Other > Closed suggestions
Search -> Reward
--- Quote from: Lexx on March 16, 2010, 04:04:36 pm ---Not with the FOnline engine in the actual state. Also keep in mind, the Arcanum worldmap was build in many small maps and then merged into one big. We can't do this kind of stuff already because of the limited graphic set. Except if you want to have whole west coast as one flat desert ground.
--- End quote ---
Um. Lexx, with all respect - What exactly is not possible for the engine in this suggestion? I did not suggest using one big map, rather my idea was to use those "exporable maps sius suggested to actually travel across wasteland - and also I had some tweaks to his original idea in mind... is it still not possible? or we just misunderstood each other somewhere? =)
It's the same problem. We are capable of creating maps with 60.000x60.000 hex. To compare, Klamath now is approx 400x400 hex. But it's already a pain in the arse just to work with Klamath. I've tested out maps in a size of 2000x2000 some days ago and it was an even bigger pain in the arse, due to performance and overal lack of overview. And really, 2000x2000 is not yet the size that one of the worldmap zones would have.
Additionaly to this comes the graphic problem I've talked about already. Let's take Arcanum... there you have specific mountain walls, that can be used over and over again from _all_ perspectives. In Fallout, there is just front and thanks to modders, the side view. Nothing more. Thanks to this, you would either have to make new walls that don't look repitative or just don't use any mountain walls, which brings me to the next point: The world is flat. Very flat. Not even the real desert is as flat. In smaller maps, like we got 'em now, this problem is more or less not existing, as you never see a really big part of the desert.
Another point is the encounter system. If every zone would be one map and you travel over the worldmap, while you get an encounter, the game doesn't know where you should spawn in the map. So it's either a totally random point or specific points which would be always the same then. Very hard to realize a good effect here.
Also you would most probably be faster with travelling manually from zone to zone than using "fast travel" via worldmap. Always depending on the zone map size and the obstacles in it.
Last but not least, the zones. We have approx 2419 zones. Okay, a lot of them are water zones, but still... Imagine just 1000 zones, this would mean 1000 maps (if you really want to go into detail). All these maps have to be huge, so they will need a lot space, so they will need a lot memory. Also it's very hard to build 1000 maps and _not_ make them look repitative. :>
So to say... the idea is heroic, but very unlikely to ever get done, if one would start such a thing.
I know, I am the destroyer of dreams.
I like the search > reward idea.
Seeing as the biggest contribution people want to make is to make maps, this'd be a great way to channel that.
So everybody produces some interesting maps - abandoned gas stations, diners, caves, pre war bunkers, schools, hospitals, department stores, bars - all of which are abandoned and ripe for scavenging. If we just got ten people to make five maps each, 50 maps would be enough to keep things feeling fresh for a quite a while.
They might be totally empty, overrun with rats, overrun with raiders, or just occupied by friendly squatters. Here would be the primary source of crafting materials, as well as various other items - useful or just junk to sell. The items would spawn randomly - either on floors, in containers, or on the bodies of the occupiers.
Is it possible to have a random item spawning system?
Mechanics wise, I'd suggest you use the same system as special encounters.
The items in the location would be proportional to the place in the worldmap. Klamath has the safest random "scavenging areas" but also the crappiest stuff. The Boneyard has great stuff, but is also very dangerous.
As I've noted in cons its not a one week task. Anyway I've thought about "map square linked together" idea too but it felt somehow strange so I sticked with search -> find instead. So what it does is pretty much same thing as we have now in encounters but its player triggered and a lot more complex. So encounters (current random encounters) are simply hardcoded maps with random events taking place on them right? So we have X encounter maps, that we can see while we are traveling over desert, Y for mountain areas, Z for coasts etc...
So taking it into whole new level means working with more hexes (pain in the ass BUT possible) and with random effect. I don't know how these effects work but I'm pretty sure that engine is already capable of everything that we need to get huge maps working. Getting map itself randomized is something that will require some heavy coding but most of all someone insane enough to try such thing. So that will leave us with hardcoded maps for now. And into such maps we will have to somehow manage to implement randomized events like:
- spawn points for resources
- NPCs and their behavior (so even in same map with same NPCs on same places they could act differently)
- items and additional scavenger loot
- maybe even some small events (slave running from his slaver begs for help: a) you help him he tells you his former master looked for some "treasure" here b) you stop him, slaver gives you some cash c) you ignore them d) you "undo" both of them, you are here for experiences for Christ sakes! and so one)
Also these maps should have different entrance points so people could get into same one without even knowing they are not alone. That could be done by random encounters so someone from world map enters already created map where he as the one who gets random encounter spawns at upper right corner with some NPCs attacking him, but at the other end of the map someone would be happily farming stuff. Or when you try to enter map by world/town you will have chance to get into the same location as people who are already in such map and on same world map square.
Anyway if this gets into the process and devs start to working on such feature there are 2 major drawbacks. Maps size with the need for not-boring-maps-worth-exploring is the mapping related drawback. The second thing is graphic content so the dessert will not look flat. Anyway I think there could be some nice maps done even with current game content. But it would require some deeper thoughts, plans and sketches to be done before some actual work starts.
But it would be nice to know how many encounter maps are there right now. How many for certain environments like desert, mountains, cities etc...
I just can say, that it's very unlikely to see something like this in 2238. But well, as soon as the server files are released, the way is open for other teams to try it. I would like to see how it works out in the end, but for sure, this will need a lot time and work. I don't know, maybe it would be better to do something else then directly from the beginning.
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