Author Topic: Exports from Van Buren.  (Read 41140 times)

Exports from Van Buren.
« on: October 30, 2012, 08:17:38 pm »
I was doing some internet archaelogy to find exported materials from Van Buren, but every link i found was dead. Every request got unanswered, except from Xammurapi. (many kudos to him) so i decided to do something by myself - export it again from VB demo. The scripts i could find were for Max, this one worked almost perfectly for the VB maps.
Code: [Select]
function String4Read f = (
s = ""
for i = 1 to 4 do (
n = readbyte f
s+= bit.intAsChar n
return s

struct TSectionHeader
id = "", -- name
size = 0,

function ReadFromFile f =
id = String4Read f
size = readlong f

function ReadSectionHead f =
head = TSectionHeader()
head.ReadFromFile f
return head

GVP = #() -- vertex position
GVN = #() -- vertex normal
GVD = #() -- vertex diffuse color
GVT = #() -- texture coords
GVL = #() -- lightmap coords
IDX = #() -- face indexes

buffer_index = 0  -- current vertex buffer index
buffer_offset = #() --

Flag = 1

struct TREE_Data

function FileSizeGet f =
prev = ftell f
fseek f 0 #seek_end
size = ftell f
fseek f prev #seek_set
return size

function FilePosGet f =
ret = ftell f
return ret

function IsHeader s =
return case s of
"NODE" : true
"LEAF" : true
"INFO" : true
"IDXD" : true
"IDXS" : true
"FLGS" : true
"TREE" : true
"LVL0" : true
"XYZ " : true
"MATR" : true
"MATD" : true
"TXTD" : true
"TREE" : true
"VTXD" : true
"VTXB" : true
"TXUV" : true
"LMUV" : true
"DIFU" : true
"NRML" : true
"LVLD" : true
"LVL0" : true
"HEAD" : true
"8TRE" : true
"LGTD" : true
"LGTR" : true
default : false

function ReadBlock f size=
header = ReadSectionHead f

    if == "FLGS" do
fseek f (header.size*Flag) #seek_cur
return 0

if == "IDXD" do
fseek f -16 #seek_cur
tmp =1 + (readlong f)
if tmp >= 1 and tmp <= buffer_offset.count do
buffer_index = tmp
--format "vertex buffer : % / %" buffer_index buffer_offset.count
fseek f 12 #seek_cur

if == "TXTR" do
s = ""
for i = 1 to header.size do s += (bit.IntAsChar (readbyte f) )
print s
return 0

if == "IDXS" do
--print header
end = (ftell f) + header.size

while ((ftell f)+12) < end do
tmp = readshort f #unsigned
if tmp == 0 do
tmp = readshort f #unsigned
--print tmp

if bit.and tmp 0xFF00 == 0x8000 do fseek f 8 #seek_cur
if bit.and tmp 0xFF00 == 0x4000 do fseek f 4 #seek_cur

size = readshort f

for i = 1 to (size/3) do
a = buffer_offset[buffer_index] + readshort f #unsigned
b = buffer_offset[buffer_index] + readshort f #unsigned
c = buffer_offset[buffer_index] + readshort f #unsigned

IDX[IDX.count+1] = [a,c,b]


fseek f end #seek_set
return 0

if == "VTXB" do
readlong f
header.size -= 4
buffer_offset[buffer_offset.count+1] = GVP.count+1
--format "vertex buffer offset % = %\n" buffer_offset.count  (GVP.count+1)

if == "VTXD" do
readlong f
header.size -= 4

if == "XYZ " do
--print header

for i = 1 to header.size/12 do
x = readfloat f
y = readfloat f
z = readfloat f

GVP[GVP.count+1] = [x,z,y]

return 0

if IsHeader then
--print header

end = ( ftell f ) + header.size

while (ftell f ) < end do
ReadBlock f header.size
fseek f -8 #seek_cur
if size < 4  and size != 0 do size = 4
fseek f size #seek_cur

