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Author Topic: A question to the devs about alts  (Read 18917 times)

Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #15 on: March 24, 2010, 04:59:51 pm »

How is alting cheating? You guys made a game that forces dependence on other characters without having a simple way to get what you need from others when you need it.
Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #16 on: March 24, 2010, 05:00:15 pm »

I totaly agree. In this way, with alts for everything, economy of the waste's is down and practicly non existing. I don't care for caps and stuff because i can have everything i want. Any armor, gun, and as much ammo as i want because i can do that by my own hands (in this case Alts). There is no point in barter, collecting and repairing stuff. And practicly there is no main character to focus on. Fallout 2238 is supposed to be an MMORPG. And practicly there is no RolePlaying factor. And this is i think the most important feature in the whole Fallout series.

PS. Sry for my English, i hope it will get better in time :)

Someone suggested once (can't remember exact words, so I won't use search for quote):

If a character has this item in craft list: He uses this item on 100%,
If a character can't craft item that he uses: He has penalties (???) % to hit? fast deteoration? don't know.


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Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #17 on: March 24, 2010, 05:03:38 pm »

How is alting cheating? You guys made a game that forces dependence on other characters without having a simple way to get what you need from others when you need it.

Because you create everything you want bye your own. Want a new Plasma Rifle? Sure, log in to your energy guns guy, create one, then log out and leave this fucker alone. If you are in a gang, we say with 8 members, everyone could be an expert at some skill. Now this gang decides to look into dungeon XY. Everyone has his role there, the lockpick guy takes care of the doors and helps with his mediocre pistol skills, the biggunner protects the "scientists" etc.

Now it's just one single pvp char (mostly) and thousands of alts, no real Multiplayer in it. And yes, for me it is cheating.
Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2010, 05:05:16 pm »

Because you create everything you want bye your own. Want a new Plasma Rifle? Sure, log in to your energy guns guy, create one, then log out and leave this fucker alone. If you are in a gang, we say with 8 members, everyone could be an expert at some skill. Now this gang decides to look into dungeon XY. Everyone has his role there, the lockpick guy takes care of the doors and helps with his mediocre pistol skills, the biggunner protects the "scientists" etc.

Now it's just one single pvp char (mostly) and thousands of alts, no real Multiplayer in it. And yes, for me it is cheating.

That's all due to bad game design, players will always follow the path of least resistance.


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Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #19 on: March 24, 2010, 05:08:04 pm »

I don't think so. Most of the alt users use the fast reloging in order to engage the alt quickly and to relog to the main character.
Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #20 on: March 24, 2010, 05:11:36 pm »

How is alting cheating? You guys made a game that forces dependence on other characters without having a simple way to get what you need from others when you need it.

This game is about role playing, not about having everything that the game has to offer with one character. If you are good in fixing things you should offer this to other players. This is a whole point in beeing part of a gang. Every member contribute their skill to mutual benefit. Having all benefits alone without (as dev's intended) help from others and fair trade is by my opinion cheating and abusing.

If a character has this item in craft list: He uses this item on 100%,
If a character can't craft item that he uses: He has penalties (???) % to hit? fast deteoration? don't know.
In this case you suggest that when i have for example BigGuns in 180% and i specjalize in making armors i can't use guns i was trained to use with max eficiency.  And opposite when i am an armorcrafter i dont get bonuses from wearing an armor. Mighty Strange Idea!
Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #21 on: March 24, 2010, 05:15:53 pm »

Alts sound like a decent way to increase this games replayability.
Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #22 on: March 24, 2010, 05:25:29 pm »

I don't think so. Most of the alt users use the fast reloging in order to engage the alt quickly and to relog to the main character.
So cheaters are really the cheaters

And while a MMORPG may be about Role Playing it seldom works out that way no?

Most people when playing a game like to be able to kick ass when combat is an option.
Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #23 on: March 24, 2010, 05:26:10 pm »

Alts sound like a decent way to increase this games replayability.

