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Author Topic: A question to the devs about alts  (Read 18909 times)

A question to the devs about alts
« on: March 24, 2010, 03:41:25 am »

I have read about not being able to use an ip adress to regulate alts because its easy to change them.I was wondering if you could somehow number the clients as they are downloaded from the updater,having each client set to allow only one or two accounts max before it says no more.I realize that anyone with more than one computer would have an edge but it cant be any worse than what we have now.I guess you could just delete the client and download a new one but maybe that could be worked around.I'm asking purely out of curiosity and dont even know if such a thing would be possible to do.Sorry for wasting yuor time if this is a stupid question.
Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2010, 06:58:40 am »

That still lets virtual machines pretend to be a different PC.

I guess the only 85% successful way of limiting alt exploits is having each character activated via paypal for $2 or something.
You'd have to create 10 new paypal accounts with false info and stuff just to get 10 alts, which should limit it nicely.

But it also causes a fuckton of work to the devs and half of the abus^H^H^H^Hplayers will go away because of various excuses.
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Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2010, 09:28:36 am »

No level cap, no alts needed.... One character, one destinity, one background to rule them all ! :)
In dust we trust!
Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2010, 09:32:31 am »

No level cap, no alts needed.... One character, one destinity, one background to rule them all ! :)
And lots of 1'000 HP players, who can't kill each other.


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Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2010, 09:51:29 am »

or we could halt the HP gain after lvl 24 and stop skillpoints from falling in after lvl 27 and the extra 2sp for educated go away at lvl 35, and no more perks after lvl 36, and lvl 40 for skilled people, the rest can be just for a small title above the name (starts at lvl 40 (champion), lvl 50 (master) lvl60 (sleepless))
Logged Over, Boyo II&b=Shoot 150 people as they are running away from you... In the arse&c=56&d=150&e=1703&f=1
Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2010, 10:38:49 am »

or we could halt the HP gain after lvl 24
I'll post a little suggestion, and it'll be offtop!

Mega suggestion which can be sent to Junk board:

Replace "Gambling" skill with "Body Building" skill.
Starting Body Building % is: ENx2+STx2;
Starting HP the same as now: 15+ST+ENx2;
HP per level: 0;
Max. character's HP = "Stating HP"+"Body Building %"/5;

Odd thing: than more character will have IN, than more he can have HP! wtf?
Max. character's HP possible:
Starting: 10 ST + 10 EN = 45 HP;
300%/5=60 HP;
45+60=105 HP.

*Each rank of "Lifegiver" perk will give one-time bonus +20% to your Body Building skill.

Suggestion #2:

Starting Body Building % is: 15%+ENx2+ST;
Starting HP: 0;
HP per level: 0;
Max. character's HP: "Body Building %"

Odd thing again: than more character will have IN, than more he can have HP! wtf?

Max. character's HP possible:

Will make this game a bit realistic, but... unrealistic is when crazy maniac uses Rocketlauncher on human, not tank or something else, because in real life it's almost impossible to hit so small target with Rocketlauncher, and soldier gonna usually miss, also minigun (in real life on great distance, you will be hitted by 1-2 bullets of 60 from minigun, here almost all hit), so miniguners will just left click on player and they will die, eye-shots (in real life from 150 meters you can't see an eye without a scope, and it's almost impossible to hit an eye of walking target, even with a scope), greatly reduce to hit % to eyes from 10 hexes, to head from 20 hexes.
Solve the problem:
1) Make rocket explode by any obstacle on it's way, if a player standing near wall or crates or tree, then he'll be hitted by a rocket, and usually die (it's almost impossible to have max. 105 HP, because all your skill will suck). % to hit (usually 95%) will show rocket's direction, if you see less than 95%, for example 70%, it means exist 30% chance rocket will fly some hexes away from a target and/or hit ground before/after target.
2) Minigun bullet's spread over range not only in cone, also over all distance between attacking unit and attacked unit. Also make minigun, and all big weapon, like scoped, have penalty to hit at very low distance, except for flamer. After that changes big guns will become support weapon. Minigun vs alone target isn't good idea, but if there're atleast 2 or even more targets in the same direction from minigun-user, then they will suffer.
3) Aimed shot in eyes/head. Impossbile to shoot at eyes/head/groin tonight from 20 hexes, if attacker don't have special perks/items with night vision. If weapon don't have "Scoped Range" perk, impossbile to hit eyes from 30 hexes and head from 40 hexes. Greatly reduce eye and head shot % to hit, but not in %, just substract, to make low leveled characters be able do eye/head shot too. Because you can see "<Insert 21st level character name here> missed." message only in 5% chance every time. Also it'll make AC atleast useful, because "Kamikaze" trait just gives you +5 sequence for now, because nobody really cares about AC, because everyone will have 95% to hit anyway.

What it'll do:
Low graded weapon as 10mm Pistol, Deagle, etc. will be more useable.
Big Guns skill is better vs group of players, than vs lone target.
Rocketlauncher is tactical weapon, where user need to think, not just press left mouse button.

Don't know what with grenades.

Thanks, now you can send this to Junk board, it was just suggestion: "How to make this game more realistic, tactical, and kill level balance gap a bit."

Damn, I forgot topic's name...


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Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2010, 10:47:52 am »

And lots of 1'000 HP players, who can't kill each other.

Not really, in good old times it wasn't really a problem... and at least everyone had only one alt, no ten(because you were able to make everything you need with one character).

In dust we trust!
Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2010, 10:54:59 am »


Really nice.   