function ReadFromFile f =
ReadBlock f 0

function tre_file f  =

reader = TREE_Data()
reader.ReadFromFile f

obj = Editable_Mesh()
obj.mesh.numverts = GVP.count
obj.mesh.numfaces = IDX.count

for i = 1 to obj.mesh.numverts do
  SetVert obj.mesh i GVP[i]
for i = 1 to obj.mesh.numfaces do
SetFace obj.mesh i IDX[i]

update obj

m_roll=newrolloutfloater "TRE Importer" 400 130

rollout TREImport "TRE Import" width:400 height:104
edittext filename "File:" pos:[9,6] width:312 height:17
button OpenBtn "Open" pos:[326,7] width:56 height:21 enabled:true
button ImportBtn "Import" pos:[9,68] width:80 height:21
checkbox Flgs "FLGS Size" pos:[9,39] width:94 height:12

on OpenBtn pressed do
s = GetOpenFileName types:"TRE file(*.tre)|*.tre" historyCategory:"TREImports"
if s != undefined do
filename.text = s
on ImportBtn pressed do
if FileName.text != "" do
Flag = if Flgs.checked then 4 else 1
tre_file (fopen FileName.text "rb")
fclose FileName
closeRolloutFloater m_roll

addrollout TREImport m_roll

I hope it survives longer as text, than a download.

The maps i reexported to .OBJ, you can download it if you want.
Van Buren maps

edit: Many thanks to Xammurapi for the working g3d script! Thanks, man! :D
« Last Edit: October 30, 2012, 08:41:10 pm by Horatio »

Re: Exports from Van Buren.
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2012, 08:41:18 pm »
Here it is, if anyone wants to export the materials in Max 2009, many, many years later, when all download links are dead.
(doublepost due to char limit)
Code: [Select]
function StringRead f =(
  s = ""
  len = readshort f
  for i = 0 to len - 1 do (
    n = readbyte f
    s += bit.intAsChar n
  return s

FormatVer = 0

struct g3d_header (
    Sign = "", --: array[0..7]of char; // "B3D 1.1 "
    Unknown1 = 0, --: byte;
    Unknown2 = 0, --: byte;
    Unknown3 = 0, --: byte; //Header ID??
    GlobalScaleFactor= 0.0, --: single;
    Unknown4      = 0, --: byte; //Header ID??
    CoordinateScale  = 0.0, --: single;
    Unknown5 = 0, --: byte; //Header ID??
    CoordinateSystem = "", --: TCharArray;
    Unknown6 = 0, --: byte;
    Unknown7 = 0, --: longword;
function ReadFromFile f =
    for i = 0 to 7 do (
        n = readbyte f
        Sign += bit.intAsChar n

  Unknown2 = readbyte f
  if Unknown2 == 3 then ( print "a"; FormatVer = 1; for i = 1 to 2 do readbyte f )
  else ( for i = 1 to 4 do readbyte f )
  GlobalScaleFactor = readfloat f
  CoordinateScale = readfloat f
  CoordinateSystem = StringRead f
  Unknown6 = readbyte f; Unknown7 = readlong f

Model_Vertex_Position = #()
Model_Vertex_Texcoords = #()
Model_Vertex_Normal   = #()
Model_Faces_Index     = #()
Model_Faces_Mats      = #()

Txs = #()
TexturesDir = ""

Vertex_Type_Flag      = 0
Bones_Flag = 0

FS = 0
Zone_Flag = 0;

struct TVertex64 (
  Coordinate = Point3 0.0 0.0 0.0,      --: array[0..2]of single;
  Normal = Point3 0.0 0.0 0.0,      --: array[0..2]of single;
  Color      = Point4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0,  --: array[0..3]of single;
  Unknown1   = Point2 0.0 0.0,          --: array[0..1]of single;
  Unknown2   = Point3 0.0 0.0 0.0,          --: array[0..1]of single;
  Unknown3   = Point2 0.0 0.0,          --: array[0..1]of single;
  function ReadFromFile f = (
    Coordinate.x = readfloat f; Coordinate.z = readfloat f; Coordinate.y = readfloat f
Model_Vertex_Position[Model_Vertex_Position.count + 1] = Coordinate
Model_Vertex_Texcoords[Model_Vertex_Texcoords.count +1] = Unknown2
    Normal.x = readfloat f; Normal.y = readfloat f; Normal.z = readfloat f
    Model_Vertex_Normal[Model_Vertex_Normal.count + 1] = Normal  
Color.x = readfloat f; Color.y = readfloat f; Color.z = readfloat f; Color.w = readfloat f
Unknown1.x = readlong f
for i = 1 to Unknown1.x do
if i==1 then
Unknown2.x = readfloat f
Unknown2.y = 1 - readfloat f
Model_Vertex_Texcoords[Model_Vertex_Position.count] = Unknown2
readfloat f
readfloat f
Unknown1.x = readlong f
for i = 1 to Unknown1.x do (readfloat f; readfloat f;)

struct TVertex44 (
  Coordinate   = Point3 0.0 0.0 0.0, -- Eii?aeiaoa oi?ee (x, y, z: single)
  Normal    = Point3 0.0 0.0 0.0, -- Ii?iaeu oi?ee (x, y, z: single)
  Color        = #(0, 0, 0, 0),      -- Oaao oi?ee (r, g, b, a: byte)
  TextureCoord = Point3 0.0 0.0 0.0,     -- Oaenoo?iua eii?aeiaou (s, t: single);
  Unknown1     = #(),     -- Iaecaanoii
  function ReadFromFile f = (
    Coordinate.x = readfloat f; Coordinate.z = readfloat f; Coordinate.y = readfloat f
Model_Vertex_Position[Model_Vertex_Position.count + 1] = Coordinate
    Normal.x = readfloat f; Normal.y = readfloat f; Normal.z = readfloat f
Model_Vertex_Normal[Model_Vertex_Normal.count + 1] = Normal
    for i = 1 to 4 do Color[i] = readbyte f

TextureCoord.x = readfloat f; TextureCoord.y = 1 - readfloat f
Model_Vertex_Texcoords[Model_Vertex_Texcoords.count + 1] = TextureCoord

    Unknown1[1] = readlong f; Unknown1[2] = readlong f

struct TVert_Bones_Data (
Bone   = 0,   --: longword
Weight = 0.0, --: single
function ReadFromFile f = (
  Bone = readlong f
  Weight = readfloat f

struct TMaterial_Data44 (
    Name   = "",
    Mtl_ID   = "",    
    Unknown1   = 0.0,
    BLEND_STATE   = "",
    Unknown2   = 0,
    Zone   = "",
    Unknown3   = 0,
function ReadFromFile f = (
      Name = StringRead f; Mtl_ID = StringRead f
      for i = 0 to 16 do Unknown1 = readfloat f
      BLEND_STATE = StringRead f; MATERIAL_TYPE = StringRead f
  a = readlong f; print a
      for i = 1 to 16 do ( Unknown2 = readlong f; if Unknown2 == 1 then
  Zone = StringRead f;
  tm = bitmaptexture()
  tm.alphasource = 2
  tm.filename = TexturesDir + Zone
  Txs[Txs.count + 1] = standardMaterial diffuseMap:tm showInViewport:true
  Unknown2 = readlong f;
          for i = 1 to Unknown2 do StringRead f;

struct TMaterial_Data (
    Name   = "", --: TCharArray;
    Mtl_ID   = "", --: TCharArray;
    Unknown1   = 0.0, --: array[0..16]of single; //Most likely Ambient, Diffuse, Emissive, Specular, Shininess, and Alpha
    BLEND_STATE   = "", --: TCharArray;
    MATERIAL_TYPE = "", --: TCharArray;
    Unknown2   = 0, --: array[0..63]of byte; //Flags??
    Zone   = "", --: TCharArray;
    Unknown3   = 0, --: longword;
function ReadFromFile f = (
Unknown3 = readlong f