As you said yourself REPLAYABILITY. That means you must play a whole another character from scratch to play the game another time with diferent aproach. When you have multi alts you play practicly the whole game only once having "personal slaves" to do everything for you playing for real only with one character once with limitless resources. Where you see here decent replayabilityy? Life in postapocaliptic wasteland is harsh, brutal, and very tough, only smart using of character resources and combining it with others should guarantiee better chance getting to 21 level. This game isn't diablo or quake when character is an equivalent of an small army.
Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #24 on: March 24, 2010, 05:30:37 pm »

As you said yourself REPLAYABILITY. That means you must play a whole another character from scratch to play the game another time with diferent aproach. When you have multi alts you play practicly the whole game only once having "personal slaves" to do everything for you playing for real only with one character once with limitless resources. Where you see here decent replayabilityy? Life in postapocaliptic wasteland is harsh, brutal, and very tough, only smart using of character resources and combining it with others should guarantiee better chance getting to 21 level. This game isn't diablo or quake when character is an equivalent of an small army.*
My eye shots disagree*

Anyway It seems to be players should be able to solo without being punished so severely for not wanting to pool resources with others.
If life is harsh and brutal then maybe we should be more adaptable?
Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #25 on: March 24, 2010, 05:30:55 pm »

I don't think so. Most of the alt users use the fast reloging in order to engage the alt quickly and to relog to the main character.

You can think what you want but its a direct result of the game design. As someone who has alts for every possible combat char/prof I can tell you its not because I want to, its because I need to. For instance my 1 cha chars need to do quests so I need mentats, I can either hope to find some (almost never) or buy from a player and get overcharged plus hope someone is online selling them. More often than not no one is selling and I'd be forced to wait. A huge pain in the ass vs the 3 hours it takes to make a char with doc lvl 3 that just lives in vc and makes me drugs whenever I need.
Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #26 on: March 24, 2010, 05:31:29 pm »

That means you must play a whole another character from scratch to play the game another time with diferent aproach
Yes, several depending on how many alts you create. It's not as if the minute you create another character you can make bazookas and combat armor to buff your combat/main character.
When you have multi alts you play practicly the whole game only once having "personal slaves" to do everything for you playing for real only with one character ones with limitless resources.
I don't see it that way, it's essentially playing several different characters, exploring everything the game has to offer for only a *slight* advantage.
Where you see here decent replayabilityy?
Depends on how many alts you have.
Life in postapocaliptic wasteland is harsh, brutal, and very tough, only smart using of character resources and combining it with others should guarantiee better chance getting to 21 level
I agree, so why make arbitrary rules like no-alts? This game isn't for kids.
This game isn't diablo or quake when character is an equivalent of an small army.
As have been mentioned earlier, even the random PA drops didn't do much to make characters unstoppable. I could have a 100 alt support team and would still die as often as joe-one21-blow.


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Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #27 on: March 24, 2010, 05:34:56 pm »

You can think what you want but its a direct result of the game design. As someone who has alts for every possible combat char/prof I can tell you its not because I want to, its because I need to. For instance my 1 cha chars need to do quests so I need mentats, I can either hope to find some (almost never) or buy from a player and get overcharged plus hope someone is online selling them. More often than not no one is selling and I'd be forced to wait. A huge pain in the ass vs the 3 hours it takes to make a char with doc lvl 3 that just lives in vc and makes me drugs whenever I need.

Aw, come on. What you want is jack of all trades characters. This is the only reason why you whine and complain all the time. What could encourage players to not use any alts? It's obvious: Jack of all trades characters. Because then you can do everything you need by yourself and play the game in singleplayer. No need to switch between many characters.

But it could be so simple... Just search a team in which every player has it's own role. Then you don't need any alts, because the players fullfill each other. And yes, I have done this already with other players and it is possible.
Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #28 on: March 24, 2010, 05:38:34 pm »

Aw, come on. What you want is jack of all trades characters. This is the only reason why you whine and complain all the time. What could encourage players to not use any alts? It's obvious: Jack of all trades characters. Because then you can do everything you need by yourself and play the game in singleplayer. No need to switch between many characters.

But it could be so simple... Just search a team in which every player has it's own role. Then you don't need any alts, because the players fullfill each other. And yes, I have done this already with other players and it is possible.
But then I couldn't chat in NCR in between my solo ventures!!!

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Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #29 on: March 24, 2010, 05:38:48 pm »

You can think what you want but its a direct result of the game design. As someone who has alts for every possible combat char/prof I can tell you its not because I want to, its because I need to. For instance my 1 cha chars need to do quests so I need mentats, I can either hope to find some (almost never) or buy from a player and get overcharged plus hope someone is online selling them. More often than not no one is selling and I'd be forced to wait. A huge pain in the ass vs the 3 hours it takes to make a char with doc lvl 3 that just lives in vc and makes me drugs whenever I need.

It's YOUR problem when you make a character with 1 charisma. You don't have to make a character with 1 charisma to specialize on "Small Guns", "Repair" or "Doctor". You can create a powerbuild and live with the consequences (ever heard of "Choices and Consequences"?) or you can create an average character with a Small Gun", "Repair" or "xyz" specialisation.
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