Other > Suggestions

PvP grounds alias arenas

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I agree with you and your arguments for it. I don´t really care about how something like this will be implemented, i want this, too. :) The idea with the virtual reality stuff was just in case some devs said: NO, thats not in the games, we do not want this.

I had the idea that even low level chars could enter the virtual reality and fight there for EXP. Level 21 chars would get reputation and maybe later access to special vendors that selling resources one time a day.
Special arenas for premade teams only. No more Zerg tactics, you need good team play there.

Maybe we can find a possibility like in Mad Max 3 and this thunder-dome. When i remember correct it was in case when someone broken a law, then to guys enter, only one came out ;) Would also be an interesting feature...

Jeah i think PvP locations  would be very cool.
Fighting for Money and reputation...

Maybe some differnt arenas with different weapons.
for example:

Boxing in new Reno only with Boxinggloves....
Arena in Junktown with meele Weapons.....

And some Places to shot each other .....
think these "Faction Battle Ground" is a good idea too!!
Raiders vs. Vault City or Slaver vs. Ncr Ranger.....

I think this vitŕtual reallity thing is not a good idea but i like the Thunderdome too!

It would be good to know what devs think of this.

This idea is not very new and devs already told about some areana maps especially for PvP Events. I think Scipior and Lexx already built some special maps.

Actually, we did a lot of nice events and pretty everything you mention in this thread.

GMs are organizing events, but due to the wipe, lags and multiple downtimes, they are not making a lot of them right now.

I am VERY interested in organizing events and tournaments and i think we should meet together with Izual to discuss about it. Maybe some other people would be interested in organizing those event too. We should arrange a meeting on IRC or mumble and set everything up for the next tournament.

I'm glad to see we share common interest, see you later !

Well my point is such arenas should be accessible all day long for everyone and without any work for admins. Simply new feature like that boxing ring in Junktown.


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