      Name = StringRead f
      a = readlong f;  for i = 1 to a do Mtl_ID = StringRead f

  tm = bitmaptexture()
  tm.alphasource = 2
  if Mtl_ID != "" then tm.filename = TexturesDir +  Mtl_ID
  Txs[Txs.count + 1] = standardMaterial diffuseMap:tm showInViewport:true
local kk = 0
  readbyte f; readlong f; kk = readlong f; print kk
      for i = 1 to kk/3 do (
  a = 0; a = readlong f
  b = 0; b = readlong f
  c = 0; c = readlong f
  a = a + 1;  b = b + 1; c = c + 1;
  Model_Faces_Index[Model_Faces_Index.count + 1] = [b, a, c]
  Model_Faces_Mats[Model_Faces_Mats.count + 1] = Txs.count ;  
      for i = 1 to kk do (Unknown2 = readbyte f)

struct TVertex_Node (
    Unknown1       = 0,
Unknown2       = 0,
VertexTypeFlag = 0,
NumberVerts    = 0,
SizeOfVerts    = 0,
    Unknown3       = #(),
IsBones       = 0,     
BonesPerVert   = 0,
NumberMaterial = 0,
    function ReadFromFile f = (
      Unknown1 = readbyte f;
  Unknown2 = readbyte f;
  format "VertNode U1 % U2 %\n" Unknown1 Unknown2;

  if FormatVer == 0 then
  VertexTypeFlag = readbyte f;
  Vertex_Type_Flag = VertexTypeFlag
  else Vertex_Type_Flag = 0
  NumberVerts = readlong f;
  format "Vertex count - %\n" NumberVerts
format "Vertex_Type_Flag - %\n" Vertex_Type_Flag
      if Vertex_Type_Flag == 1 then (
    SizeOfVerts = readlong f;
format "SizeOfVerts - %\n" SizeOfVerts
for i = 1 to NumberVerts do (Vertex44 = TVertex44(); Vertex44.ReadFromFile f)
for i = 1 to 6 do (Unknown3[i] = readfloat f); IsBones = readbyte f

if IsBones == 1 then
BonesPerVert = readlong f
format "BonesPerVert - %\n" BonesPerVert
for i = 1 to NumberVerts * BonesPerVert do (VBD = TVert_Bones_Data(); VBD.ReadFromFile f;)
NumberMaterial = readlong f
format "NumberMaterial - %\n" NumberMaterial
for i = 1 to NumberMaterial do (MD = TMaterial_Data44(); MD.ReadFromFile f; print MD)

--for i = 1 to NumberMaterial do (
-- Zone = ""; S = ""
-- for j = 1 to Zone_Flag + 1 do (
--   S = StringRead f; Zone += S
-- )
-- print Zone
-- pos = ftell f; print Pos

--StringRead f

for i = 1 to NumberMaterial do (StringRead f)
--StringRead f

Mat_list = #()

NumVert = 0; NumTri = 0
for i = 1 to NumberMaterial do (a = readlong f; Mat_list[Mat_list.count+1] = a )
for i = 1 to NumberMaterial do (a = readlong f; NumVert +=a; )
print "NumVert"; print NumVert; print "NumTri"; print NumTri;
NumTri = NumTri / 3;
for j = 1 to NumberMaterial do (
for i = 1 to (Mat_list[j]/3)  do (
  a = 0; a = readshort f #unsigned;
  b = 0; b = readshort f #unsigned;
  c = 0; c = readshort f #unsigned;
  a = a + 1;  b = b + 1; c = c + 1;
  Model_Faces_Index[Model_Faces_Index.count + 1] = [c, b, a];
  Model_Faces_Mats[Model_Faces_Mats.count + 1] = j;
--print Model_Faces_Index[Model_Faces_Index.count]
--k = readlong f;
--for i = 1 to k do ( l = StringRead f; print l; )
  ) else (

for i = 1 to NumberVerts do (Vertex64 = TVertex64(); Vertex64.ReadFromFile f)
pos = ftell f; print pos
NumberMaterial = readlong f
format "NumberMaterial - %\n" NumberMaterial
for i = 1 to NumberMaterial do (MD = TMaterial_Data(); MD.ReadFromFile f; print MD)
--k = readlong f;
--for i = 1 to k do ( l = StringRead f; print l; )
--   Print Model_Vertex_Position

struct TBone (
    Name     = "",
    Unknown1 = 0, --: word;
    Flag      = 0, --: byte;  //Header ID?? For "Transform"
    Translation = point3 0.0 0.0 0.0, --: array[0..2]of single;
    Rotation = quat 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0, --: array[0..3]of single;
function ReadFromFile f = (
Name = StringRead f; Unknown1 = readshort f; Flag = readbyte f
if Flag != 0 then
Translation.x = readfloat f; Translation.z = readfloat f; Translation.y = readfloat f;
if Flag == 3 then (Rotation.x = readfloat f; Rotation.z = readfloat f; Rotation.y = readfloat f; Rotation.w = readfloat f)
if Flag == 2 then readfloat f

struct TColor (
  r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0,
  function ReadFromFile f = (r = readfloat f; g = readfloat f; b = readfloat f; a = readfloat f

struct TMater (
  Ambient   = TColor(),
  Diffuse   = TColor(),
  Emissive  = TColor(),
  Specular  = TColor(),
  Shininess = 0,
  Alpha     = 0,
  function ReadFromFile f = (
    Ambient.ReadFromFile f; Diffuse.ReadFromFile f
    Emissive.ReadFromFile f; Specular.ReadFromFile f
    Shininess = readfloat f; Alpha = readfloat f

struct TMaterials (
    Mtl_ID = "",
    Name = "",
    Mater = TMater(),
    BLEND_STATE = "",
    Flag_1 = 0,
Flag_2 = 0,
function ReadFromFile f = (
      Mtl_ID = StringRead f; Name = StringRead f
      Mater.ReadFromFile f
      BLEND_STATE = StringRead f; MATERIAL_TYPE = StringRead f
      Flag_1 = readlong f; Flag_2 = readlong f

struct TTextures (
    Unknown1 = 0, --: byte;
    Name = "", --: TCharArray;
    FileName = "", --: TCharArray;
    Width = 0, --: longword;
    Height = 0, --: longword;
function ReadFromFile f = (
      Unknown1 = readbyte f; Name = StringRead f; FileName = StringRead f
      Width = readlong f; Height = readlong f

struct TNodes (
  Unknown1 = 0, --: byte;
  Name = "", --: TCharArray;
  function ReadFromFile f = (
    Unknown1 = readbyte f; Name = StringRead f

struct TMat_Data (
    Unknown1 = 0, --: array[0..2]of byte;
    Name     = "", --: TCharArray;
    TextureOn = 0, --: longword;
    Texture  = "", --: TCharArray;
    Unknown3 = 0, --: longword;
    Unknown4 = 0, --: byte;
    NumOfPoints = 0, --: longword;
    function ReadFromFile f = (
      for i = 0 to 2 do (Unknown1 = readbyte f)
  Name = StringRead f
  print Name
  TextureOn = readlong f
  if TextureOn != 0 then Texture = StringRead f
  Unknown3 = readlong f
  Unknown4 = readbyte f
  NumOfPoints = readlong f
      print NumOfPoints

--   Points                      : array of longword;
--    MatID                       : array of byte;
struct TMaterial_Node (
    NumberMaterialNodes = 0, --: longword;
    Unknown1            = 0, --: byte;
    function ReadFromFile f = (
    NumberMaterialNodes = readlong f
  Unknown4 = readbyte f
      format "MaterialNode - NumberMaterialNodes = %d\n"  NumberMaterialNodes
 --   Mat_Data                    : array of TMat_Data;

