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Do you want "No pvp" in NCR, Hub and VC?

Yes, we need to be 100% safe there!
No, and we need GMs to stop interfering with the actions of players involving PK in safe cities.
No, and we need additional guards to be removed.
No, and we need all guards to be removed.
No, just leave it as it is.

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Author Topic: Enable No Pvp mode in NCR, Hub and VC  (Read 2854 times)

Enable No Pvp mode in NCR, Hub and VC
« on: March 20, 2010, 02:38:37 pm »

Well, why to spawn dozens of additional guards, why to prevent raids from PLAYER-DRIVEN FACTIONS, why to ban people using "safety exploits" in so-called "guarded cities" when there is a possibility (as far as I know) to enable No Pvp mode in mentioned areas? Or there is no such a possibility?

We need wasteland to become a really safe and nice place to live in! We can't allow poor bluesuits to lose their 5 flints and 100 caps due to a PK raid or suicide-bombings or anything!


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Re: Enable No Pvp mode in NCR, Hub and VC
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2010, 02:43:38 pm »

Needed to choose more than one possibility to answer.

And I thought this sentence was just irony :

"We are like Hello Kitty Online, just cooler."
Re: Enable No Pvp mode in NCR, Hub and VC
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2010, 02:46:16 pm »

Nooooooooooooo, no No-PvP areas here. Get out of here and play something where you store items for all your life and don't bother about anything when die.


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Re: Enable No Pvp mode in NCR, Hub and VC
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2010, 02:48:36 pm »

I don't understand why they allow PvP in city but when one faction gets control of city (killed guards) they respawn/add more guards.  And all those whiners that cry cities aren't safe.
I vote no for GM interfering all the time in game.
"Sanity... is for the weak!"
Re: Enable No Pvp mode in NCR, Hub and VC
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2010, 02:52:56 pm »

I think its a good idea to have 1 noobie safe city. Maybe have it so NCR has combat disabled and is totally safe for noob or anyone, but doesnt have very good stuff (remove some traders etc). And instead make The Hub or somewhere a tough trade centre. Like NCR is now but when a HUGE player driven faction alliance strikes a town I dont think GMs should just be allowed to spam spawn uber guards - might as well make the city a "no-combat" zone.

Because all that is going to happen is the players are going to wait until there are no GMs around (early in the morning say) and go back and kill everyone then. The system needs to be well defined with "No PK, PK but very difficult (like NCR without GM help) and normal PK like everywhere else. :)


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Re: Enable No Pvp mode in NCR, Hub and VC
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2010, 02:58:02 pm »

Couldn't choose any option.

Pvp in safe towns is ok if it makes sensel. Suicide-murder is just gay.

Murder in safe town starts to make sense when:

- The murderer gains some ingame benefit for it
- Murderer gets away alive after the kill
- Is not done by exploit

Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: Enable No Pvp mode in NCR, Hub and VC
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2010, 03:15:06 pm »

Suicide-murder is just gay.

which is the only option right now, the guards are basically instakill and they just keep adding more and more guards

there are probably more guards in NCR than all other cities combined


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Re: Enable No Pvp mode in NCR, Hub and VC
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2010, 03:41:16 pm »

What about thieves? Is any of "please make no-PvP in citiez i got killd by sum n00bz lol xd" players not interested in killing a thief that just robbed their precioussss items? No combat means no possibility to kill a thief. So what next? No-thievery? And then? No-weapon-holding? No-shouting? No-running? No-shit-shoveling? Geez.

And I think there is more important work to do right now than creating "noobish towns" with some big voodoo magic to disable PvP. If you can't stand of losing virtual items in a computer game, then this is a problem unable to solve by devs.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2010, 03:49:23 pm by Wichura »
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Re: Enable No Pvp mode in NCR, Hub and VC
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2010, 03:53:02 pm »

open pvp should never change. it's very fallouty and I like how you can die pretty much anywhere... Loosing all your items on lvl 5  to a lvl 21 pk group every day is another thing but I belive open pvp should stay.
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Re: Enable No Pvp mode in NCR, Hub and VC
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2010, 08:38:00 pm »

Just leave it as it is.  Let the PVP idiots waste all their ammo into you by killing you in a guarded city, getting your shit and their shit looted, and getting put back into square one.  I took a moment to think the pvp thing over.  No PVP makes the game boring for some players.  Fully open pvp makes the game too negative towards new players.  PVP arenas, it can be a good idea, but not really worth it.  Restricted PvP or having negative effects with PVP, there's something that can be worked with.  So, here's my idea.

