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A question to the devs about alts

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--- Quote from: RavenousRat on March 25, 2010, 06:32:06 pm ---Pay2Play?

--- End quote ---
No. More of a "Prove that you are 18+ by sending us $2 which is equal to the processing fees for paypal."

Fallout is rated at least 16+ everywhere, I believe. But now I see the flaw in my idea that someone from the staff would need to authorise every player..

Well, I think the current wipe is awesome and I honestly can't see a reason to use an alt for anything now.

And Roachor, 80 science and repair for guns? I can make 10mm or shotguns with 45 small guns, and that's basic items. Anything more is not basic items. Ammo is easily available for caps or cow shit.


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