function FileSizeGet f = (
  fseek f 0 #seek_end
  size = ftell f
  return size

function FilePosGet f = (
  pos = ftell f
  return pos

function main f asmooth dir = (
print f
TexturesDir = dir
  local FileSize = 0
  local FilePos = 0
  FileSize = FileSizeGet f
  FS = FileSize
  fseek f 0 #seek_set
  g3d_head = g3d_header(); g3d_head.ReadFromFile f; print "head"; print g3d_head; print "head_end"
  Material_Node = TMaterial_Node()
  do (
    b = 0; b = readbyte f
case b of (
      0x07: (Materials = TMaterials(); Materials.ReadFromFile f; print "Materials"; print Materials; pos = ftell f; print pos)
  0x08: (Textures = TTextures(); Textures.ReadFromFile f; print "Textures"; print Textures; pos = ftell f; print pos)
  0x0A: (Nodes = TNodes(); Nodes.ReadFromFile f; print "Nodes";  print Nodes; pos = ftell f; print pos)
  0x0E: (Bones_Flag = 1; Bone1 = TBone(); Bone1.ReadFromFile f; print "Bones"; print Bone1; pos = ftell f; print pos)
  0x0F: (Vertex_Node = TVertex_Node(); Vertex_Node.ReadFromFile f; print "VertexNodes"; pos = ftell f; print pos)
  default: exit
FilePos = FilePosGet f
  while FilePos != FileSize

  print (FilePosGet f);
  local obj
  obj = Editable_Mesh()
  obj.material = multimaterial numsubs:Txs.count
  print "tx count"; print Txs.count
  for i = 1 to Txs.count do
  obj.material.materialList[i] = Txs[i]
  meditMaterials[i] = Txs[i]
  obj.mesh.numverts = Model_Vertex_Position.count
  obj.mesh.numfaces = Model_Faces_Index.count
  obj.mesh.numtverts = Model_Vertex_Position.count
  format "tx count %\n" Model_Vertex_Texcoords.count
  format "vert count %\n" Model_Vertex_Position.count
  format "faces count %\n" Model_Faces_Index.count
  for i = 1 to obj.mesh.numverts do
  SetVert obj.mesh i Model_Vertex_Position[i]
  for i = 1 to obj.mesh.numfaces do
  SetFace obj.mesh i Model_Faces_Index[i]
  for i = 1 to obj.mesh.numtverts do
  SetTVert obj.mesh i Model_Vertex_Texcoords[i]
  buildTVFaces obj.mesh false
  for i = 1 to obj.mesh.numfaces do
  setTVFace obj.mesh i Model_Faces_Index[i]
  setFaceMatID obj.mesh i Model_Faces_Mats[i]
  meshop.weldVertsByThreshold obj.mesh #{1..obj.mesh.numverts} 0.001
  meshop.autoSmooth obj.mesh #{1..obj.mesh.numfaces} asmooth
  addmodifier obj (Unwrap_UVW())
   update obj

m_roll=newrolloutfloater "G3D Importer" 400 130

rollout G3DImport "G3D Import" width:400 height:104
edittext filename "File:" pos:[8,8] width:312 height:17
button OpenBtn "Open" pos:[326,7] width:56 height:21 enabled:true
button ImportBtn "Import" pos:[8,72] width:80 height:21
spinner asmooth "Auto Smooth: " pos:[32,39] width:160 height:16 range:[0,180,0] scale:0.1

on G3DImport open do
ASmooth.value = 45.0
on OpenBtn pressed do
s = GetOpenFileName types:"G3D file(*.g3d)|*.g3d" historyCategory:"G3DImports"
if s != undefined do
filename.text = s
on ImportBtn pressed do
if FileName.text != "" do
main (fopen FileName.text "rb") ASmooth.value (getFilenamePath FileName.text)
fclose FileName
closeRolloutFloater m_roll

addrollout G3DImport m_roll

Offline Luther Blissett

  • Moderator
Re: Exports from Van Buren.
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2012, 09:18:10 pm »
Excellent! I tried this myself a few months back, and got a bit lost with garbled export mess (things like the front of a building randomly being about a mile to the right of the rest of the model).