In my time of playing tons of MMO's, why not have a pvp-point system?  You kill people, you get pvp points, the more you have, the more likely a guard is to kill you on sight. 
Just kill a person?  Gonna wait 3 to 5 minutes before you can safely enter a guarded city, because the guards will shoot you. 
Kill 50 players in a day?  Name is gonna go red, Guards will not protect you at all, so another player can just run up and shoot at you and they won't get into trouble. 
Killed 100 people?  Goddamn you're a walking disaster, so you'll get a black name!  Guards will help players kill you then, unless they're red named or black named.
In a sense...  This can bring balance to the pvp-vs-pve aspects.  Keeps the open pvp, but, doesn't ruin it for all players.
Re: Enable No Pvp mode in NCR, Hub and VC
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2010, 12:30:46 am »

Just leave it as it is.  Let the PVP idiots waste all their ammo into you by killing you in a guarded city, getting your shit and their shit looted, and getting put back into square one.  I took a moment to think the pvp thing over.  No PVP makes the game boring for some players.  Fully open pvp makes the game too negative towards new players.  PVP arenas, it can be a good idea, but not really worth it.  Restricted PvP or having negative effects with PVP, there's something that can be worked with.  So, here's my idea.

In my time of playing tons of MMO's, why not have a pvp-point system?  You kill people, you get pvp points, the more you have, the more likely a guard is to kill you on sight. 
Just kill a person?  Gonna wait 3 to 5 minutes before you can safely enter a guarded city, because the guards will shoot you. 
Kill 50 players in a day?  Name is gonna go red, Guards will not protect you at all, so another player can just run up and shoot at you and they won't get into trouble. 
Killed 100 people?  Goddamn you're a walking disaster, so you'll get a black name!  Guards will help players kill you then, unless they're red named or black named.
In a sense...  This can bring balance to the pvp-vs-pve aspects.  Keeps the open pvp, but, doesn't ruin it for all players.

where do I nominate this to the "Worst post of the year" award
Re: Enable No Pvp mode in NCR, Hub and VC
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2010, 01:11:20 am »

How about 'Guard patrols' on the streets instead of them just standing around. If you can do something without a guard/citizen seeing/hearing you get away with it. Gunshots attract attention, melee and unarmed doesn't.

If a citizen sees you, they yell for help. If a guard sees you, they open fire.
Re: Enable No Pvp mode in NCR, Hub and VC
« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2010, 01:17:40 am »

Well, let's see your bright idea Froggeryz.  I'd love to see you come up with something instead of trying to degrade another degrade another person's thought out post.
Re: Enable No Pvp mode in NCR, Hub and VC
« Reply #13 on: March 21, 2010, 01:48:26 am »

How about 'Guard patrols' on the streets instead of them just standing around. If you can do something without a guard/citizen seeing/hearing you get away with it. Gunshots attract attention, melee and unarmed doesn't.

If a citizen sees you, they yell for help.

I like that idea very much. Would sure make the game more dynamic. But addressing suicide killers is just as important - believe mem I know what I am talking about,  I've done a lot of suicide killing myself.

I also am strongly against 65535 HP guards. That's just idiotic. Okay make them have 300 HP and good (not insane like on "Strange Man", just very good - APA-level, for instance) resists, but they should not be fucking invincible. Give them impossible-to-drop Vindicators and Gauss weapons, if you must, but stop this noinsense. I almost never go to NCR now because I am a villain of the game and I want blood spilled everywhere =)

If a guard sees you, they open fire.

I would like this to be replaced with "taking you in" - they yell at you to remove your weapon, surround you, put your stuff into City Hall locker then teleport you to the City Jail for some time. This would add more depths to the game (city hall robberies and jail breaks) - and death just is not enough of a penalty.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2010, 01:54:04 am by Raengar »
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Re: Enable No Pvp mode in NCR, Hub and VC
« Reply #14 on: March 22, 2010, 01:00:04 am »

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