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Yeah, unfornortunately a lot of thngs would have to be random, in order for exploring not to become tedious.
Its not about disguising the delays to gathering its about making world matter and possible to explore. Now if you want to fight you go to northern cities, if you want to craft you go to southern or base, if you want to level up you travel until you get random encounter... wasteland is harsh but actually we don't have wasteland, only cities and encounters. Difference between cooldowns and this is that with cooldowns people always have to wait for something and they are not really playing. As someone at General Game Discussion said when you craft its like 30% being ingame and 70% watching youtube or playing solitare.
This would give wasteland a soul it lacks and for moaning that stuff is hard to find, well I think "search harder" sounds better to most players rather than "wait longer".
Performance is the other side of the coin and thats something where you devs have to decide if pros outweigh cons. I think I've read somewhere that FOnline engine is capable of creating maps many times larger than Fallout 2 ever could but being able and being usable are not the same :(. And for annoying running well these maps should have their own life that should prevent them from being boring. Also excitement of possible "treasure hunting" could drive people to search such locations upside down. Everything depends only on mappers fantasy and skills so we won't get bored searching for materials yet we will not get too spoiled. Also exit grid should be accessible on every single step in such locations. I mean something like world/town button when you are already at the map. Because you simply don't change your position really so why should be swapping running for traveling at world map limited only to exit grids? So if you are not in combat you should be able to switch world map for desert and vice versa anytime you want.
EDIT: In ideal world you would come with solution to make everything on map random starting with environment, surroundings and ending with spawned NPCs and resources (kinda Diablo style). While that what should get spawned would be decided by players location, so if its desert we could get some highway, if its near shore then some fishing boats and tribals, if its ruined city then we get... ruined city. Well ideal world must be really nice place to play MMORPGs.
But when I remember few years ago something like Fallout MMO was pretty much considered an ideal world kinda thing. When I remember few months ago something like new player/item skins were the same deal yet here we are today and we have both. I will just wait for you to surprise me again few months later ;).
Yes please.
If you remember the caravan car encounters which had resources in them, then try to recall what it was like to get mats from them: it was mildly exciting because there was a chance to meet someone.
Back in time when shopkeepers didn't have caps hardly ever, I used to travel to new reno to sell my stuff because the shopkeepers there were the only ones with caps. That was truly exciting. Watching out for playerkillers while trying to make fortune.
I really wasn't into this idea at first but then something crossed my mind - rmember how in Arcanum you were able to travel by ground instead of worldmap? Probably such thing, with several tweaks, is possible - and would also suffice "explorers" needs as well as make some rare resources available. It is big of a feature enough to deserve its own thread, but it is heavily based on OP's suggestion, so I will leave it here for now.
1) make a "randomly" generated bigger map available for each square of worldmap every time somebody enters the square (tents will probably just reset the map) and delete the map when no players remain on it. Let us call those maps "travelling" maps.
2) make "travelling" maps ~4x bigger than normal, more deviated - probably created from several "parts" (gas stations, river banks etc - lots of people love mapping and I bet you will get enough help from the community with it)
2) when someone leaves a town, tent, base or a "travelling" map, he can choose to use worldmap or continue "travelling" - this also could be set up in game options, like combat mode selection. If he chooses to "travel" - he just gets another "travelling" map
4) going through 1 such map will net him 1 square of worldmap passed (so the "travellling" map will need to have 8 different exits - to appear top left top mid, top right, mid left, mid right, and 3 bottom borders of a worldmap square if player chooses to stop "travelling" and go to worldmap.
Here are the additional up and downsides of replacing encounter maps with "travelling" maps
1) more diversity and fiun in caravan/partol/animal/slave hunting - beiiger maps and different groups of mobs on same map
2) resource gathering in between of current and Sius's system: rocks/minerals/plants are visible on the map so you kow where to go - just go to them hoping there will be no mobs/player traps in your way
3) gathering cooldowns can be removed that way, because you risk being found by mobs and other players every second you remain on map.
1) requires a lot of work to implement
2) bots are still possible in distant corners of the worldmap
3) makes loners/new players even more vulnerable to PKs (honestly i don't think it's bad, but, what the hell)
4) probably sucks
Please discuss.
--- Quote ---Probably such thing, with several tweaks, is possible
--- End quote ---
Not with the FOnline engine in the actual state. Also keep in mind, the Arcanum worldmap was build in many small maps and then merged into one big. We can't do this kind of stuff already because of the limited graphic set. Except if you want to have whole west coast as one flat desert ground.
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