Have you had any joy with any of the objects? I'm particularly interested in getting the models from the Van Buren cars and a few other small scenery objects, so I could analyse/edit/adjust them (for eventual use as flat rendered scenery objects).

p.s. I should be "back on" with the previously discussed 3D stuff very soon. Just got a few smaller projects at work to finish.

Re: Exports from Van Buren.
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2012, 09:49:58 pm »
Oh yes. :)

All the files i will convert during the week, but here are the vehicles i just ripped out :)

Good to have you back, Luther.

Offline Wipe

  • Rotator
  • Random is god
Re: Exports from Van Buren.
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2012, 11:27:07 pm »
It reminds me some old NMA thread...
Games are meant to be created, not played...

Offline Luther Blissett

  • Moderator
Re: Exports from Van Buren.
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2012, 11:38:06 pm »
Nice one! There's a few garbled connections in there, like on the wheels - but it's easily fixable by reconnecting a few vertices here and there. Probably a triangulation/quadrangulation/import/export thing. The car model is surprisingly simple though - it should be fairly easy to adjust, and in theory if rendered at the correct size/angle and repainted carefully, an easy way to build up some extra scenery objects.

Also, yes it's very similar to that thread - though I think many of the links off there died. I can't quite remember, but I know I couldn't find what it was I was looking for.

Anyway, I got my toy cars to play with now :P

Offline Surf

  • Moderator
  • это моё.
Re: Exports from Van Buren.
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2012, 11:38:21 pm »
It reminds me some old NMA thread...

All those links are down there. ;)

Offline Wipe

  • Rotator
  • Random is god
Re: Exports from Van Buren.
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2012, 12:56:31 am »
All those links are down there. ;)

But there's some technical blabla here and there, plus shots what else can be found - still worth to check i think.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2012, 01:00:00 am by Wipe »
Games are meant to be created, not played...

Re: Exports from Van Buren.
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2012, 08:56:36 am »
Nice one! There's a few garbled connections in there, like on the wheels - but it's easily fixable by reconnecting a few vertices here and there. Probably a triangulation/quadrangulation/import/export thing.

No, its actually a clever shading trick to reduce polycount on wheels. Check out the renders, they are smooth.

Offline Luther Blissett

  • Moderator
Re: Exports from Van Buren.
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2012, 05:07:37 pm »
Think mine's more garbled than that - possibly from the Wings3D import - on the Police car I've got spiky wheels, a gap missing on the wheel arch and a wonky bonnet - it does seem to "magically" clear up a bit when rendered though (which is something I've never seen before), but not perfectly.

Re: Exports from Van Buren.
« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2012, 07:43:15 pm »
It reminds me some old NMA thread...
You are right. I actually found the link to the script about a year ago on this forum. But I downloaded it elsewhere. It seems that the author of scripts for 3ds Max

Fluke that I saved them, I usually just do bookmark interesting resources ...
Skype: xinomobile__

Re: Exports from Van Buren.
« Reply #11 on: October 31, 2012, 08:19:42 pm »
I used the resources VanBuren in my experiments with Unity3d.

That's what I did:
Character Customization (Cvet posted on its website an animated models. Unfortunately they are now no longer available)
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
A trip to the desert (Location - Desert near San Francisco, terrain is generated based on the data of NASA )
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Random map generated from tiles.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Moving around the map using the algorithm A-star (in the style of Diablo or Fallout 1-2)
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
« Last Edit: October 31, 2012, 08:47:54 pm by xammurapi »
Skype: xinomobile__

Re: Exports from Van Buren.
« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2012, 10:15:44 pm »
It is most impressive, Xammurapi. :D You're way ahead.

Also, to my fault, I must admit that imports indeed lack some vertex data. I think, it needs some fixes.

Offline Gob

  • The Good
Re: Exports from Van Buren.
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2012, 04:01:20 pm »
Can't Van Burren be continued?

Offline Haraldx

  • This forum... The memories... The history...
Re: Exports from Van Buren.
« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2012, 04:29:07 pm »
If somebody is up to somehow getting somekind of tools, then yes. Otherwise - no.
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.