It will make a big diffrnce.     Cuz level 15 shooter in my opp must have at least 20% chance to win over two 21 level bandits.     

Same old talk...   yeah....
life goes on...


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Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2010, 12:00:14 pm »

i think you miss the main problem. Alternative characters doesnt do any damage to game, its good if you want to play as energy expert as armorer as other characters. But the real problem is when people use their characters for fast relogging or dual logging  especially in pvp. So you need to think of something that could stop these 2 things, not creating of alts.
Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2010, 12:07:56 pm »

i think you miss the main problem. Alternative characters doesnt do any damage to game, its good if you want to play as energy expert as armorer as other characters. But the real problem is when people use their characters for fast relogging or dual logging  especially in pvp. So you need to think of something that could stop these 2 things, not creating of alts.
I may not agree with you, if turn off level cap, and change HP/level gain. Because instead of creating alts to get access to item crafting, you can play your main, and the only, character more and more. You'll say: "Oh noes! Jacks of all trades! They will become PvP and PvE and crafters and roleplayers!!!!111", but what's now? The same, but all they need for this, is copy FOnline folder, and then just relog with crafter of one thing, then crafter of second thing, then give it all to main character and that's all. So removing level cap and doing something with HP will solve this problem, because level uping after 21st level isn't so easy, especially if they nerf XP for crafting, because it's too high, as someone mentioned: "Why do we getting less XP for killing the same typr of creature each time, but we'll always get the same XP, even it's my 6764th sniper rifle?". You're getting less and less XP after 12th killed mob of the same type. So why don't we get less XP after Nth crafted the same item? So... I want to say: 50th level character must have almost the same HP as 15-21 level, but more skill points for preventing him from alting and forcing to stay at the same character.


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Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2010, 02:24:51 pm »

as i said alting is not a problem, cheaters are, so i dont see suggestions that would reduce alting useful.
Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2010, 03:56:46 pm »

This isnt a suggestion so much as a question that came from my own curiosity.Im not one that feels like alts ruin the game in any way but i do feel like there should be a limit to it.I dont know if what I thought of is even possible anyway.


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Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2010, 04:30:31 pm »

Alts do damage the balance pretty much.

If everyone just had one single character, there won't be any powerbuilds for just one particular reason (pvp, crafting, "taxidriver" etc.), many players will have characters with average skills. And when you want to have an expert at any skill, deal with the consequences. We are playing an Massive Multiplayer game. And the only "multiplayer" aspect is for very much players to kill other players. They make their stuff with their alts, mine stuff with their alts etc.
There isn't really much interaction with each other. Remember "Martin Blues" in the NCR? He repaired all your stuff for free, he was an expert in repair. And it wasn't his alt, it was his main character. If everyone would be playing his character better and refuse to use alts, a lot of problems would be solved. But it is the greed and the will to get everything as soon as possible which leads many players in using alts and minebots etc.

Don't get me wrong, using an "alt" and not even interacting with your main char, just to test things out is ok imo. But mostly alts are created in order to support your main char, which is cheating, imo.
Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2010, 04:50:47 pm »

Alts do damage the balance pretty much.

If everyone just had one single character, there won't be any powerbuilds for just one particular reason (pvp, crafting, "taxidriver" etc.), many players will have characters with average skills. And when you want to have an expert at any skill, deal with the consequences. We are playing an Massive Multiplayer game. And the only "multiplayer" aspect is for very much players to kill other players. They make their stuff with their alts, mine stuff with their alts etc.
There isn't really much interaction with each other. Remember "Martin Blues" in the NCR? He repaired all your stuff for free, he was an expert in repair. And it wasn't his alt, it was his main character. If everyone would be playing his character better and refuse to use alts, a lot of problems would be solved. But it is the greed and the will to get everything as soon as possible which leads many players in using alts and minebots etc.

Don't get me wrong, using an "alt" and not even interacting with your main char, just to test things out is ok imo. But mostly alts are created in order to support your main char, which is cheating, imo.

I totaly agree. In this way, with alts for everything, economy of the waste's is down and practicly non existing. I don't care for caps and stuff because i can have everything i want. Any armor, gun, and as much ammo as i want because i can do that by my own hands (in this case Alts). There is no point in barter, collecting and repairing stuff. And practicly there is no main character to focus on. Fallout 2238 is supposed to be an MMORPG. And practicly there is no RolePlaying factor. And this is i think the most important feature in the whole Fallout series.

PS. Sry for my English, i hope it will get better in time :)
Re: A question to the devs about alts
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2010, 04:57:00 pm »

Alts do damage the balance pretty much.

Don't get me wrong, using an "alt" and not even interacting with your main char, just to test things out is ok imo. But mostly alts are created in order to support your main char, which is cheating, imo.

I'm not huge on alts or anything, but how is it cheating? People in real life specialize in various things. We borrow from these people's specialties and contribute our own to the work force.

In video games jacks of all trades are almost always looked down upon. Only way I see less crafting alts being made is if crafting isn't limited to 3 profession levels.

The real issue is that every item is easily obtainable by any player.(Provided they make the right alt) In other games there are raids and instances that are more difficult but you acquire better gear you couldn't otherwise obtain.
     I'm not suggesting Fallout dungeons, but if there were certain minor locations where certain gear only dropped there, maybe people would want to trade or something. I mean why trade for something you can always just make it yourself?  
     And maybe new items need to be dropped from  random encounter NPCs that could be added to preexisting item creation requirements. This would encourage combat and playing the game.

but I'm ranting aren't I?
« Last Edit: March 24, 2010, 05:00:53 pm by Darkhart »
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