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A question to the devs about alts

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I don't see the problem in crafting, I crafted my 10mm gun at first or second level, and even if you don't have the high intelligence I don't think the requirements are that high, otherwise make a better char. :)
BTW it's offtopic :)


--- Quote from: Surf Solar on March 26, 2010, 05:37:50 pm ---Yeah. Everything which doesn't suit in your way of thinking is "bad game design".  ::)

--- End quote ---

Most devs know fuck all about making good games, just look at all the crap that has come out in the last ten years. Then you have the fonline devs who are amateurs at this and despite knowing how to code don't know how to make a game. They keep making the same mistakes then making those mistakes worse, the game was already too based around crafting and nothing else. Now it's even more so and the only new content they added stops being useful after lvl 3. 300 xp quest rewards are a joke when you need 15k to get to lvl 6.

There is always an option to simply not play the game anymore if you don't like it.
I also didnt play it the last few months, but now it's fresh, most of the changes I like etc. You have to remind that this is still a beta. And while I have to admit that the devs aren't professionals at making games, they're stilll trying it. It's not as easy as "wow, I have a idea, now I make this into the game and then it's cool!11".
Creating a game is much more than that.

But yes, this is offtopic.

I am still playing my non-crafter character and I didn't died once yet. Also I can't craft, because my skills suck-- but I don't even need to craft, as I could find everything I needed on other ways.

Sure, I don't have an Avenger with Combat Armor... but time will come.

Nice to see one of the devs finally got to this page but you still didnt answer my question.I know this thread has totaly chaged into something i never intended but im still curious.Thanks to any player that dropped his thought on it but Im looking for a dev answer.Thanks again


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