd get from killing things so in the beginning isn't an option. Also crafting small guns requires science and repair at 80 for the lowest level weapons and as neither of those skills have to be high enough to tag this means grinding until lvl 8-9 to just be able to make a gun and shoot with it. So yeah, new crafting makes alts completely necessary to progress.


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Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #59 on: March 26, 2010, 04:37:25 pm »

I don't know what's your problem with it? It's fine now.
You earn money in the early levels by unpacking the boxes in hub, or shoveling brahmin crap. I made it to level 2/nearly 3 with a few quests just in 2 hours and I didn't kill any enemy yet (except of 2 rats). Also have 900 caps on my bank account. Gathered material from random encounters (which is great) and crafted myself a few basic items. Lucky me I took small guns, science and repair as tagged skills, so I won't have that much of a problem with crafting. Imo it's great.

What you want, as Lexx already said, is a Jack of All Trades Character. And I'm glad that it's not possible to make one.
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