I'd prefer some craftable sneaker armor as requirement to be able to sneak (or other armors/bluesuit having penalty for sneak skill) rather than stealth-boy. But yeah, I agree sneaking should require some gear to be functional/effective.
Yes and let's make it so you can only shoot a gun while holding guns and bullets in off hand, and you can only run with rubber boots, and you can only barter while wearing spectacles. Any other terrible ideas?
Some changes for sneakers, which will allow to sneak only when You have stealth boy.
What makes it so terrible? You can't shoot without a gun with Big guns so why should you be able to get free invisibility with sneak?
// __LookChecks |= LOOK_CHECK_SNEAK_DIR; // Nerfe opponent sneak by directions of look __LookSneakDir0 = 90; // Nerfe 90% of opponent sneak with direct look __LookSneakDir1 = 60; // Nerfe 60% of opponent sneak with front side look __LookSneakDir2 = 30; // Nerfe 30% of opponent sneak with back side look __LookSneakDir3 = 0; // Nerfe 0% of opponent sneak with back look __LookSneakDir4 = 0; // Nerfe 0% of opponent sneak with back look (Square geometry) __LookChecks |= LOOK_CHECK_SNEAK_WEIGHT; // Nerfe sneak by current weight __LookWeight = 10; // Lost 1 sneak point per 10 gramm
// __LookChecks |= LOOK_CHECK_SNEAK_DIR; __LookSneakDir0 = 72; __LookSneakDir1 = 36; __LookSneakDir2 = 12; __LookSneakDir3 = 0; __LookSneakDir4 = 0; __LookChecks |= 0; __LookWeight = 0;
// __LookChecks |= LOOK_CHECK_SNEAK_DIR; __LookSneakDir0 =135; __LookSneakDir1 = 95; __LookSneakDir2 = 55; __LookSneakDir3 = 15; __LookSneakDir4 = 15; __LookChecks |=LOOK_CHECK_SNEAK_WEIGHT; __LookWeight = 1000;
This is how it was on previous session of 2238. __LookChecks |= LOOK_CHECK_SNEAK_DIR; __LookSneakDir0 =135; __LookSneakDir1 = 95; __LookSneakDir2 = 55; __LookSneakDir3 = 15; __LookSneakDir4 = 15; __LookChecks |=LOOK_CHECK_SNEAK_WEIGHT; __LookWeight = 1000;
3.1TEST test id= 811000269Modifying sneak: -72 (front)Front penalty is applied correctly. Ok
1.TEST Test id=1512659329observer's maximum fov range decreased to 44 (0% front penalty)Front penalty is applied and calculated correctly. Ok 1.Observer's maximum sight range is reduced, based on opponent's relative direction: 0%, 20%, 40% and 60% (for front, front-side, back-side and back respectively). For sneakers, the following algorithm decides the visibility: